

Thursday, August 18, 2011

12 weeks 1 day

Today's appointment went well. Heartrate was 170. My due date is Leap Day - February 29, 2012. While that's a fun due date, I surely hope Baby won't make his/her debut on that day. I would rather have a date that occurs every year, but hey I guess as long as Baby and Mommy are healthy I'll take what ever I get!!

I'm still very anxious, but I don't have the time nor do I feel much like writing about why right now. I talked a lot with Dr. C about what we might could do differently considering my history. The short answer is what I really already knew...nothing. Nothing that is but pray and wait and trust that the Lord is good all the time. All the time HE is good!!

I will say that right now everything looks PICTURE PERFECT!!!! And because of that I will rejoice and be thankful.

Wanna see?

Baby Minor #10 at 12 weeks 1 day

Can you see that perfect profile and perfect little body with little arms and legs already?!! Fearfully, wonderfully, perfectly made!!

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