

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Surprises are so fun!!! (most of the time)

Well today we had another delivery at the door!! We are loving these!! SO FUN!! I have to say, I underestimated my children. Yesterday they picked up on the fact that there had been a "first day of Christmas" and a "second day day of Christmas". So they got the idea that maybe there would be twelve days of Christmas. Maybe this would go on for 12 DAYS!!!! OH they were excited. Several times today they brought it up asking me, "Mommy do you think that there will be another gift today." So then it happened. We were getting ready to have a late dinner. I was setting the table. The kids are just kind of running around. Then Luke says, "I think I heard a car drive up." I had no idea that he was going to run over and open the door. I came around the corner just in time to see him jump back from the door and push it back closed. He looked scared to death!!! For a moment everyone just held their breath. Luke's eyes were as big as two moons. It seemed like an eternity passed before anyone said anything. Then the room erupted with squeals, laughter, and questions. "What Luke? Is there something at the door." Still looking shocked out of his mind he says, "Mommy it was a man!!" Ha ha ha!! I really hate that Luke went over and snatched the door open. I wonder what this "man" thought? Did it scare him as much as it scared Luke?

The kiddos had kind of been on the look out for our special friend. They had gone over to the window and looked out a couple of times. I told them to stay away from the window, because I honestly did not want them to take away from the fun by solving the mystery. I honestly did not see the whole deer in the headlight front door encounter coming. Later I realized that Luke had been watching the clock like a hawk. That boy made note of the fact that the doorbell rang around 6:30ish last night. Speaking of the doorbell ringing, I don't think it did tonight. Guess our friend never had the chance. Anyway, Luke was really on the look out tonight. Also he's such a boy. I don't know how he heard a car drive up in all the chaos and noise that occurs in our home, but he did. He's the man around the house for a big part of almost each day, guess he makes a point to observe these kind of things. I'm not saying whether or not Luke recognized "the man". But regardless of whether he did or not I told him not to spoil the surprise for us or for the special friends behind these fun surprises!! So the questions continued as we enjoyed our meal. Luke was it Daddy? Luke did you see the man? Luke are you sure it was a man? Luke what did he look like?

I can't quit thinking about the surprise for "the man" on the other side of the door. I mean, clearly it scared the living day lights out of Luke. Was it the same for him? Also I sure hope our special friend did not drive away too disappointed in the fact that he had a front door scare. It has not at all taken away from the fun of these surprise!! Like I said, I underestimated my kiddos!!

Tonight's surprise, a coloring book, crayons, and fun erasers. The kiddos dove in immediately after dinner. And, Bella Peace played with the erasers all night.

I had a couple of other surprises today. One was so incredibly thoughtful, precious, and sentimental that I need to recognize some special friends before posting about it. Another surprise was a packaged delivered by USPS. We haven't opened it yet, although the kiddos are going wild to do so. It's a Christmas present. I have to admit, I'm pretty anxious to open it myself.

We also had the other kind of surprise. It was the car demands immediate repairs 10 days before Christmas kind of surprise. Ugh!! I have some thoughts about that kind of surprise too. I hope to find time to get my thoughts in writing soon. You know lately I've had a hard time writing about the heavier things in life. I have so many thought swirling though my head and have so much to say, but finding the time to really organize my thought on the deep stuff just seems nearly impossible. So hopefully soon.

Also my emotions have been all over the place!! If you are male, stop reading now b/c I'm about to share TMI (too much info).....

So another not so nice surprise was the realization that my moodiness (remember I said I was cranky yesterday), irritability, emotional state, and headache were in fact classic symptoms of PMS. Really I should have recognized it a day or two ago. Tonight I thought, well if I were pregnant I would not have to deal with all this PMS. I immediately (almost) laughed at myself, because it occurred to me how totally ridiculous that thought was. Yeah, if I were pregnant I would not have PMS, but I would likely have severe sickness and fatigue that totally grounds me. AND I would be still have all the other symptoms that occur when your hormones get all out of whack. Crazy, huh?

Tonight I was missing being pregnant, considering the future, and I was especially missing Jude.

So THANKFUL for the good surprises that helped right my emotions tonight!! I've had some crazy unexplainable lonely feeling lately. Have you ever felt that way? BUT lately God has shown me over and over how blessed I am with AMAZING friends. I mean really exceeding, abundantly more than I could ever think or imagine!!

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