Family Picture at Matt and Heather's house on Christmas Eve.
I was feeling pretty rough and didn't take many pictures at Matt and Heather's. At least this one has Heather, Oak, and Glory in it.
This one is of the kids opening a gift from Grandmother (my Mom) Christmas morning at her house.
The gift was a big hit. We went camping for the first time this past year and loved it!! However none of us had sleeping bags, so we had to pack a lot of stuff. The kids will be all set for our next trip. Of course, Bella Peace is a little small for one now, but she doesn't think so! And since she will really be ready for one before we know it, Mom went ahead and got her one to match.
Speaking of Bella Peace thinking she's so big, here she is examining a toy camera that Grandmother got her. She's probably thinking, "are you kidding me, what do they mean giving me a toy one when the bigger kids have real ones."
Now the kiddos are getting to do the giving rather than the receiving. The bigger kids contributed the money they had earned and saved to get gifts for others. Here they are giving Grandmother a pair of cute slippers. She recently got new tile and laminate flooring, and it's cold! Maybe these will help!
Luke has started making really silly faces in all his pictures. Check out his smile in this shot.
Further proof that Bella Peace is literally into everything!
Here's a few cute ones taken at my Uncle Chester and Aunt Sherry's house where we spent a good portion of the day celebrating.
After visiting at my aunt and uncle's house, we made it over to my Daddy's house to celebrate some more. My Daddy's was the final stop of the day. We enjoyed visiting with him very much, however our stay was short because we were starting to get a little bit tired.
I love these last two pictures!! Even after a long day, they posed and smiled for mommy just a couple more times. :-) They ended the day the same way they began it in these cute Christmas plaid pajamas. I LOVE the girl's gowns and Luke's pajamas!! We've totally been getting our money out of these, wearing them all the time!!! You might remember a picture a while back of Grace and Mary Ruth wearing their gowns. All three gowns came from different consignment or thrift stores. I paid $3 each for Grace and Mary Ruth's gown, and $2 for Bella Peace's. Unfortunately, Luke's cost a whopping $10. That was more than all three of there's combined. I guess that $18 for to match 4 children isn't too bad.
Sorry I'm getting a little side track with these captions, our 4 precious children standing still for a great picture in cute matching clothes that I got great deals on, oh I just couldn't resist. These are almost good enough to make me forget how crazy things ended up this Christmas.
I started off by saying I didn't think I would be forgetting about this Christmas anytime soon. Of course I was referring to the less glamorous details like the fact that Wesley and I both got sick. But as I look at these pictures, I'm already forgetting what went wrong. I guess that's one of the reasons I love to blog through this journey we are on. It helps me keep things into perspective a bit.
He has blessed me abundantly more than I could have ever imagined!!
I pray that you also, "may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." Ephesians 3:18-21
What a gorgeous family you have! And I love the matching pajamas!! :)