This is a new tree for us. Last year after Christmas we threw away the tree that Wesley bought in 1991 and bought a very nice very large tree at an incredible after Christmas price. We expected to be in a larger house by now. Then we changed our minds...about the larger house. So we sold the very large tree at a great price and bought this new skinny tree. I LOVE it! It fits beautifully in our perfect but small home! Are you confused yet? Just look at the tree and say awwww.
Last week our almost 15 month old Sweetie finally started pulling up into a standing position. She's not standing on her own or anywhere near walking, but she's pulling up. Yay!!
The picture above was taken last week. Shows you how long we've been working toward finishing this tree. Ha, ha!!
We positioned the tree in the corner behind the love seat and the sofa so that it is very difficult for her to get too. She actually cannot crawl through the space at all, but I'm afraid she might fall into the tree as she's stretching to reach it. Maybe not.
This year our tree is decorated very simply. That was the plan before one of ornament boxes was forgotten in storage. I'm a great fan of simple these days. We all need a little more simple. Don't you agree? My favorite thing about this tree is our homemade Jesse ornaments. We are doing a Jesse Tree Advent devotional I got from Ann's blog. Ann, who? Yeah, go read my post from yesterday.
See our Jesse ornaments? Totally forgot to flip them before posting. Just tilt your head when looking at these pictures.
This Jesse devotional makes me smile. As does this tree. And completely not related these pictures do too...make me smile that is. I love my life!!
I'm on a roll blogging three times in two days. Yay, me!! Maybe I'm back.
Nighty, night now!
OH, and I almost forgot...I'm starting a new blog!! Watch for details coming soon!!!
Love it!!! Very very you! The tree and ornaments look so great! Tell those lovely ladies they did a fantastic job!