It's so hard to get a picture with everyone looking and smiling at the same time, but I'm pretty pleased with this one. My Mom, my brother - Wendell, and his girlfriend - Priscilla are pictured with us. We all went to church together. I can't remember being in church with my brother since we were children. So, I was so thrilled that he and his girlfriend came with us!! They have plans to go back! Pray that they will.
We went to church at a small baptist church close to my Mom's house. It's where we go when we are visiting her. We really like it. The message Sunday morning was incredible!!
I have a ton of notes, but here's just a few things I wanted to share from that message:
What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean to you? Does it mean anything at all? Does it offer you hope, power, help?
We all hear that Jesus died for our sins. But, have you ever considered how He suffered for our sins. There are people who are willing to take a bullet for someone else. Examples includes bodyguards for the President or for celebrities. But, what about being beaten, tortured, mocked, crucified? Jesus did more than just take a hit for us. He suffered God's wrath for us. He took our place. And, he didn't just do this to save us. He did it so that we might have victory, hope, peace in our lives.
The pastor began with this comment: "All disappointment/discouragement comes from putting our hope in something other than Jesus." He asked us what we put our hope in. Is it our spouse, job security, our savings, this or that working out for us, etc. This definitely had/still has me thinking.
So what about you? Does this message stir you too?
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