Today was spent doing school, household chores, playing, and car (again I mean big vehicle) shopping via computer once again. Actually, I car shopped via computer a whole lot yesterday and last night. Today I made contact by phone with a dealer who has something that appears to be what we are looking for. I think I've gone into great detail about what a challenging experience car shopping has been. It kind of took the back burner a little (but not really) this week because of the developments with work and beginning school, but it's never been far from our minds and we've still worked on it as we could. Actually we thought we had something Monday before everything happened at work, but it also didn't pan out. Anyway, I really think this is the one!!! Because of Wesley's middle of the night work schedule, he's available in the day tomorrow to go check it out. I feel really good about this one. Maybe it's the one!!! Hopefully tomorrow I will post a 34 week picture of me and my new wheels!!!
So that's the work and car update. Now for some fun. The picture below is of Bella Peace doing her school. At least that's what she says. She calls it her math, and begs to do her "counting bears"!!
I bought these for I think $8 from Amazon this summer when I was ordering homeschool stuff for the big kids. I thought it would be a good activity to entertain her while we did school. I was right. She will sit and play with them for quite a while. There's so much you can do with them. Learn colors, matching, sorting, counting, etc. There are 50 bears in all in 5 different colors (10 bears per color). There's also 5 cups in matching colors for sorting. Bella Peace loves sorting the bears into their appropriate cups. I think it's a neat and fun activity! I will admit they have given us an opportunity for character training as well. When she gets done playing with them, she typically starts to drop them from her high chair to the ground. She's been none to happy to have to get down and pick them up off the floor thus providing us with an opportunity to deal with many character qualities. Hey, these are practically an entire curriculum!! :) (They do come with a warning about not being suitable for children under 3 because of the size of the bears, but I'm always sitting beside her when she plays with them and she good to not put them in her mouth.)
I titled this post "counting bears and cars" because it feels like we've checked on as many cars has Bella Peace has bears, maybe more!! We also been doing the "math", checking cost, sorting good and bad, comparing mileage and other details, etc. And let's not forget the character lessons we've had! Only "counting cars" hasn't been nearly as fun as "counting bears". :)
On a final note, I want to brag a little on my Mary Ruth. Today our preschool homeschool group had a playgroup. It was the first event of the new school year. With all that's already going on this week, I knew we could all make it today. It's going to be impossible this year to do all the activities available to us. However, I did ask a friend if she would mind picking up Mary Ruth on the way so that she could go. Mary Ruth was so excited to be getting to do something special, just her!! She was also so wore out when she returned home! I'm so glad she got to go. Thank you so much Heather for taking her!! She got a good report from Heather which pleased me, and then another precious friend emailed me to share what a sweet girl she was while at the playgroup. Thank you too, Melody!! Of course nothing makes a Mommy happier than good reports on her children. And it earned Mary Ruth the "special red plate" for dinner! Too bad I didn't get a picture.
Well that's all for tonight folks! Check back tomorrow to see if I've got wheels. I'll update if I'm not too busy burning up the highway!
Hang in there Wes! I just can't imagine that athletic program without've been there longer than any of the football coaches! I always felt confident that Brandon was being taken care of as long as you were on the field with him ( : I just ran across this blog tonight by accident and cannot believe they are doing this. Good luck where ever this may take you. And congrats on the new upcoming addition!!