

Thursday, March 11, 2010

13 weeks

I'm 13 weeks today! I had an ultrasound earlier today. Everything still looks great!! Baby measured 13 weeks, 1 day and is around 7 cm from crown to rump. Heartrate was 152 bpm. It's so cool to be able to see growth and changes from week to week. I just hope my insurance covers all these weekly ultrasounds. In fact if it comes to mind, please pray for that for me.

My ultrasound technician has been making me DVDs of the ultrasound each time which are always fun to watch. Today Baby was extremely active, so I was excited about Wesley and the kids getting to watch it. But, apparently I lost it between leaving the room and getting to my car. I didn't have it when I went to get out of the car. I've called the office, but they said it hasn't turned up yet. :( I'm hoping it still will turn up. I'm not trying to be negative, but I cannot help thinking what if that was the last ultrasound of a healthy baby and now I don't have a copy. :( I'm trying to take my thoughts captive, and trust that God has a good and perfect plan!

Thanks for your prayers and for checking in on us!


  1. Will be keeping you in prayers, especially over these next few weeks. Do you have any printed pictures? I bet it is so wonderful to see your baby each week!

  2. I'm praying for you, girl. Love you!
