

Monday, July 18, 2011

Minor Kids Can Dance

The video below is hyterical!! If you have a weak bladder, you might want to, well you know... :)

Are you laughing as hard as I have been laughing!!

I have no idea why Grace and Mary Ruth are dressed that way OR where Mary Ruth (or any of them) got her moves!! Certainly not from this Mama!! Must be from her Dear Aunt Rachael - the Zumba instructor!!

Did you notice how Luke referred to himself as a "ballet-er". I then use the words "ballet person", because the alternative of calling him a ballerina would have been more than I could handle.

Now go watch it again! Notice how Bella Peace is attacking her brother at the end. Who knows what he did to desire it! Feisty girl!!

Disclaimer: I do realize that everyone probably should not have been running around so close to Elizabeth. Could have been a recipe for disaster. So for the grandparents who are chewing their nails wondering if this is the way we operate around here, the answer is not usually - just sometimes. :)

Be sure to check out the other new post below!

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