Well as of tomorrow, yes it has been 2 weeks since I last posted. And well over a month since I last posted pictures of my super adorable, amazing children! The really sad part is I really haven't even been taking many pictures. It's not because I don't have picture worthy children and post worthy material. Oh, no!! We have plenty of that. I just haven't been able to find/make the time especially in light of the fact that I'm still dealing with some nausea. As of about a week or so ago, I thought it was over. I hit the 2nd trimester and suddenly, instantly began to feel much better. BUT then it started coming and going. It's definitely better than it was, but I'm still having quite a few occasions of it. And it's miserable!!
Today I am 14 weeks. I'm definitely anxious. I try not to obsess and to give it all over to the Lord, but....well I'm sure that as you might imagine, I'm not always successful at that.
Tomorrow I go to the doctor for an ultrasound and check up. Excited and anxious at the same time about that. Even if I wasn't still dealing with nausea, right now my appointments give me a sick to my stomach feeling. Gone are the giggly days of looking forward to ultrasounds so that I can find out my baby's gender. Ultrasounds are heavy now.
Sorry if I sound all doom and gloom. That really is not my intention. And it really does not accurately describe how I'm currently feeling. Just sharing a little right now.
I have a very busy day tomorrow. My appointment is in the afternoon and after that I will be away from my computer until late. I will post an update, but it will most likely be late in the evening before I get the opportunity.
OK, on to other topics. There is no hope for me to fully catch up the ole blog - NOT EVER, but I thought it would be fun to share a few cute pictures. Mostly from today. And to share the greatest thing about my day today. I'll get to that in a minute. First I will back up and tell a little about today.
I've felt terrible today. We've managed, but much of the day has been very forced. School consisted of a lot of reading, because I can lay on the couch and read. BUT I really enjoyed that and so did the kiddos. It's so fun to see them hanging on my words, anticipating what will happen next. It's also fun to have one of them curl up next to me and READ TO ME. That happened a lot today also. So fun. The best part of that is that Mary Ruth is beginning to read so well. She's reading really simple books, but she's so excited to be reading.
OK now I will tell you about the very best part of my day today. At the end of the day, tucking the kids into bed, I'm feeling pretty lousy about the day. Feeling like I coulda shoulda done more. Fed them better. Gotta off the couch a bit more. Feeling like I'm not "mothering" them well enough these days. Wesley was working late. Everyone had their baths, teeth were brushed. We did a little devotion together and I sent everyone off for one final potty trip and then straight to their beds. I followed behind to tuck them in and to hug and kiss each of them again. As I'm tucking Grace in, she reaches up, puts her hands around my neck, pulls me really close, and says, "Mommy I love you so much I can't even explain it." Awwwwwwwww, "Thank you, Lord!! That was just what I needed to hear!"
Upon realizing that today was the last day of August, I did make a big effort to take some pictures. It's really one of the only times I've taken pictures this whole month. OK in purely random order, here they are! Yay, Pictures!!
Grace and her puppy
The big kids after church a few weeks ago. The girls rarely want to wear big bows anymore. Makes me so very sad. :(
Mary Ruth sporting a GREAT smile
Bella Peace posing for the camera, notice the cast on her arm. Yep, she broke her arm last Friday night. Details another time.
Luke giving E a ride. Notice the big girls in the background with the puppy. They LOVE that puppy so much!
Elizabeth LOVES to be outside.
Luke reading to Bella Peace today. This brings such a smile to my face!!
Loading these pictures, I realized that I did make it off of the couch a little more than I realized today. Yay, Me!!
BP and L look SOOO grown up in these. And I'm glad to get my first look at Gina! You're such a good mama. You do more in one day than I do in a whole week.
ReplyDeleteNow we both know that's not true!! But you are the best friend a girl could have for saying that!! And Gina...I posted another pic of her way back in June.
Love you!