Maybe I was really anticipating Monday so much, because Wesley had the day off. The kiddos stayed with Nana and Papa, and Wesley and I went had some very much needed time alone together. We went Christmas shopping. We literally closed down the stores. It was AWESOME! Thank you, Nana and Papa!!
I had totally been looking forward to Monday, but I was also giddy about my plans for today!! Today my Oh So Talented Friend, Katy came to my house to help me with some re-organization projects. I hope to show some before and after pictures when this project is all done, but that might be a little while yet. If you are local, check out Katy's design blog. It was so great to have her help today, but the best part was just chatting and catching up. There's already so much improvement!! I can actually see the top of my desk again!! Now don't jealous, Katy would be very happy to help you out too!! If you need her contact info or more details, feel free to leave a comment her or on her blog.
In other news we are still LOVING our Jesse Tree Advent devotional. It's so good. Several days ago one of the devotions taught us that "Jehovah Jireh" is the name of God that means, "The Lord provides." We've made a habit since learning this to look for ways the Lord provides, both big and small. You know, when you are looking for it you can see His hand of provision all over. Sunday night Grace and I shared an awesome moment. The kiddos wore white shirts with bow ties and cumberbuns for their choir performance. There were many different colors and the colors where just assigned. No picking your favorite color. Grace totally understood this, but she was desperately hoping she would get her favorite color. When it was her turn to get hers, her teacher Mrs. R said, "Grace we've got 2 colors left, green or yellow." From the corner of my eye, I caught her light up and smile when she said, "Green, please." Then I turned and winked at her and whispered, "Jehovah Jireh." She repeated it back. Magically!!
Yesterday when we shopping we happened upon several other "Jehovah Jireh" moments.
Tonight when I got home there was another gift sitting at our front door. Do you remember a couple of months ago we had a gift left at our door. I mean, seriously, I have some AMAZING FRIENDS! How cute is this?!! This bag is so crafty! I immediately started running through my list of crafty friends, hummmm....who could it be?! I wonder if I had been home if this friend would have just knocked on the door?
Oh, I can't wait to watch it! And I love you too, Whoever you are!!
I haven't scratched the surface it comes to telling you about the friends God has given me. We might go days or weeks without talking and sometimes there's months in between our get togethers, but we always pick up right where we left off.
There was seriously a time in my life when one of my deepest longings was for a true friend, and now I have many...Jehovah Jireh, indeed!!
I love this post! You are a wonderful person. No wonder you have so many friends! You are loved!