March was busy but very fun! Kid's consignment sales, doctor appointments, field trips, hair cuts, missing teeth, trips out of town, parties, whew!!! Never a dull moment in for the Minor family!! Forgive me if I've already mentioned some of these events, I'm just documenting some of the big things on our calendar this month. But hey at least this time, I'm adding pictures for almost everything!
We did a lot of things with our homeschool group this month, a lot more than usual. I might should have title this post "Field Trips", because it seemed we were up to something all the time!
Our first trip was a trip for 1st graders only. Huntsville Hospital and UAH put on a mock hospital for 1st graders called "Let's Pretend Hospital." It was so much fun!! They had set up almost everything you would find in a real hospital. Here's a picture of most of the 1st graders in our homeschool group.
The sun was out and shining bright that day, and it seemed much warmer than it actually was. Luke didn't wear any type jacket. He's pretty cold matured like his mommy and ended up wearing my sweater much of the morning.
This is a mock patient room.
Here the kids are learning what to expect if they ever make a trip to the ER.
Here's the operating room.
Here they are demonstrating that fact that the x-ray machine doesn't hurt. They did not however mention that adjusting your body part on that table might hurt a lot!
Do you remember when I wrote about Luke and his Daddy attending an Outdoor Expo at our church? Well that was the same night as this the "Let's Pretend Hospital." Here's some pictures from that night.
The Minor Boys
The Guest Speaker
YUCK! I have no idea what this is!
As I post this last one, I have to remember that this is suppose to be a family blog. But, I sure don't like looking at snakes, dead, alive, or in pictures!
Let's move on now, shall we?!
The next week we went on a field trip to Domino's. Here are pictures of the kids making their own pizza!
In these pictures, they are putting the cheese on. After the cheese they could chose any other toppings they wanted.
Now they are ready to put them into the oven.
Here they are hanging out with friends and waiting on their pizzas to come out of the oven. Yummy!!!
Later that week, here's me with my big girls, Grace and Mary Ruth, all matched in our black and white and ready to head out for our Mother and Daughter Retreat weekend.
Things did not go exactly as planned. The plan was to spend the weekend at our friend's lakehouse, just enjoying time fellowshipping, making crafts, cooking, and learning the Word. It was suppose to be me and my big girls, Rachael and her girls, my Mom, Nana Mathis, and my friend Katy and her mom, Mrs. Pat. Mrs. Pat, who has raised two amazing daughters (Katy and her sister Abby), had worked hard to prepared some Bible lessons for us for this special "Mother/Daughter Retreat" weekend. However a few days before we left, Mrs. Pat and Katy had to cancel due to the unexpected death of a very close friend. My Mom also had to cancel due to some things going on in her extended family. We were sorry they could not go, but decided to go ahead anyway and make the best of it. Well it seemed that one thing after another happened, but we finally did make it to the lakehouse on Saturday afternoon. We had an awesome time cooking and making crafts for a few hours and were having a bedtime devotion when IT happened!! Rachael and Alora both became very sick with a stomach bug!! Needless to say, we cut the trip short and headed home as early as we could on Sunday. Even though it seem a lot went wrong, we still had some good times and made some memories!
When we arrived home Sunday afternoon, Wesley left almost immediately for a work trip. This was just the beginning of the dreaded "Spring Break Week"!! He didn't get far before having to return home because of car trouble. He ended up staying at home Sunday night, getting the car fixed early Monday morning, and getting right back on the road.
Meanwhile, you might remember from another post what happened here on the home front. Yep, you guess it, stomach bug!! We seemed to battle it off and on all week with one person getting better then the next person coming down with it. It seemed everytime I was sure we were all over it, it struck again.
Thursday, sure that it was all over, we headed to Tuscaloosa for a funeral and to bring "Grandmother" (my Mom) back home with us. It was under unfortunate circumstances, but it was still nice to see and visit with family. So we drove down there, attended the funeral, got my Mom, and started back WHEN guess what happened AGAIN!! Poor Bella Peace. Having the stomach bug is bad. Having it attack you while you are traveling in a moving vehicle is very, very bad. Being strapped into a 5 point harness while being sick is very, very, very bad. Needless to say, it was a long trip home. Made longer by a detour off the interstate because of some massive sink hole!
We finally arrive home late Thursday night just about an hour and a half before Wesley arrived home from his trip. It was so awesome having my Mom here. She wasn't able to stay long, but I was so glad to have her here.
We had another field trip planned for the very next day. Yes, if you've been counting, this is our 3rd field trip in 3 weeks!! No rest for the weary!! Wesley stayed home with Bella Peace since she had been sick the night before, and me, Mom, and the big kids went. Bella Peace seemed fine by this point, but we wanted to be safe. We were most concerned with passing it to someone else. So, this trip was to a local family owned dairy farm. It was great, and it was very educational!! The only problem was with the smell. OH-MY-GOODNESS, it smelled SO BAD!! This was especially not good for my Mom who has a very sensitive sense of smell already. Other than the smell, it was a great field trip with absolutely perfect weather!!! I knew we were going to a big time dairy farm, but I had imagined that the cows were milked by hand. Funny, huh?! No, we learned all about how they milk around 170 head of cattle each day. They are very ethical in their practices. The cows are allowed to graze on the land and are treated properly, not kept in stalls and fed bad things every day. They sell their milk to Dairy Fresh in Decatur where it is properly pasteurized, and then we get to buy it from the stores. So cool!
Here we are, on the farm! Grace has said many times that she would like to marry a farmer and live on a farm, because she loves animals. However, it only took one whiff of the smell to have her reconsidering!
The new calves are weaned from their mother's early, and they learn to drink milk from a bucket. All the kiddos, got a chance to help feed the baby calves. So sweet!!
Look at how perfect the heart is on this baby cow's face! Precious! Almost made me forget the smell! :)
It looks like these baby cows are kissing, but they are actually licking and sucking the milk off each other's faces. Does it get any sweeter and cuter than this!!
OK, well I'm not finished. I've still have some more dairy farm pictures and a few other fun adventures to post about. But, I'm going to stop here for today and finish hopefully tomorrow. So....
to be continued....
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