Does it appear as though he has 2 days left to completely finish a whole bunch of projects so that we can get our house on the market?
Does it look like he's a father to 5 young ones, he works 2 jobs, barely sleeps?
Do these pictures scream List Maker, Intense, Type A, OCD, High Strung?
Nope. I don't think you see any of that in these pictures, or in most pictures for that matter. No, these are pictures of My Sweet Hubby who prefers to cruise through life one day at at time, one thing at a time, with a smile, and leave the lists to ME.
Yes, his TOTALLY OPPOSITE wife is rather jealous. I mean, come on, just look at the way he's standing on that latter so relaxed like he's painting for fun!!!!
Me, the TOTAL OPPOSITE Wifey sees this and thinks, "Come on, Boys!! Move it!! Move it!! We still got 5 more list of projects to go!!"
He sees me, knows what I'm thinking, finds it entertaining, and smiles. Don't you love how perfect matches are made from TOTALLY OPPOSITE personalities!
OK, gotta go, you know, work, work, 5 lists, 2 days!!!!!!
Jay and I are the same way! I wish I could be more laid back like him, and I wish sometimes he was more organized like me. I guess God knew we needed each other to have balance.