I read this on another blog today and I just had to share:
We have done nothing, nor will we ever do anything, worthy of God's grace. That's why its called grace. Defined, grace is "unmerited Divine assistance given to humans;" or "special favor from God." My favorite is "a temporary exemption." Think about it. On a daily basis our sin should demand nothing less than hell. But yet God chooses to allow grace to provide such pardon that we can enjoy this earthly life and eventually have eternal life. I feel rather unworthy and very humbled when I stop to think about it.
That's good stuff!
Today I encouraged someone else to apply the grace she would give to a friend to herself. Te be a friend to herself.
I'm not usually a very good friend to myself. Often I talk myself into things I should not do. Talk myself out of things I should do. And fail to forgive myself either way. And when I am just blow it, I really, really get upset with myself.
I had a moment today when I was thinking about the advice that I had given my friend and I thought, oh I so don't do that myself.
I'm so thankful for my Grace and for His grace. It's only by His grace that I survive each day. Oh, people think I have it all together, but I so don't. I really, really don't!! I pray that His grace and mercy and great love will change and transform me into the person that He wants me to be, the person I desire to be. I pray that His grace and mercy and great love will cover the multitude of my sins and that my children will grow up to love, honor, serve, worship, praise, glorify, seek, and follow after The One and Only, The Giver of Grace.
For smiles here's a little of the blond hair, blue eye kind of Grace and some of her siblings. Bella Peace was napping when we made these, so she's not in any of them.
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