

Thursday, August 19, 2010


This afternoon I got ready to go to a meeting for homeschool moms which I had been in charge of organizing. However, I found out once I got there that I wasn't in charge at all. The meeting had been hijacked, and I was very surprised to learn it was also a surprise baby shower for me. It was a lot of fun. I am so blessed to have such good girlfriends!! Fortunately I had been tricked into bringing my two big girls who would not have wanted to miss it!! I didn't have my own camera, but other friends took pictures. I will try to post some when I get them.

I will add a few pictures that we took before leaving. I seized an opportunity to get a couple since me and the big girls were dressed up and matching!

Driving home tonight after hearing a few of the details of how the girls pulled it off, I thought of this verse:

A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Thanks so much, Friends!!! It was a great night!!!

Edited to add: Yes I love white. Yes I realize that I'm wearing white in almost every picture I post. I'm a pretty basic girl. I wear a lot of white in the spring and summer and black or brown in the fall and winter. I also wear a lot of denim, because it's easy to match. And, yes I like to match everyone up when possible. That's just how I roll. And that's how my guys and girls roll since I do most of the buying around here. Just had to say it in case someone was wondering. :)


  1. LOVE the pictures!! You look beautiful in white. I wish I had known it was a baby shower, I would have been at the Mom's Meeting in that case! :) Glad it was fun.

  2. I love white too, I just can't keep it clean. LOL You looked fabulous!! Of course, the girls did too. :)

  3. You look beautiful! And hardly pregnant... :)

    My, how the girls have grown up...

  4. We love you, and can't wait to meet Elizabeth!!
