See how E's hair is standing up in the back. That little patch of hair always stands up just like that. Grace's hair did the exact same thing. :)
I know I say this every week, but here I go did she get to be 3 weeks old already?!! She's growing so very fast. Right before my eyes!! It's bittersweet. I'm so thankful that she's so healthy, eating so well, and even sleeping so well; however I wish that it wasn't happening so fast. The same is true with the older ones. It's true, if you blink you'll miss it.
This past week, Elizabeth out grew newborn diapers and is now wearing size 1. She wears some newborn clothes and some 0-3 month clothes. We moved her bedtime up a little and she's been sleeping from about 10 PM - 4 AM before waking up for a feeding. After that she's up again in about 2 hours. In the morning she will go anywhere from 2 - 4 hours between feedings and she naps a lot in between. In the evening when my supply isn't as good, she tends to nurse every 1 - 2 hours. She naps less in the afternoon and evening. When she is awake, she is so much more alert. She looks around and takes in all the sights and sounds. She follows our voices and movements with her sweet little head.
Monday night, she was a little fussy when we tried to put her to bed and didn't end up going to sleep for good until about midnight. BUT, then she slept until 6 AM!! That's the same number of hours as when she sleeps 10 PM - 4 AM, but it meant more sleep for me since I never go to bed with her at 10 PM. It felt so good to sleep for 6 hours straight!! I'm considering that her first time to sleep through the night.
She's a very sweet girl. And again, we all adore her!!!
Here'a a few other cute pics from the past week.
Luke and Daddy went fishing for a couple hours this past Saturday. It was probably the last time to fish until spring. I love that Luke loves to wear camo every single day!
Just look at Mary Ruth with that hand on her hip!! And of course, Bella Peace is marching to the beat of her own drum as always!!
This is the bottom of this cute little outfit. Notice the front of the onesie in the picture above. Too Cute!!
Sweet, sweet baby!!
These are beautiful! You're little Elizabeth is precious. I can't wait to hold our own baby girl soon! Glad everyone is doing good.