

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Just a little rant here...I'm so sick of sickness!! Sick of it!! Our family is sick. It seems someone has been sick nearly non-stop since like October. This is not common for us. Ugh!!

So this is my plan. As of today, except for maybe a trip to the doctor, no one except Wesley is going to leave this house for anything until everyone is well. No extra curricular activities, no visits to friends, no trips to stores, no church activities. Nothing! We are going to get well. I'm going to also make sure that everyone is eating better and sleeping better. We are going to get well. We ARE going to get well!

OK, end rant.

(Maybe if I can find time, I will post some of the many posts I have planned.)


  1. I feel your pain! As hard as we've tried to keep contact to a minimum on Darcey's account, we ended up catching a bad cold (or something) from one of her doctors of all things!! I was VERY upset when I learned she came to work anyway without even calling to give us a chance to cancel, then didn't tell us til later she was sick. Ugh! Now we've passed it around between the 5 of us the past few weeks and it's getting old. I'll be more than glad when we are all better!
    Thankfully, I've been giving Dathan and Delancey some natural immune booster beforehand and then gave them elderberry syrup and homeopathics when it started so it seems like they had a milder case.
    Hope you all are better soon!! It's no fun having sick kiddos. :(

  2. I feel you too, we're all sick around here and it STINKS! Especially when the house is such a wreck from Christmas but I can't get up the energy to clean it. Oh well. This too shall pass. Spring is coming. :) Love you! I got your text. . . when everyone is well, let's SO get together. Take care, my friend.
