Truly there's no place like home. I'm so glad that our family is all together again at home, but the adrenaline is gone. I guess that's what I've been running on for the past several days. I'm tired in a way I can't describe. Wesley has been a sleep pretty much since the moment we came walked in the door. I have to wake him every hour and make him walk around the house for a few minutes to avoid the risk of a blood clot forming. He's none to happy with me for this. He never believes me when I say it's been an hour. He says his pain level is around an 8 or 9 on a 1-10 scale. It's pretty pitiful. I wasn't really expecting things to be this bad, even though we were told that he would have a lot of pain in the general entry site which includes his leg, hip, groin area (sorry it that's TMI). Please join us in praying that he continues to feel better. On a positive note, he seems to be complete over any nausea or blood pressure problems.
Here's the kiddos, all gathered around Daddy watching a movie. They were so happy to see him!!!
I got this immediately when we got home. I think this is one of the few times all afternoon that Wesley actually had his eyes open. :)

In this last one Bella Peace was being very closely supervised so that she didn't hurt her Daddy. It was so hard for her to understand why she couldn't just climb on top of him.

OK, now I think I'm going to take in a little "shut eye" myself! Good Night!!
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