Well I never did finish my blog projects. I have several post in my head including finishing my "March Madness" post, Grace's birthday post, writing about my mom's retreat, and sharing what God is teaching me these days. BUT, nevertheless, it's time for my computer break. This comes mostly by necessity, because after this morning I will be without a home computer at least temporarily. Our home computer crashed a while back, and we've had a temporary solution that is ending today. Although I would not chose this myself, it's probably a good thing. No, it is a good thing. Sometimes I spend too much time on the computer. Also sometimes I get more caught up in recording every moment and miss out of enjoying them as they come.
So, I will have Wesley post baby updates from work and will take advantage of opportunties to update when I'm around a computer. I'm not sure how long this will last, but I will be back!!
Here's an email I sent out to let family and friends know of this break. I think it's cute and funny. So I thought I would share it here.
Just wanted to let you all know that I will be without a computer for a while. GASP!!! A while back our computer crashed, and we've had a temporary solution that has ended. Maybe this will be a good thing. Will no computer = more productivity? We will see! I will have Wesley occassionally check my email from work and pass on information to me. I'm usually pretty terrible at answering the phone and returning calls, but with no computer and school ending Friday, I hope to do better. So if you need me, please call me instead of emailing me.
BTW, did you catch that, school ends this FRIDAY!!! Whoo Hoo!!
Please continue to pray for baby Elizabeth and Mommy. We have our 20 week appointment tomorrow! Also please pray for a quick resolution to our computer issues and good productivity while without a computer. Finally, pray for the work that God is doing in our lives right now. We have been, currently are, and probably will always be on quite a journey of faith. If there's anything I can pray with you about, please email me, no wait make that call me! Ha, ha!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Encouraging Quotes
I came across this quote on another blog last night:
"Never give up. This may be your moment for a miracle."
Then this one in my devotion today:
"The glory of tomorrow is rooted in the drudgery of today."
Also our pastor has delivered some powerful, convicting, and encouraging sermons lately. Just never enough time to write about it all!
"Never give up. This may be your moment for a miracle."
Then this one in my devotion today:
"The glory of tomorrow is rooted in the drudgery of today."
Also our pastor has delivered some powerful, convicting, and encouraging sermons lately. Just never enough time to write about it all!
Friday, April 23, 2010
What's For Dinner?
We had a fun but busy day around the house today. We just finished a small science book that we've been working through, and I decided that we would do some crafts related to some of our recent topics. We got started right away after our afternoon rest time. I included Bella Peace, and she loved it! When she was done, she kept insisting that everyone look at her school work! So cute!! When we were all finished I had promised a little more outside time, so out we all went. Time got away from me, and before I knew it I was late getting in to start dinner. I hurried in to get started and realized I was missing a key ingredient. Tomorrow is our grocery day and our cupboards are literally pretty bare. So the question, what's for dinner? "Old Mother Hubbard, she lived in a shoe. She had so many children she didn't know what to do." That may not be the correct way that nursery rhyme goes, but that's the way I remembered it in my moment. Ha, ha! So it's 6:00 PM, already our dinner time. I don't really have what I need for my meal, and it would take a while anyway. Wesley was working late, so he couldn't just pick something up. And, I had NO desire to load everyone up to go get something. SO, I did what any I could. We had cereal and brownies (left over from a meeting I had last night) for dinner. As I was serving it up, feeling a little Charlie Brownish, I thought of several moms I know who are mentors to me who have told me in the past, "sometimes it's OK to serve them cereal for dinner." The funniest part of this whole story is that when Mary Ruth saw what we were having, she smiled the best smile and said, "Mommy you are such a good mommy and such a good cooker." That girl is too funny sometimes!!
OK, now it's your turn. Please tell me I'm not alone! I want to hear what you all have served your kiddos for dinner!!
OK, now it's your turn. Please tell me I'm not alone! I want to hear what you all have served your kiddos for dinner!!
She's Got a Name
So if you haven't already heard, we've named our sweet baby girl!! We actually named her about a month ago, immediately after learning she was indeed a girl. I've just not had the time/made the time to write about it. So without further ado, here name is:
"Elizabeth Faith Minor"
I'm sure that it would be loads of fun to not find out what our baby was until the delivery room, but it's loads of fun to find out also!! We were set on not finding out Joshua's gender, but since Joshua and the concern that our losses have been gender related, finding out is what we feel is best. Our doctor agrees.
For me the bond just seems to grow more beautiful and stronger once we find out and even more so once we have a name. We call our girl by name, refer to her by name, and even pray of her by name.
I cannot begin to express the love I feel for Elizabeth. I just love, love, love her so much already. I dream of seeing her for the first time in person, touching her, cuddling her, smelling her. Oh, I can't wait!!!
So Wesley has a friend from whose wife is expecting their first baby. He recently ask Wesley how in the world we come up with our baby names, because they are having a very hard time deciding. We do have a little method to our madness. I have so enjoyed naming our babies!! For the record, as I know you know, we've come up with 8 thus far:
Luke Wesley
Grace Marie
Mary Ruth (double name)
Samuel Thomas
Isaiah Ray
Bella Peace (double name)
Elizabeth Faith
Do you notice any trends?
Part of each child's name is some how taken from the Bible. The other part has been a family name until Elizabeth. We just really love this name combo, and it's getting a little hard to stick with the formula. Maybe some time I will tell the complete story behind each name. Each one is so special too me. For now, I will just share the story behind Elizabeth's name.
We've liked the name Joy Elizabeth for a long time. But, we also have a rule that our child must be called by their first name or double name. We prefer not to use their middle name as the name they go by. Just a personal preference. We also decided that we didn't want to use another double name right now. So that meant that "Joy Elizabeth" would be called "Joy". While we love the name Joy, we know several and just didn't feel like that was the right name for us this time. But, we still both really, really loved the name Elizabeth. We not only loved the name, but also loved what we knew of Elizabeth in the Bible. In Luke 1:6, scripture says that Elizabeth and her husband "...were righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." What else could we ever hope or dream for our daughter but that she and her husband would be described this way. Elizabeth was considered a deeply spiritual woman. She fully trusted God and believed that what He said would happen, would indeed happen. She trusted in His time table. So there it was. Elizabeth. Her first name.
Now for a middle name. We considered a couple different middle names, trying to find a family name that worked. Then my good friend and next door neighbor reminded me of a name we had considered in the past, Faith. Almost immediately, I knew that had to be the name. The past couple years, especially the past year has been such a journey of faith for me, for us. From a deepened faith to a crisis of faith, hopefully to a even deeper faith again. How could we not go with this name. Plus, Elizabeth in the Bible demonstrated great faith in the Lord. Once again, what a great dream/hope for our daughter. I text Wesley the name put together, "Elizabeth Faith". He replied, "Great Potential"! By the end of the day, we both confidently knew that the daughter we already loved now had a name we loved as well!!
I don't think I've posted my officially due date. Very early on, I said September 18th. Later my doctor gave me September 16th as Elizabeth's official "EDD" (medically speaking the approximate expected date of delivery). We are almost half way. We CAN NOT WAIT TO MEET HER! Our Elizabeth!
"Elizabeth Faith Minor"
I'm sure that it would be loads of fun to not find out what our baby was until the delivery room, but it's loads of fun to find out also!! We were set on not finding out Joshua's gender, but since Joshua and the concern that our losses have been gender related, finding out is what we feel is best. Our doctor agrees.
For me the bond just seems to grow more beautiful and stronger once we find out and even more so once we have a name. We call our girl by name, refer to her by name, and even pray of her by name.
I cannot begin to express the love I feel for Elizabeth. I just love, love, love her so much already. I dream of seeing her for the first time in person, touching her, cuddling her, smelling her. Oh, I can't wait!!!
So Wesley has a friend from whose wife is expecting their first baby. He recently ask Wesley how in the world we come up with our baby names, because they are having a very hard time deciding. We do have a little method to our madness. I have so enjoyed naming our babies!! For the record, as I know you know, we've come up with 8 thus far:
Luke Wesley
Grace Marie
Mary Ruth (double name)
Samuel Thomas
Isaiah Ray
Bella Peace (double name)
Elizabeth Faith
Do you notice any trends?
Part of each child's name is some how taken from the Bible. The other part has been a family name until Elizabeth. We just really love this name combo, and it's getting a little hard to stick with the formula. Maybe some time I will tell the complete story behind each name. Each one is so special too me. For now, I will just share the story behind Elizabeth's name.
We've liked the name Joy Elizabeth for a long time. But, we also have a rule that our child must be called by their first name or double name. We prefer not to use their middle name as the name they go by. Just a personal preference. We also decided that we didn't want to use another double name right now. So that meant that "Joy Elizabeth" would be called "Joy". While we love the name Joy, we know several and just didn't feel like that was the right name for us this time. But, we still both really, really loved the name Elizabeth. We not only loved the name, but also loved what we knew of Elizabeth in the Bible. In Luke 1:6, scripture says that Elizabeth and her husband "...were righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." What else could we ever hope or dream for our daughter but that she and her husband would be described this way. Elizabeth was considered a deeply spiritual woman. She fully trusted God and believed that what He said would happen, would indeed happen. She trusted in His time table. So there it was. Elizabeth. Her first name.
Now for a middle name. We considered a couple different middle names, trying to find a family name that worked. Then my good friend and next door neighbor reminded me of a name we had considered in the past, Faith. Almost immediately, I knew that had to be the name. The past couple years, especially the past year has been such a journey of faith for me, for us. From a deepened faith to a crisis of faith, hopefully to a even deeper faith again. How could we not go with this name. Plus, Elizabeth in the Bible demonstrated great faith in the Lord. Once again, what a great dream/hope for our daughter. I text Wesley the name put together, "Elizabeth Faith". He replied, "Great Potential"! By the end of the day, we both confidently knew that the daughter we already loved now had a name we loved as well!!
I don't think I've posted my officially due date. Very early on, I said September 18th. Later my doctor gave me September 16th as Elizabeth's official "EDD" (medically speaking the approximate expected date of delivery). We are almost half way. We CAN NOT WAIT TO MEET HER! Our Elizabeth!
19 Weeks
Not too much to report at 19 weeks. I was actually 19 weeks yesterday. I'm going to the doctor every other week now, and this is not my week to go. I'm just barely feeling occasional twitches. I'll be so glad to feel more regular movement. Most people do by this point, I guess I don't because I have a long torso. That's my guess anyway. One thing we know is that she is quite a mover! I'm sure when I do start feeling her all the time, it's going to be quite fun!!
There have been times in the past couple days that I've had to work hard no taking my fears/worries/concerns captive. Feeling some occasional movement, but not consistent everyday movement makes me a little crazy. I start thinking well it's been a very long time since I felt movement, does that mean something is wrong? It also seems like my growing belly has stalled out. I'm sure all is well, it's just hard for me with my past not to start to worry. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to seeing our sweet girl on ultrasound next Thursday at 20 weeks, the half way point!! Whoo Hoo!!
There have been times in the past couple days that I've had to work hard no taking my fears/worries/concerns captive. Feeling some occasional movement, but not consistent everyday movement makes me a little crazy. I start thinking well it's been a very long time since I felt movement, does that mean something is wrong? It also seems like my growing belly has stalled out. I'm sure all is well, it's just hard for me with my past not to start to worry. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to seeing our sweet girl on ultrasound next Thursday at 20 weeks, the half way point!! Whoo Hoo!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Observation #1:
Having to do school on Saturdays is no fun at all. However, we really enjoyed being off on Thursday, and we don't have any more days we can take off unless we go into May which we do not want to do. So, I guess this is the price we pay. After today, 10 more days!!
Wesley is working today, but he doesn't have much longer until he comes home. I tried to lure him home with this text message:
"Softly and tenderly mommy is calling, calling for daddy to come home. Come home. Come home..."
While he thought it was cute and clever, it didn't work. That leads to observation #2: I guess it's best if he doesn't ditch work since we all enjoy a paycheck every other week. Ha, ha!
Observation #3 is that getting out as a family is really nice! We had a wonderful family night last night!! Wesley and I started trying to remember the last time we all went out to eat at a restaurant for dinner, and we are pretty sure it's been well over a year. We had a gift certificate that night too. When eat out and we try not to much, it's usually either fast food or it's for lunch like after church on Sundays. There's something different about getting out for dinner. Can't really say what, but it was good! So for the final observation: it sure is getting expensive to feed our family. We can't split kid's meals anymore! Ha, ha!! Good thing that our new baby girl won't eat real food for a while!! :)
Having to do school on Saturdays is no fun at all. However, we really enjoyed being off on Thursday, and we don't have any more days we can take off unless we go into May which we do not want to do. So, I guess this is the price we pay. After today, 10 more days!!
Wesley is working today, but he doesn't have much longer until he comes home. I tried to lure him home with this text message:
"Softly and tenderly mommy is calling, calling for daddy to come home. Come home. Come home..."
While he thought it was cute and clever, it didn't work. That leads to observation #2: I guess it's best if he doesn't ditch work since we all enjoy a paycheck every other week. Ha, ha!
Observation #3 is that getting out as a family is really nice! We had a wonderful family night last night!! Wesley and I started trying to remember the last time we all went out to eat at a restaurant for dinner, and we are pretty sure it's been well over a year. We had a gift certificate that night too. When eat out and we try not to much, it's usually either fast food or it's for lunch like after church on Sundays. There's something different about getting out for dinner. Can't really say what, but it was good! So for the final observation: it sure is getting expensive to feed our family. We can't split kid's meals anymore! Ha, ha!! Good thing that our new baby girl won't eat real food for a while!! :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Lost and Found
I haven't started my computer break just yet, but this is the first time I've been on all day. Yay, me!! The kiddos are having their little rest time, while I have mine. I just wanted to give a quick little update the checkbook situation. After I quit looking last night, I decided to balance two other accounts we keep. These are accounts that have special purposes, aren't used regularly, and well basically have no money in them to balance anyway. Ha, ha! I had that finished in like 10 minutes or so. Then, I could not resist taking one more look at the regular account, and while it's a longer story than I have time write, let's just say my eyes fell right to the problem. Done!! After a long day, the checkbook balanced to within one cent of what it should be. I cannot take credit. I think God just allowed me to find it. Hallelujah! I think He let the one cent remain just to see if I would be satisfied and content. I was! Such a relief!
Tonight we are considering going out to eat as a family. We've got a couple of gift certificates that were Christmas gifts that have been burning a whole in my pocket. Wesley somehow got a break in his schedule. He was suppose to work late tonight, but something changed and he is working early and will be home for dinnertime. It's one of the few times he will be home (except Wednesday nights which we usually aren't home for and Sunday nights which we sometimes aren't home for) for dinner this whole month. We do enjoy breakfast and often lunch together as a family though, so it isn't all bad. I love gift certificates!! Our restaurant eat-outs as a family are few and far between. So if everything lines up just right (I get myself and everyone else ready, Wesley makes it home on time, etc.), maybe just maybe this "minor" crew will head out tonight!
Tonight we are considering going out to eat as a family. We've got a couple of gift certificates that were Christmas gifts that have been burning a whole in my pocket. Wesley somehow got a break in his schedule. He was suppose to work late tonight, but something changed and he is working early and will be home for dinnertime. It's one of the few times he will be home (except Wednesday nights which we usually aren't home for and Sunday nights which we sometimes aren't home for) for dinner this whole month. We do enjoy breakfast and often lunch together as a family though, so it isn't all bad. I love gift certificates!! Our restaurant eat-outs as a family are few and far between. So if everything lines up just right (I get myself and everyone else ready, Wesley makes it home on time, etc.), maybe just maybe this "minor" crew will head out tonight!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Raising the white flag
So as much as it kills me, I am throwing in the towel. The bank has us with more money than I have us at. It's not a huge number, but regardless I'm going to quit looking. I'm just going to note the difference (not add it in or anything) and watch it for a while. This is rather humbling, because I've always taken pride in the fact that I could always figure it out. I worked in banking for a long time. Sometimes I would help a customer who had not written anything down in 6 months, and I would set them right. Oh, well. Guess it's just another less in life. You can't always balance your checkbook. Sigh.
On another note, I will not be finishing my blog projects tonight. I'm just too tired. I haven't decided if I'm still going to begin my computer break tomorrow or not. I might wait until this weekend and finish up some things that I didn't get to do today. Well, see.
On another note, I will not be finishing my blog projects tonight. I'm just too tired. I haven't decided if I'm still going to begin my computer break tomorrow or not. I might wait until this weekend and finish up some things that I didn't get to do today. Well, see.
Update on Today's Progress
So, today has NOT gone my way. As I previously mentioned, we had many projects to do. I started on item #1 immediately after my last post. I'm still on item #1!! It was to catch up on our finances, pay some bills, work on the budget, balance the checkbook, etc. Everything rolled along excellently for a while. Wesley and I worked on a new family budget while the kiddos played. We do the finances together, but as Dave Ramsey says, "I'm the nerd on the family". So we got to a point for me to take it over and balance the checkbook. That was many, many hours ago! Our checkbook doesn't balance to the bank. THAT-MAKES-ME-CRAZY!!!! I'm usually able to get it to balance to the penny. Something that I'm quite proud of, but today we are off. Way off, and I can't figure it out!!! So, Wesley encouraged me to take a break. That's what I'm doing now. If you happen to come across this post before I update again, say a prayer for me to figure this out, sooner than later would be nice. The error seems to be in our favor, but still I need to know what's wrong. Ugh!! Did I mention this makes me crazy!!!
Big Announcement
So, Wesley is off today. Now don't go hatin', cause he'll be working Saturday instead. Anyway with his day off, we are tackling several long overdue projects. We are cleaning, organizing, hitting the to-do list. I'm very excited!! We are also giving the kids today off from school, and they are going to make it up on Saturday when Daddy is at work. BUT the big news is that I'm planning to catch up on several blog post/projects as well. THEN after today, I'm taking a BIG computer break!! I'm taking at least one week off from everything...no internet, no email, no blogging, no reading blogs, nothing!!! I really love my time on the computer so this could be hard to do, but I'm also really excited about focusing my time/energy elsewhere. More on that later!! OK, time to for me to get busy!! I'll probably not get to my blog projects until later tonight.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
18 Weeks
18 weeks tomorrow. Today's appointment was great! Ultrasound was amazing!! Healthy baby girl!! More details and maybe (if I can do it without having major computer issues) pictures later tonight!!
Doc Appt Today
18 weeks tomorrow, doctor's appointment today in a couple hours. Excited!! Update to follow! :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
"It's Hard"
So I've mentioned that I went to a Mom's retreat this past weekend. This was my second time to go. I went last year for the first time and was forever changed at that one. The retreat is put on by the leadership of our homeschool group, and it's specifically for homeschool moms. But, the information and knowledge I've gained would benefit any mom.
Our focus was on Philippians 4:8. In addition to looking at scripture, we went through a small book called, "In the Arena of the Mind" by John Vandegriff. So far, I'm finding it to be a really good book. It's also a small easy to read book. As a group we touched on points throughout the entire book, but now I'm reading it all the way through on my own.
One thing that has really stuck out to me so far is in Chapter 3 of the book, the author says that in his high school yearbook the phrase he was noted as being the most known for was, "I got gypped." He says that he didn't realize that he said it that much, but apparently he said it often enough that people associated him with that phrase. It made him realize how full of self-pity he was.
So that led me to evaluated my own phrase. What would it be? What phrase do I say or think all the time? What phrase would others associate with me? This little exercise stung. Pretty quickly I realized my phrase. It is, "It's hard."
I say or think it a lot! Just realizing it really hurt, because it revealed my own discontentment and self-pity. I'm living my dream, but yet I'm constantly complaining about it. I say, "it's hard having 4 children". "It's hard being pregnant." "It's hard to homeschool." "It's hard to live in such a small house." "It's hard having it tough financially." And of course pretty much everyone I know will pat me on the back and so, "Oh, I know sweetie. You're right. Bless your heart."
Having a large family has been my dream since I was a little girl. More than that, I truly wholeheartedly believe it's mine and Wesley's calling. He agrees. Then the alternative to not being pregnant is not being pregnant. At times, that has been a devastating reality. Pregnancy is a gift. And to have been pregnant so easily so many times is a gift. And to be this far along with a healthy baby is a gift. As far as homeschooling goes, it's our choice. We want to do it. It is rewarding. It is a privilege. And once again, we believe it's our calling. Our house is small, but that offers many benefits too. It's easy to keep up with what everyone is doing. I almost always know what's going on. It doesn't have stairs. (I prefer not to have stairs in my home. Just a personal preference.) It's easy to clean. We live on a great lot with a great yard on a great cul-de-sac with great neighbors. And, it's bigger than some. It meets our needs. And as far as the finances go, we never really do with out. God has been so faithful in providing. YET, I complain. I complain about it all.
What does it mean to say that this life is my dream and my calling, and then complain about it? Such ingratitude. So ugly. Ugh!!
Well it stung to realize this several days ago. But, today as been one of those days. "It has been hard." It's one thing to think about it and be disgusted, but another to be in the midst of it and be disgusted. In the back on my mind, I've been fully aware of how I need to take my thoughts captive, to not be ruled by my emotions, do be grateful, content, BUT I've failed miserably. I've walked around, prepared meals, read to and rocked my baby, schooled children, and more all the while I've been grumbling and complaining in my spirit.
I often have the kids give me a grateful list when they develop the attitude I've had today. But, I fail to do the same thing myself.
I've decided to work on and prepare my mental grateful list and consider the alternatives when I find myself in the situation. This was suggested at the Mom's retreat, and I think it's suggested in the book as well. I also want to replace this line with a new one. One that I can be proud to be known for. I'm still trying to decide what that phrase might be. I'm considering a few options. So maybe when I begin to think, "Woe is me, my life is so hard", I can train my mind to instantly come back with, "BUT He is so good and faithful to me."
So, that's been my day today. It's ugly, but we were also reminded this past weekend to be grateful for conviction because that leads us to change. I know that change will be "hard", but so worth it!
This is just one little nugget that came from this weekend. I hope to share more at another time. Two of my girlfriends have also wrote about the retreat on their blogs. If you are interested, click on their blogs from my blog list on the right side "Houseful of Rodgers" and "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms."
Our focus was on Philippians 4:8. In addition to looking at scripture, we went through a small book called, "In the Arena of the Mind" by John Vandegriff. So far, I'm finding it to be a really good book. It's also a small easy to read book. As a group we touched on points throughout the entire book, but now I'm reading it all the way through on my own.
One thing that has really stuck out to me so far is in Chapter 3 of the book, the author says that in his high school yearbook the phrase he was noted as being the most known for was, "I got gypped." He says that he didn't realize that he said it that much, but apparently he said it often enough that people associated him with that phrase. It made him realize how full of self-pity he was.
So that led me to evaluated my own phrase. What would it be? What phrase do I say or think all the time? What phrase would others associate with me? This little exercise stung. Pretty quickly I realized my phrase. It is, "It's hard."
I say or think it a lot! Just realizing it really hurt, because it revealed my own discontentment and self-pity. I'm living my dream, but yet I'm constantly complaining about it. I say, "it's hard having 4 children". "It's hard being pregnant." "It's hard to homeschool." "It's hard to live in such a small house." "It's hard having it tough financially." And of course pretty much everyone I know will pat me on the back and so, "Oh, I know sweetie. You're right. Bless your heart."
Having a large family has been my dream since I was a little girl. More than that, I truly wholeheartedly believe it's mine and Wesley's calling. He agrees. Then the alternative to not being pregnant is not being pregnant. At times, that has been a devastating reality. Pregnancy is a gift. And to have been pregnant so easily so many times is a gift. And to be this far along with a healthy baby is a gift. As far as homeschooling goes, it's our choice. We want to do it. It is rewarding. It is a privilege. And once again, we believe it's our calling. Our house is small, but that offers many benefits too. It's easy to keep up with what everyone is doing. I almost always know what's going on. It doesn't have stairs. (I prefer not to have stairs in my home. Just a personal preference.) It's easy to clean. We live on a great lot with a great yard on a great cul-de-sac with great neighbors. And, it's bigger than some. It meets our needs. And as far as the finances go, we never really do with out. God has been so faithful in providing. YET, I complain. I complain about it all.
What does it mean to say that this life is my dream and my calling, and then complain about it? Such ingratitude. So ugly. Ugh!!
Well it stung to realize this several days ago. But, today as been one of those days. "It has been hard." It's one thing to think about it and be disgusted, but another to be in the midst of it and be disgusted. In the back on my mind, I've been fully aware of how I need to take my thoughts captive, to not be ruled by my emotions, do be grateful, content, BUT I've failed miserably. I've walked around, prepared meals, read to and rocked my baby, schooled children, and more all the while I've been grumbling and complaining in my spirit.
I often have the kids give me a grateful list when they develop the attitude I've had today. But, I fail to do the same thing myself.
I've decided to work on and prepare my mental grateful list and consider the alternatives when I find myself in the situation. This was suggested at the Mom's retreat, and I think it's suggested in the book as well. I also want to replace this line with a new one. One that I can be proud to be known for. I'm still trying to decide what that phrase might be. I'm considering a few options. So maybe when I begin to think, "Woe is me, my life is so hard", I can train my mind to instantly come back with, "BUT He is so good and faithful to me."
So, that's been my day today. It's ugly, but we were also reminded this past weekend to be grateful for conviction because that leads us to change. I know that change will be "hard", but so worth it!
This is just one little nugget that came from this weekend. I hope to share more at another time. Two of my girlfriends have also wrote about the retreat on their blogs. If you are interested, click on their blogs from my blog list on the right side "Houseful of Rodgers" and "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms."
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wow Moments
I've had a few wow moments in the past few days. Some big and heavy, some not so much. I wanted to share just a couple of the not so big ones right, because at the moment that's all I have time for. The big and heavy wow moments mostly stem from a Mom's retreat that I went on this past weekend. I'm working on a post about that for later. But for today, here's my not so big/heavy wow moments:
I promise not to post a picture every week when Luke cuts grass, but it really does make me think WOW.

Also recently I somehow got confused about how old I am. Somehow I've had in my mind that I was close to turning 34. Last night, I realized that I will not be turning 34 but 35 on my birthday in a few months. WOW!! I'm going to be 35!!!!! WOW, how do you forget how old you are? Oh, boy it must be that I really am getting old!!!!
And for my final WOW moment, today my OBGYN called me just to check on me. Dr. Conrad is an amazing doctor. He called and just said that I had been on his mind, and he wanted to check on me and see how I was doing. He asked if I had any cramping, spotting, usually symptoms, concerns, fears, etc. He said he really wanted to know how I was feeling at this stage on the pregnancy, and that he puts a lot of stock into a women's intuition. I told him that I really feel good. I feel like everything is on track and me and baby are progressing healthy and normally. I also told him I feel peaceful and hopefully about things right now. I ask him if he was calling because something had given him concern or had him worried. He said no just that he wanted to check in on me since it was a longer time in between my appointments, and since we are still in a critical time for me right now based on my history. Isn't that amazing that he would call me? WOW, what a great doctor! I'm so glad he cares. He's also told me in the past that he prays for me and this baby as well as for other patients.
Ok, so this was more than a couple, sorry! Did any of these WOW you too? Ha, ha!!
I promise not to post a picture every week when Luke cuts grass, but it really does make me think WOW.
Also recently I somehow got confused about how old I am. Somehow I've had in my mind that I was close to turning 34. Last night, I realized that I will not be turning 34 but 35 on my birthday in a few months. WOW!! I'm going to be 35!!!!! WOW, how do you forget how old you are? Oh, boy it must be that I really am getting old!!!!
And for my final WOW moment, today my OBGYN called me just to check on me. Dr. Conrad is an amazing doctor. He called and just said that I had been on his mind, and he wanted to check on me and see how I was doing. He asked if I had any cramping, spotting, usually symptoms, concerns, fears, etc. He said he really wanted to know how I was feeling at this stage on the pregnancy, and that he puts a lot of stock into a women's intuition. I told him that I really feel good. I feel like everything is on track and me and baby are progressing healthy and normally. I also told him I feel peaceful and hopefully about things right now. I ask him if he was calling because something had given him concern or had him worried. He said no just that he wanted to check in on me since it was a longer time in between my appointments, and since we are still in a critical time for me right now based on my history. Isn't that amazing that he would call me? WOW, what a great doctor! I'm so glad he cares. He's also told me in the past that he prays for me and this baby as well as for other patients.
Ok, so this was more than a couple, sorry! Did any of these WOW you too? Ha, ha!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Work in Progress
So, how do you all like this background? Blue is my favorite color. I really liked this look, because of the blue and green. It looks like spring. I still have some work to do to finish the new look, but I think this will be the new background.
We took this new family picture with a tripod today when we got home from church. Bella Peace wasn't in the mood to smile. She seemed really tired in church. She was also very cold. The thought occurred to me that maybe she wasn't feeling well, but she had seemed fine all yesterday and this morning. Soon after getting in from church we realized she was getting a fever. She ended up getting more miserable throught the day. It makes me a little sad to see her sad face now that I know she wasn't feeling well. We are sorry to those of you who came in contact with her at church. We didn't know. I'm just so glad she was with us and not in the nursery!
Leave me your comments and let me know what you think of the new look! And check back soon for the final product!
We took this new family picture with a tripod today when we got home from church. Bella Peace wasn't in the mood to smile. She seemed really tired in church. She was also very cold. The thought occurred to me that maybe she wasn't feeling well, but she had seemed fine all yesterday and this morning. Soon after getting in from church we realized she was getting a fever. She ended up getting more miserable throught the day. It makes me a little sad to see her sad face now that I know she wasn't feeling well. We are sorry to those of you who came in contact with her at church. We didn't know. I'm just so glad she was with us and not in the nursery!
Leave me your comments and let me know what you think of the new look! And check back soon for the final product!
Under Construction
Please bare with me for a few days, while I work on a new blog design!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Happy 6th Birthday, Grace!
Today is Grace's (big gasp here) 6th birthday!!! We've spent a special morning together celebrating, and now I'm preparing to leave for a Mom's Retreat. It's hard to leave her today, but her Daddy assures me that they will all have a great rest of the day!
I'm working on a special birthday post for her, but I will have to finish it next week.
This is for her to read later tonight:
You are growing up to be such a young lady. You are a great help to Mommy! I'm very proud of you!! I love you very, very much!! I will miss you tonight!
I'm working on a special birthday post for her, but I will have to finish it next week.
This is for her to read later tonight:
You are growing up to be such a young lady. You are a great help to Mommy! I'm very proud of you!! I love you very, very much!! I will miss you tonight!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A Few Things I Love About Spring
Freshly mowed grass

Luke mowed the entire front yard and part of the back BY HIMSELF!! Of course Wesley was out there with him. He supervised Luke while he got some weed-eating done. Love that too! I can't believe my little boy is cutting the grass now, but I like it! How did he get to be 7 years old and so big!?!
This purple tree in our front yard

It's only purple like this for a short time. It's beautiful!! It was here when we moved in. I have no idea what kind of tree it is. Guess I should research that, huh?
This weeping willow on the side of our yard


How dare you call them weeds! I actually encourage our children to blow the seeds all over the yard after they turn into that white seed ball. Have you ever seen that TV commercial for round-up that shows someone spraying a dandelion? Breaks my heart!
Reading books outside with my monkeys

We just finished this one. I don't remember reading these as a child. I'm enjoying them now. I thought this one had a sad ending.
And speaking of my monkeys, here are a couple of them hanging in and from trees. Only thing missing is a banana.

And just one more...
Flip-flops by the door

So yes if you are thinking I might be slightly bipolar, it could be true. I know that my last post was about how stressed I was feeling. But, I'm feeling better now. :) Also I did this post a couple of days ago, and it just needed some finishing touches so there was nothing to it.
This is obviously not a complete list of favorites. Just a few we enjoyed earlier this week.
Tomorrow is a big day around here. Maybe I will find some time for an extra special post!
Luke mowed the entire front yard and part of the back BY HIMSELF!! Of course Wesley was out there with him. He supervised Luke while he got some weed-eating done. Love that too! I can't believe my little boy is cutting the grass now, but I like it! How did he get to be 7 years old and so big!?!
This purple tree in our front yard
It's only purple like this for a short time. It's beautiful!! It was here when we moved in. I have no idea what kind of tree it is. Guess I should research that, huh?
This weeping willow on the side of our yard
How dare you call them weeds! I actually encourage our children to blow the seeds all over the yard after they turn into that white seed ball. Have you ever seen that TV commercial for round-up that shows someone spraying a dandelion? Breaks my heart!
Reading books outside with my monkeys
We just finished this one. I don't remember reading these as a child. I'm enjoying them now. I thought this one had a sad ending.
And speaking of my monkeys, here are a couple of them hanging in and from trees. Only thing missing is a banana.
And just one more...
Flip-flops by the door
So yes if you are thinking I might be slightly bipolar, it could be true. I know that my last post was about how stressed I was feeling. But, I'm feeling better now. :) Also I did this post a couple of days ago, and it just needed some finishing touches so there was nothing to it.
This is obviously not a complete list of favorites. Just a few we enjoyed earlier this week.
Tomorrow is a big day around here. Maybe I will find some time for an extra special post!
I am...
S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D!! My brain and body are tired! Retreat begins tomorrow afternoon!!! Hallelujah!! I so totally need it!
Just keepin' it real here in blog world.
Just keepin' it real here in blog world.
17 Weeks
17 weeks today! Not a lot to report today. No doctor appointment or ultrasound this week. Our next appointment is next Wednesday. I think maybe that I might have felt our baby girl move once or twice, but I'm not counting it yet since I'm not 100% sure. I personally don't usually feel movement until about week 19 or 20. I'm feeling good. Not sick. Not even especially tired these days. I do however feel like my head just might spin off, because I have so much on my plate right now!! My "things to do list" is enormous!! In other news, we are all LOVING spring weather!! And, we only have 16 more school days!! Hallelujah!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
My Dream Ride

Last night I started researching vehicles that would seat 9. Our current van has about 250,000 miles on it, is a 1994, is on it's last leg, and is totally max out as far as seating and space is concerned. Other vans can accomodate 5 or more children, but ours will not. We will be a family of 7 and probably counting. We would also like enough seating to accomodate grandparents if possible. So, I think this could be the one. It's a Ford E-350 15 passenger van. It has 2 captians seats in the front and 4 bench seats. The first 3 bench seats seat 3 people each. The last bench seat seats 4. One of my favorite things about it is that the bench seats can come out. We would probably keep the last bench seat out allowing for more storage room which we do not currently have in our van. This way it would still seat 11 and we would have more storage space. We could actually remove 2 of the benches when it was just our family and still all fit. You should see us in our current van when the whole family goes to the grocery store together. Let's just say some of us have groceries in our lap! Of course, I haven't discussed this with Wesley very much so I'm really just talking here. But, a girl can dream right? And dream I will, because we need a miracle to afford it! I don't really know to many people who list this as their dream ride, but it's just right not me!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Resurrection Sunday, April 4, 2010
We had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday, aka Easter! Here's a family picture from the day.

It's so hard to get a picture with everyone looking and smiling at the same time, but I'm pretty pleased with this one. My Mom, my brother - Wendell, and his girlfriend - Priscilla are pictured with us. We all went to church together. I can't remember being in church with my brother since we were children. So, I was so thrilled that he and his girlfriend came with us!! They have plans to go back! Pray that they will.
We went to church at a small baptist church close to my Mom's house. It's where we go when we are visiting her. We really like it. The message Sunday morning was incredible!!
I have a ton of notes, but here's just a few things I wanted to share from that message:
What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean to you? Does it mean anything at all? Does it offer you hope, power, help?
We all hear that Jesus died for our sins. But, have you ever considered how He suffered for our sins. There are people who are willing to take a bullet for someone else. Examples includes bodyguards for the President or for celebrities. But, what about being beaten, tortured, mocked, crucified? Jesus did more than just take a hit for us. He suffered God's wrath for us. He took our place. And, he didn't just do this to save us. He did it so that we might have victory, hope, peace in our lives.
The pastor began with this comment: "All disappointment/discouragement comes from putting our hope in something other than Jesus." He asked us what we put our hope in. Is it our spouse, job security, our savings, this or that working out for us, etc. This definitely had/still has me thinking.
So what about you? Does this message stir you too?
It's so hard to get a picture with everyone looking and smiling at the same time, but I'm pretty pleased with this one. My Mom, my brother - Wendell, and his girlfriend - Priscilla are pictured with us. We all went to church together. I can't remember being in church with my brother since we were children. So, I was so thrilled that he and his girlfriend came with us!! They have plans to go back! Pray that they will.
We went to church at a small baptist church close to my Mom's house. It's where we go when we are visiting her. We really like it. The message Sunday morning was incredible!!
I have a ton of notes, but here's just a few things I wanted to share from that message:
What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean to you? Does it mean anything at all? Does it offer you hope, power, help?
We all hear that Jesus died for our sins. But, have you ever considered how He suffered for our sins. There are people who are willing to take a bullet for someone else. Examples includes bodyguards for the President or for celebrities. But, what about being beaten, tortured, mocked, crucified? Jesus did more than just take a hit for us. He suffered God's wrath for us. He took our place. And, he didn't just do this to save us. He did it so that we might have victory, hope, peace in our lives.
The pastor began with this comment: "All disappointment/discouragement comes from putting our hope in something other than Jesus." He asked us what we put our hope in. Is it our spouse, job security, our savings, this or that working out for us, etc. This definitely had/still has me thinking.
So what about you? Does this message stir you too?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday, April 2, 2010
Today was Good Friday. It was indeed a "good Friday". However, I am totally exhausted tonight. AND, my back is totally killing me. I think it's the result of a very busy day.
Our homeschool group had a planned trip to an assisted living facility today. Wesley took Grace, Mary Ruth, and Bella Peace while Luke and I had other plans. The kids sang songs to the residents, discussed what "Easter" really is all about, and then participated in an egg hunt while the residents watched on. The residents there seem to really enjoy the children. We weren't sure if our family was going to participate or not, because it's so easy to get distracted by things like egg hunts, bunnies, baskets, frilly clothes, etc. and miss the real meaning of this holiday. We've really been evaluating our traditions lately and trying hard to keep our focus. I'm really glad that we decided to participate, even though we were not all able to go together. A good time was had by all, and I believe the Lord was glorified through it.

Luke and I headed the opposite direction. He was in desperate need of some spring/summer clothes especially a new pair of khaki slacks. This is a necessity in his wardrobe. Dressing boys is so different than dressing girls. Much simpler. He pretty much wears khaki slacks and a good shirt every week to church. He almost always only has one pair that fits at a time. I just make sure to wash them as soon as he takes them off. This time of year, he basically just wears them to church of if we are dressing nice for something. He had really out grown his current pair. They were pretty short on him. So, we went shopping. Fortunately he gets some hand-me-down play clothes from my cousin's little boy, so he never rally needs much. (Thanks, Leigh!! Keep 'em coming!) I rarely shop for our kiddos in stores, because I do most of our shopping in consignment sales or thrift store. But, it's hard to get nice boy things at these places. I guess boys are just really rough on their clothes.
It was fun to be off with my #1 boy. It's amazing how quickly he's growing up. He looks so handsome and grown-up especially in his new clothes!
After Wesley and the girls finished at the assisted living facility, we all met up, had a quick lunch together, and then I took all the kids to run a few more errands while Wesley headed to work. It was a very full day.
Bella Peace is also getting so big. She almost 2 years old!! She is very independent, and she is a pretty good listener. But, I still tend to carry her when we are walking through parking lots. I guess all that carrying today combined with my growing belly is taking it's toll on my back.
As a sidebar, today it was 84 degrees here! I LOVED it!!! It's currently 78 degrees in our house, and it feels so good. Wesley will probably want to drop the thermostat when he gets home, but I'm very cold natured and this is perfect for me!!
So this week, we've been trying to make sure we kept our focus as far as Easter is concerned. The past two night, the kids have been asking some very big questions. They received a book earlier this week as an Easter gift (thanks Nana and Papa!!) that goes through the Easter story. It starts with the triumphal entry and goes through Jesus' ascension into Heaven. It also gives the exact scripture references for each part of the story. At the end it's got pictures for the kids to point to and put in the correct order and also to use to retell the story themselves. The day we got it, we read all the way through it at once. They loved it. Since then, we gone through it a couple more times. But, at night before bedtime I've been reading through all the different accounts in the Gospels. We've done this in years past, but not so thoroughly as this year. Also Luke and Grace are just getting much more attentive as they get older. So they seem to hear a lot of things for the first time lately. AND, they had a whole lot of questions. Tonight I spent about an hour trying to answer all their many, many questions (as well as you can answer some of these things). Here's some of their questions, why did Jesus pray to God if Jesus is God, how can God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit be three in one, who is Pilate, who is Herod, why people wanted to kill Jesus, why did the vail of the temple tear apart, what was the vail, why was their a vail, why did they wrap Jesus' body up in clothes, how did they put the stone in front of the tomb, why were the women going to put spices on Jesus' body, what did Jesus look like after He rose from dead, when is Jesus coming back, will it be tonight, what if we are asleep, what will happen when He returns. Can I just say, whew!!! This is tough stuff!! I was tempted to make an SOS call saying, "Oh, Wesley do you think you can come home now and help me out just a bit!" I guess I know what we will be talking about over breakfast in the morning!!
It's really cool that they are asking these questions. They have such a greater understanding than I did at their age. I'm so thankful for that! In Mission
Friends Wednesday night, Mary Ruth received some plastic eggs that had different objects in them to remind us of the Gospel. She has used these to completely share the Gospel with us several times this week. I'm so proud of her.
So, what about you? What is your focus this Easter? What do you know about the Gospel? I can tell you that I didn't know the things my kids know when I was their age.
"The Gospel" is the good news. That's what it literally means. And the good news is
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 11:25
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live
Act 16:31
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Romans 5:8
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
2 Corinthians 5:21
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Happy Easter!! May you keep your focus on the real meaning of Easter, and remember that Jesus came so that we "might have life, and [we] might have it more abundantly"!!
Our homeschool group had a planned trip to an assisted living facility today. Wesley took Grace, Mary Ruth, and Bella Peace while Luke and I had other plans. The kids sang songs to the residents, discussed what "Easter" really is all about, and then participated in an egg hunt while the residents watched on. The residents there seem to really enjoy the children. We weren't sure if our family was going to participate or not, because it's so easy to get distracted by things like egg hunts, bunnies, baskets, frilly clothes, etc. and miss the real meaning of this holiday. We've really been evaluating our traditions lately and trying hard to keep our focus. I'm really glad that we decided to participate, even though we were not all able to go together. A good time was had by all, and I believe the Lord was glorified through it.
Luke and I headed the opposite direction. He was in desperate need of some spring/summer clothes especially a new pair of khaki slacks. This is a necessity in his wardrobe. Dressing boys is so different than dressing girls. Much simpler. He pretty much wears khaki slacks and a good shirt every week to church. He almost always only has one pair that fits at a time. I just make sure to wash them as soon as he takes them off. This time of year, he basically just wears them to church of if we are dressing nice for something. He had really out grown his current pair. They were pretty short on him. So, we went shopping. Fortunately he gets some hand-me-down play clothes from my cousin's little boy, so he never rally needs much. (Thanks, Leigh!! Keep 'em coming!) I rarely shop for our kiddos in stores, because I do most of our shopping in consignment sales or thrift store. But, it's hard to get nice boy things at these places. I guess boys are just really rough on their clothes.
It was fun to be off with my #1 boy. It's amazing how quickly he's growing up. He looks so handsome and grown-up especially in his new clothes!
After Wesley and the girls finished at the assisted living facility, we all met up, had a quick lunch together, and then I took all the kids to run a few more errands while Wesley headed to work. It was a very full day.
Bella Peace is also getting so big. She almost 2 years old!! She is very independent, and she is a pretty good listener. But, I still tend to carry her when we are walking through parking lots. I guess all that carrying today combined with my growing belly is taking it's toll on my back.
As a sidebar, today it was 84 degrees here! I LOVED it!!! It's currently 78 degrees in our house, and it feels so good. Wesley will probably want to drop the thermostat when he gets home, but I'm very cold natured and this is perfect for me!!
So this week, we've been trying to make sure we kept our focus as far as Easter is concerned. The past two night, the kids have been asking some very big questions. They received a book earlier this week as an Easter gift (thanks Nana and Papa!!) that goes through the Easter story. It starts with the triumphal entry and goes through Jesus' ascension into Heaven. It also gives the exact scripture references for each part of the story. At the end it's got pictures for the kids to point to and put in the correct order and also to use to retell the story themselves. The day we got it, we read all the way through it at once. They loved it. Since then, we gone through it a couple more times. But, at night before bedtime I've been reading through all the different accounts in the Gospels. We've done this in years past, but not so thoroughly as this year. Also Luke and Grace are just getting much more attentive as they get older. So they seem to hear a lot of things for the first time lately. AND, they had a whole lot of questions. Tonight I spent about an hour trying to answer all their many, many questions (as well as you can answer some of these things). Here's some of their questions, why did Jesus pray to God if Jesus is God, how can God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit be three in one, who is Pilate, who is Herod, why people wanted to kill Jesus, why did the vail of the temple tear apart, what was the vail, why was their a vail, why did they wrap Jesus' body up in clothes, how did they put the stone in front of the tomb, why were the women going to put spices on Jesus' body, what did Jesus look like after He rose from dead, when is Jesus coming back, will it be tonight, what if we are asleep, what will happen when He returns. Can I just say, whew!!! This is tough stuff!! I was tempted to make an SOS call saying, "Oh, Wesley do you think you can come home now and help me out just a bit!" I guess I know what we will be talking about over breakfast in the morning!!
It's really cool that they are asking these questions. They have such a greater understanding than I did at their age. I'm so thankful for that! In Mission
Friends Wednesday night, Mary Ruth received some plastic eggs that had different objects in them to remind us of the Gospel. She has used these to completely share the Gospel with us several times this week. I'm so proud of her.
So, what about you? What is your focus this Easter? What do you know about the Gospel? I can tell you that I didn't know the things my kids know when I was their age.
"The Gospel" is the good news. That's what it literally means. And the good news is
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 11:25
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live
Act 16:31
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Romans 5:8
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
2 Corinthians 5:21
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Happy Easter!! May you keep your focus on the real meaning of Easter, and remember that Jesus came so that we "might have life, and [we] might have it more abundantly"!!
Cute Kid Stories,
Homeschool Trips
Thursday, April 1, 2010
16 Weeks
I'm 16 weeks today, and I had another ultrasound today. Our baby girl is still doing great! Measuring just as she should be. AND, she is still a "she"!! :) Whitney, my ultrasound technician, tried hard to get a good picture for me today, but this girl is very, very active. We were never able to get a good shot of her. We do have a long DVD recording of the entire ultrasound though!! Heartrate was 136 bpm. Honestly, it's slightly unnerving to see it down so low. I know that normal is between 120-180 bpm. But, it's been dropping every week with exception to last week when it actually when back up. Oh, well. I guess all I can do is continue to pray and to trust. I've really been doing a lot better with anxiety over this pregnancy recently.
My past trouble has seemed to occur between 15-16 weeks. It feels good to be 16 weeks today with everything still looking good!!
As of today, I'm moving back to appointments every 2 weeks instead of every week. I should have another ultrasound at 18, 20, and 22 weeks. From there it will just be a case by case kind of thing. I think I will still be seen every 2 weeks, but won't typically have regular ultrasounds. I should be feeling good movement by then, and the nurses should be able to get a heartbeat on the doppler very easily at that point.
Thank you for your continued prayers! Keep 'em up, they're working!!
My past trouble has seemed to occur between 15-16 weeks. It feels good to be 16 weeks today with everything still looking good!!
As of today, I'm moving back to appointments every 2 weeks instead of every week. I should have another ultrasound at 18, 20, and 22 weeks. From there it will just be a case by case kind of thing. I think I will still be seen every 2 weeks, but won't typically have regular ultrasounds. I should be feeling good movement by then, and the nurses should be able to get a heartbeat on the doppler very easily at that point.
Thank you for your continued prayers! Keep 'em up, they're working!!
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