

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ups and Downs

Tonight I'm down, very down. I would have been 19 weeks pregnant this week, almost half way. I'm so sad that I'm not. It comes and goes. The past several days have been good, but I'm feeling a big cry coming on tonight! Guess I will get on with it.



  1. I'm sending big hugs and prayers your way.... I love you!

  2. Hope you had a better day today.

    -Melissa B

  3. Dear Jennifer,

    A mutual friend (Melody from WBC) passed your blog along to me. I'm so sorry you are hurting. I do understand how you feel and am praying for you.
    We struggled with infertility for years when God led us to adoption. We cherish our sweet son who is 15 months old. We found out in February that we were miraculously pregnant, only to lose her in March. I had to have a D&C the day before our son's first birthday.
    Sometimes I wonder when I will stop counting the weeks, but I still do. We would have been 23 weeks on Father's Day. But, in the midst of the pain God draws us closer to Him and comforts us with a peace and love that can only come from Him.

    You're not alone...I'm praying for you; praying you are feeling His peace and love today.

