

Friday, January 27, 2012


So I know that I've been MIA lately here in the blog world.  The Hubby has had/is having a few very busy weeks of work, which means me, the Wifey is also having a very difficult few weeks of work...on the home front that is.  BUT it's all about to lighten up.  1 week from today.  ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!  Wesley will no longer be working at this second job, the paper route.  AHHHHHH, we can't wait.

Lately, I feel a little bit like I've been whooped by a lawn chair.  Most of the time Sweet Baby E is the lawn chair.  Whew, that girl wears me out sometimes.

Do you understand now?  Good, now you understand why I've been MIA lately, but don't worry I'll be back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Even though we talk every day, I've missed hearing from you via blogger. Glad to be wrestling our lawn chairs through life together. Love you, friend.
