

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

35 Weeks and Updates

Well tomorrow I'm 35 weeks!! I was suppose to go to the doctor tomorrow, but things changed (long story but all is well), and I went today. I had an ultrasound and Elizabeth looks great! They estimate her at about 5 1/2 pounds. She has dropped and is head down getting into position. My doctor said she is really far down. I knew I could feel a change. She has previously been under my ribs, and she's not anymore. My fluid levels where within a healthy range, however they were on the low end. Her heartbeat averaged in the 150s. I've actually lost another pound, but as long as she's growing I'm told that's OK. It's probably just all this healthy eating that I'm doing on the diabetic diet. As of today, I'm scheduled for an appointment every Wednesday until she comes. We will do all the regular stuff they do at appointments, plus I will spend time on monitors so that me can make sure she is moving well and her heartbeat stays at an acceptable rate. After monitoring each week for about 30 minutes or so, I will have an ultrasound to chart her growth and my fluid levels. So long as everything looks good, I will just keep going until she comes. If anything causes concern we will induce and deliver. I still have that feeling that she is coming early!!!

I plan to take a 35 week picture tomorrow, but it will be a few days before I'm back on the computer. The kiddos and I are going to visit some family for a couple days. Wesley will be working and at home while we are gone. A few people have called or emailed asking for the latest in his work situation. I've not updated, because there's not much I can say right now. Things are still up in the air. Negotiations are taking place. He isn't sure right now what's going to happen. He hopes to know something by this Friday.

It's been a busy week. I've got several things I want to blog about, but once again no time. I'm still couponing and LOVING it!! I've gotten so many good deals. We ended our July budget recently, and we came in right at budget on groceries/household stuff. BUT, our budget was set some lower than normal, my new diet actually cost us more, we had out of town company visit us for the 4th of July, I didn't start couponing until mid-July, and I have stock piles of stuff!!! So I feel like month 1 was a huge success!!

That's it for tonight. I'll post more when I return and will add some pictures next time too!

1 comment:

  1. I saw the following post on postpartum care & thought it might be useful to you: http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2010/08/homemade-natural-postpartum-care-kit.html
