How crazy big does that belly of mine look?!!
Today's appt was very good. I had a non-stress test and an ultrasound. Baby Elizabeth looks GREAT!! The non-stress test measures her movements and heartbeat over a greater period of time. All was perfect. The ultrasound indicates good growth in the past week, and my fluid was great. The ultrasound indicates that Elizabeth probably weighs a little more than 6 lbs. Of course, I know from experience that can be inaccurate. So, as for now we just keep waiting on her to make her appearance.
Last night I suffered from extremely bad pain in/around my ribs on my left side. Doc says it's probably just from Elizabeth stretching out her legs. He wasn't at all concerned. She is head down, feet up, just the way we want her to be!!
Maybe I will get around to updating about something else soon. I'm nesting and that leaves little time for much else right now!
Your belly is so beautiful! It does look big, but you look small. You truly look "all baby" :) I hope you've got room to grow! Those rib kicks are a blessing.. in a few weeks you will miss her sweet movements on the inside! :)