This year, we plan to make the rounds! We started at home today, but we plan on getting around to visit a lot of family over the next week. Since we don't "do Santa", it was easy to make today the day we exchanged gifts as a family at home. For fun and to avoid the "is today the day" questions, we did not tell the kids that we were doing this until today! They were very happy to discover that Christmas was coming early! Another thing that made today extra special is that we had special guests join us. We have recently adopted and been adopted by a wonderful couple from our church who were never able to have children. They have become the Huntsville grandparents to our children. As God impressed upon our hearts to invite and include them in our family celebration, I cried. I feel so honored to be able to share our lives with this special couple. Later when I actually called "Mrs. M" to invite them, she cried. The plan was to go to church, have lunch, do gifts, and then do some other fun activities. "Mr. and Mrs. M" offered to take us all out to lunch and we gladly accepted. We all went to Ruby Tuesday's. It was so great! They got there before us and had a table ready and waiting on us. Then they were such a great help with the kiddos during lunch! We don't eat out very much and when we do, it doesn't usually go so smoothly. After lunch we came home and enjoyed a short devotion before beginning to open gifts. God has been doing so much in my life lately, and this led to another teary moment for me. We tried to keep gift giving simple and not over indulge the kids with too much stuff. Hopefully we succeeded. It was fun for us all. The kids really loved the gifts they did get. Later on this evening, we made hot chocolate, changed all the kids into PJ's, loaded up in the van, and went to the Galaxy of Lights at the Botanical Gardens (another gift from "Mr. and Mrs. M"). The kids especially loved it!!!! At bedtime, Grace said it was one of her favorite things about today. Such a fun day!
As we've been evaluating our traditions and making Christmas plans for this year, we have been asking ourselves how the Lord would have us celebrate Christmas. Even among Christians and in our churches, it is so easy to get side track and lose our focus as we celebrate Christmas. So we've asked ourselves, "How does God want us to celebrate? How are we suppose to worship Him during Christmas? How can we glorify Him at Christmas time?" Even in the midst of asking myself these questions, I've found myself guilty of stressing over the perfect gift. It's so easy to lose our focus especially because of the way our modern culture celebrates. Isn't that exactly what Satan wants? He wants us to spend so much time online looking for the best gift at the best price that we fail to have time alone with the Lord. (That would be me.) He wants us to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the busy stores and overlook the needs of people all around us. (Uh, me again.) I'm not pointing a finger here. I stand guilty myself. As Christians we do a lot of good at Christmas time. We make a special effort to point out that Jesus is the reason for the season. We are involved in a lot of programs in our churches. We decorate our homes with nativities. But, to me it feels like the "the world" now owns this holiday. Are we so side track that we are actually losing the season? We say Jesus is the reason for the season, but is that true? How did we ever come to the point of all this shopping, gift giving, decorating, etc., etc.? Do we actually glorify Him in all this? Oh, forgive me if I am stepping on any toes here. That is not my intention. Even as I type, God is revealing how distracted I've allowed myself to become. It isn't about the gifts, the tree, the perfect picture for the perfect card attached with a letter about how perfectly our life is going. These are all temporal things.
The main thing God has reminded me of as I've pondered these questions is that we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth. There is so much that is untrue in our practices and traditions. For example, I would be quick to tell you the Christmas story if you asked me about what Christmas was all about. But the truth is that in my heart at times, all the other stuff (gifts, tree, decorating, even the food!) is my focus. Also I know that probably everyone reading this already knows this, but I was so shocked to learn just a few short years ago that the wise men did not take gifts to Baby Jesus in the stable. Jesus was probably 2 or 3 years old by the time the wise men showed up. Scripture says they visited the young child in His house. I could hardly believe that when I learn it! Really it's only been about 4-6 years ago since I learned that, even though I have been a Christian for years. It's easy to see how I went so long not knowing that. Almost every Christmas story or nativity depicts it that way. Why do we tolerate this untruth? I've heard it said, well it's just convenient to share it all together, it's a short cut, there's really no harm. I disagree with the no harm bit. You see if we accept little untruths here and there (and this is just my opinion), I think it opens the door for more little untruths and weakens our relationship with Him. Remember he said, "in spirit and in truth." It's also been just a short while ago since I learned that Jesus was not actually born on December 25. That day is not even close to the actual time He was really born. From what I've learned, it appears He was more likely born in much warmer months, I think it was possibly August. I did not refer to my notes on that one, so I may be off. I know you are probably wondering where I'm going with all this, no where really. Just sharing my thoughts. I've just found this so interesting this year.
I shared a couple little changes, but overall our practices this year haven't really changed much from previous years. We are still just trying hard to seek Him first, to focus on Him, and to focus on others. I admit that often times the past few weeks what I have actually sought was the best deal online, and my focus has been what I'm getting my children for Christmas which I don't think quite fits the focus on others part. I am grateful that God is helping me to see some of these things that I think I have previously not given much thought to. We've been blessed by the little strides and changes we've made. As I type this I just realized that the change in opening up gifts in our home on Christmas morning led to us having the privilege of spending today with "Mr. and Mrs. M". Had we held on tight to "our" old way, we would have missed this blessing and others that I believe are in store for us this week as we spend time with loved ones! Thank you, Lord! I pray that throughout this week, you might use us to be a blessing to others and that we might glorify You, Father!
One last change I'll share with you about this year is that we will not be sending out our traditionally Christmas card/picture and letter. That's part of the little surprise I've mentioned in previous posts. Wesley and I have committed to wrap up (pun intended) that surprise here on our blog tomorrow. But I will go ahead and let you in on part of the secret. We have each been reflecting on this past year and plan to share individual letters on this blog. There's a special reason we are doing it here and not mailing it out. Lord willing, all the details will be posted here by tomorrow evening! My letter will be more about what God has been doing in my life this past year, the true story.
I may have been a little all over the place in this post, but my point is that God has been gently reminding and teaching us some "truths" this Christmas. It's my prayer that you will be encouraged to seek out new truths he wants to reveal to you as well. I pray that as you do so, you will be blessed and that you will be a blessing to others.
Finally as I close, let me introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Mathis, affectionately referred to as "Mr. and Mrs. M".
And here are a few other pictures from the day. While Christmas should not be only about gifts, I do believe it's OK to give gifts within reason. After all, our Heavenly Father gives good gifts to His children. Hope you enjoy the smiles below!
All the kids got new toothbrushes. These toothbrushes light up for 1 minute to show you how long you are suppose to brush. They were a big hit and cost less than $1 each!!!
Here's Luke with all his favorites!
Mary Ruth and I got new socks that we both loved!!!
Mary Ruth and her new girl doll. It isn't an "American Girl Doll", but she doesn't know the difference. She and Grace had been wanting a girl doll, not a baby doll. I was able to get them each one that matched their eye color, hair color, and hair style.
Grace and her new girl doll. They loved these so much!
All the kiddos are crowded around to see their Daddy open the new watch they bought him with their own money! They were so proud!!
The next two are of Bella Peace getting her favorite gift, a real big girl Bible. She wants to be just like her big sisters!!
Here's a group shot taken with a tripod. Some of us are starting to look a little bit tired in this one!!
We had a full, fun filled good day and made some great memories!
What a wonderful way to celebrate with Mr. and Mrs. M! I love how your family is striving to do things more Christ centered way each year. I am very excited about the blog posts tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteand I forgot to ask where you got thier toothbrushes... I was planning on getting some for my kids, and these sound great!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome post! I've been wondering about some of the traditions we have, & you've given me food for thought. I'm rushing over to read the next one now...