

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Top 10 Must Reads

Some of you may have missed me lately, well that is if anyone at all still checks my blog. Yeah, I've been MIA lately. Since losing Jude I have been less in a writing mood and more in a reading mood. So, I decided to share a few of my new "Must Reads". It might not be ten items. I just thought that the title sounded good. :)

First let me say that I don't read much. I'm sorry to say that reading is not my number 1 most favorite thing to do, but I do enjoy it. I especially enjoy it when I get my hands on something that reaches deep inside and touches my heart. I also enjoy reading things that just total open my eyes and convicts me. I'm actually thankful that the Lord convicts me. It's a good reminder of His presence in my life. Of course I like to read things that make me laugh, I mean who doesn't like that? Reading things that encourage me are quite nice. As are things that I can relate to. To me the best book is one that changes me. Totally and completely changes me. You know what I mean? Maybe I do like reading more than I think I do. I just don't get the time to read all that often. In fact, recently I commented to Wesley on how sad it was that I've only completely like 3 books this year. My awesome Hubby responded so perfectly. The conversation went a little like this....Hubby, "Well now that's not true." Me, "Yeah, I've read..." and I started naming the three I could think of. Hubby interrupts me, "And you've read Goodnight Moon and Mommy Loves Her Bunny and Little One and..." Yeah if you are counting children's books, I've probably read hundreds of those kind of books. Awwww, that makes me SMILE.

I confess that I am not in my Bible each and ever day. Ugh!! Really nothing changes me or any of us for that matter like the Word. I sometimes start feeling guilty about this, but I know that guilt does not come from the Lord. Also while I may not actually be reading from my Bible each day, scripture is part of all of my days. I have scripture on my walls, written on index cards, taped above my kitchen sink. And I read children's Bible story books nearly daily. I'm also quoting scripture to the kiddos throughout the day as I correct and discipline them. I enjoy Christian music which is often taken straight from the pages of the Bible. I'm thankful that the Word comes to me in so many ways.

It's amazing to me how sometimes something written so simply, written to a child, can so touch me. Such is the case with this read...

The Jesus Storybook Bible

We've got several Bible storybooks, and we appreciate every one for different reasons, but folks this one is good! Given to us by my Bestie, this one had been sitting on our shelf for a while. We read through most of it quite a while back, and then recently I was reminded of it and we pulled it off the shelf again. It currently has a place on the end table by our couch, and we are enjoying it oh so much. I considered pulling a few of my favorite passages from it to let you see how good it is, but there were way too many to great ones to chose just one.

Another Must Read is this awesome devotional...

Jesus Calling

I'm constantly amazed at how the daily entries seem to be written just to me. To the circumstances I'm facing at that particular time.

Now you know a book is really, really good when I somehow find time to read and re-read it again. You've probably heard of it. Hopefully you've read it. It's definitely written to appeal more to us girls, but I've found Wesley skimming through it a time of two. One Thousand Gifts, yeah this is one of those that has forever changed me.

I liked One Thousand Gifts so much, that I decided to check out the author's blog. That's when Ann and I became good friends. Ann's the author of the book. She doesn't know we are friends, but I regularly refer to her by fist name. Me: "Well Ann said..." Ann's blog is another Must Read. So go ahead and check her out. Bookmark her blog. Better yet, subscribe to get her post delivered to your inbox. Here's a link to her blog. She's awesome...

A Holy Experience

And while you are bookmarking blogs, let me introduce you to my favorite blog. I've saved my #1 Must Read for last. I cannot tell you how much the author of this blog has impacted my life. Anyone who spends more than a few minutes talking to me will hear me say something about my Bestie who lives in (insert the name of the state she lives in). She's the sister I never had, but always dreamed of. She's the friend I asked the Lord to give me. She's pretty amazing. And now I get more of her and so can you, because she's blogging!!!! YAY!! I have one word for her new blog...INCREDIBLE! Who knew my Bestie was such a great writer?!! I mean for years she's encouraged me with her wisdom, and she's made me laugh with her witty, clever sense of humor. But the way she takes life application and sees Christ in the everyday stuff and then puts it in writing is pretty awesome. Also she's very real on her blog. I find especially in blogging that's it's very easy to share only the good stuff. But this friend of mine, she's willing to be real even in her writings. I'm so glad she's blogging!! Remember all the things I said at the very beginning about what kind of things I like to read, yeah this blog is all of that! By the way, her husband and 4 children aka "The Honey" and the "Yahoos", they are pretty great too. You'll meet them on the blog as well. You know how "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get" (quote from the movie Forrest Gump). Well Bridgett's blog is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes it's rich with things the Lord is revealing to her. Other times it's bittersweet as she opens up and shares real life. Stories about her "yahoos" are so, so sweet...well most of the time anyway, remember I said she was real. :) Like in a box of chocolates, you'll definitely find some nutty pieces!! And of course you know that chocolate goes with any mood or emotion, same is true of the blog. Have some when you feel sad, it's guaranteed to encourage you or at least help you to see that maybe you don't have it as bad as you think. Ha ha!! Open it when you feel like laughing. This girl is FUNNY!! You are guaranteed to find a piece that you enjoy, because it's all so good!! So go get a tall glass of milk, like right now, and open up this amazing box of chocolates... Stop Squeezing the Cat and other profound things I say I highly suggest going back and catching up. She's been blogging for a couple of months, but you totally need to read all of her post! BTW, leave her a comment and let her know that you are reading! She's probably going to be a wee bit embarrassed with my little "review" here, but every word is true! Love you, Bridgett! Here's the link...

Stop Squeezing the Cat and other profound things I say

OK, I'm not sure how many "Must Reads" I shared, but really I don't have anything that can follow Bridgett and Ann.

Happy Reading!!

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