

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The New Me

Well the "new me" that now gets up early, got a new look today!! Kind of a post baby make-over.

Here's the old me:

(This picture was taken on Elizabeth's first Sunday to attend church.)

And now the new me:

So what do you think?

The glasses are a big change! Wesley loves them, but I'm still getting use to them. I've got 60 days to change my mind, no questions asked, and get a new pair.

I LOVE my hair, I just hope I can make it look as good on my own. You know, it never looks as good when you leave the salon, get home, and do it yourself. I've had it cut like this in the past and really like it, so maybe. Thanks, Hillery!! (Hillery at Dominion Salon 270-9291) Hillery is almost halfway through her first pregnancy and gets to find out what she is having very soon. I'm sure it's a girl, but guess we will all find out soon!

OK, so please tell me what you think! I really want to know!! Now the new me had better get to bed so that I can still be the new me tomorrow! :)


  1. Love the new hair! And the glasses! I'm sporting some purple plastic frames, similar to yours, these days. Love the glasses, nice to have the option to change though! I'm super impressed with the getting up before the kids, but it really does help get the day off to a great start!

  2. Love, love, love the whole look! Adore the haircut! A mini-flatiron will be your best friend! You're rockin' it, girl!

  3. You look great!!! Love the new look!
