I did end up staying home from our Wednesday night mission activities. Wesley came home and picked up the three big kids and took them. I kept Bella Peace home with me, because she has had a really runny nose. Also Bella Peace goes to bed pretty early, and this way I could go ahead and get her in bed on time tonight. However, she's the hardest one to keep up with right now! What was I thinking?!
So that I would not have to really work hard, I decided to occupy Bella Peace with a nice, long, warm, bubble bath! She LOVES bath time!! My plan was to just sit in the floor by the bathtub and relax while she played. However, Bella Peace had her own plan!! The bubbles faded fast, and my little bundle of energy decided that we should play all her favorite bath games!! One of her current favorites is, "peek-a-boo-around-the-shampoo"!! What, you've never heard of this game? Well I think these pictures sum it up!! It involved a bit more energy that I wanted to expend, but it was totally worth it!!
I'm actually feeling some better. Maybe it's the smiles of my sweet girl above. Maybe it's the fact that I'm always better at night. Maybe it's because, I'm not having to do anything right now. I'm just sitting in the bed moving only my fingers and wrists. Maybe it's the tips I received from my sweet friend, Jamie, who called today. If anyone knows how to get through pregnancy related sickness, it's this girl. She gets really, really sick when she is pregnant!!! Thanks, Jamie!! Maybe it's also an answer to prayer. Regardless, I'm thankful and I hope it last! I'm going to try to get lots of sleep tonight, I've got a busy day tomorrow! Good Night.
*Note - Just in case you missed it, there's a post from earlier this afternoon below this one.
I am so thankful that you felt better (at least last nigth anyway). That shampoo girl looks just like Luke. I am up way too late so I "must" get off this computer.