August 5, 2002 Wesley and I submitted a contract to purchase our current home. I was expecting our first baby. For several months we've been very seriously considering selling. We've gone back and forth with this decision. A little over a month ago we decided to pray once more for a specify length of time and then make a final decision about whether or not to sell. We set a date and said, "We will make our decision by this date." On that specific date, we learned that I was pregnant again. The decision seemed obvious. Last week I contacted the realtor that we planned to use and we began discussing a day to meet and make it final. Without realizing the date, we decided to meet this coming Friday - the date - August 5, 2011. Exactly 9 years after signing a contract for purchase, pregnant then and pregnant now, we will be signing a contract with our realtor to try to sell. If I believed in coincidence, surely this one be one of those times.
This house has been our HOME. We LOVE it. We LOVE our yard, our street, our neighbors, oh especially our neighbors, and many other details. I LOVE that we live in a cul-de-sac on the friendliest kid street in America. I LOVE that we can walk through our backyard to a county park. We walk over and feed the ducks, fish, play on the playground, our just walk. It's wonderful!! Oh and our trees. I LOVE our trees! We live pretty far out and the drive is usually inconvenient, but it is a beautiful peaceful drive. Many conversations between me and the Lord have occured on this drive! Selling it will definitely be bittersweet. It is our first home. The first home for each of our 5 children. We've made such wonderful, beautiful memories in this home. We known GREAT JOY here! We've also made it through our hardest times here in this home. I'm reminded of the night that Wesley and I laid on our faces on our bedroom floor nearly all night long and prayed for a miracle after learning that we had most likely lost our sweet Baby Samuel at nearly 20 weeks. The next day we learned that we had indeed lost our Baby. He and 2 of our other children are buried in a cemetery that I can see from this neighborhood.
I'm not praying for the Lord to sell our home. In this market, I'm not sure that selling right now is for sure right. I do know that it's not a great time to sell in general. What will that mean for us? I'm not sure if it's the best time for us to buy a larger house with a larger mortgage. BUT, I do know that we have peace about giving it a try. We are praising God for this home that we've loved so well, and asking only that His will be done in regards to selling this one and getting into another one. We will be at peace either way. This home is small for a family our size. We could definitely make good use of more space, but really I cannot say that more space is for sure a need.
So this is it. Our fleece. Our house will be on the market as of Friday. If the Lord wants it to sell, it will. If after a few months it does not sell, we will gladly prepare to welcome a new member into this HOME FULL OF LOVE. Full and like the title of this blog "running over"!!
Do you see my sweeties playing on the grass? Did I mention I LOVE this house? Will you pray with us - for His perfect will?
Since you keep saying how much you love your home ,have you thought of adding on or closing in your garage ? Just a suggestion.