

Thursday, August 5, 2010

34 Week Doctor's Appt

Well there will be no 34 week picture of me with my new wheels, at least not today anyway. There are no new wheels, and I'm not feeling the picture today.

First let me say that I had a doctor's appointment today with my OB. Baby is measuring great. Great movement. Great blood pressure. Sugar levels are considered "diet controlled". The only negative is that with this diet I've lost a couple pounds and haven't gained it back. The total weight gain for this entire pregnancy is still only 11 pounds. Now personally I don't have a problem with that, and my doctor says it's probably OK. However, one thing we will be watching very closely from here on out is how the baby is growing and gaining. Toward the end of my pregnancy with Bella Peace, my amniotic fluid became low and it appear as though the placenta may not have functioning properly and may have failed to provide Bella Peace with the nutrients she needed. She was a healthy weight, but our smallest baby. So, we just want to make sure that this baby continues to grow healthy and gain weight as she should. If it looks like there's any trouble, we won't take any chances. We will deliver early. I've got 6 weeks to go as of today. I would appreciate all 6 of them, however more importantly we just want a healthy baby. I may have said this before. I don't know if it's fear or intuition, but I have a feeling she's coming early. None of my other babies have been born early, so it's probably nothing. But, September 3 stands out in my mind as a possible birthday. We shall see!

As for the wheels, it's a very long story and I will try to post it tonight. I'm emotionally drained right now!

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