

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Copy Cat

Have I ever mentioned the fact that Mary Ruth has reflux? Well she does. Often she will wake up in the morning and be sick to her stomach (my nice way of saying vomit) for several hours. Then sometime around lunch she returns to her normal self. Well today was one of those days. My big brown eyed girl woke up miserable. My little blue eyed girl has a very stuffy nose. So, I've been cleaning up a lot of yuck if you know what I mean.

Remember when I was trying to come up for my word for 2011? The word that has found me so far this year is "sick". There's been a lot of that so far.

Somehow (the LORD!!) I have been in good spirits today in spite of it this crazy day. I've been grateful for the opportunity to love on and care for my little ones.

I don't feel like we are having the kind of school days we would like and my to do list is ever so long, but today....

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10

I've had that verse and another on my mind and heart today. The other one is...

Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 2:22-23

I sat down at the computer to have a snack and rest for a minute while the kiddos are having quiet time and dropped by the blog of one of my favorite girlfriends, and she had that verse on her blog for today as well!! So I literally copied and pasted it to my blog! Her blog post today is also my story except she managed to include some cute sad face pictures. No pictures from me. At least not right now. Maybe later I will get to posting Baby E's 4 month report and adding pictures. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Yours and Jamie's posts were both encouraging today! Made me feel less alone in my struggles. :) That being said though, I hope things will start looking up for all of us soon. But until then, I'm thankful for God's faithfulness. He's been so good to remind me of that the past few days!

