It was another cold one 'round these parts!! We didn't get anymore acculumation, but it snowed off and on all day. And, the snow is still on the ground from yesterday which is so cool! We decided that with tempertatures near singe digits that we needed to show some love to our favorite pet, so we've let Buddy sleep inside. This is no "minor" thing for the Minor family. I don't do inside animals!!! But I do really love this old mut! You can't really tell from the pictures, but Buddy was really one very happy dog!!

My mother-in-law will be so happy!!!
This week has been so great! I almost hate to see the weekend come (what did I really just say that, I usually can't wait for the weekend), because I know that real life is just around the corner. But on the other, I feel really ready, motivated, and excited to get underway with a new year!! Speaking of the new year, I'm still hoping to finish up some old blog posts I started about our new year resolutions. Maybe I'll get to that this weekend.
Hope you all stay warm!
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