If money were no object, I would so totally have professional maternity pictures made. Since money is an object, I'm so glad that I have other options! These are my maternity pictures. Taken today at home in my back yard by amazing amateur photographers. Yes, "photographer-s" as in plural. That's because, Luke took some of these pictures, and then Grace wanted to take some more. Like I said, amazing photographers!! My mother bought Luke, Grace, and Mary Ruth nice real digital cameras for Christmas 2008. I'm so glad that she trusted me when I said they were ready and could accept the responsibility. Giving a kid a delicate adult item like that was a risk, but I felt like we could teach them to use them carefully. It has been one of their favorite gifts ever. They've gotten so much use out of them, and as you can tell they've gotten pretty good at using them. We considered the nearly break proof kid cameras, but I thought they were overpriced and the quality of the pictures was just so very bad. So I suggested getting real cameras at a great price off Ebay. She actually got them for less money than the kids cameras. Like I said earlier it was a risk, but if somehow one got broke tomorrow I would feel like we got our money out of them. (Thanks, Mom! You're the best!!!) OK, sorry for that serious derailment! I love these pictures!! I can't decide which is my favorite!!!
OH, BABY!!! This one makes me remember my prayer about Elizabeth not being too big! My belly looks HUGE!!! Maybe it's the angle?!?!!!
My 2 favorite guys on Earth! Aren't they so handsome!!
A boy and his dog
Now it was Grace's turn. So pretty! We didn't get any pictures with Mary Ruth and Bella Peace. She should have, but they were really enjoying the swing set.
We all enjoyed an awesome morning of worship together as a family at church. It will be my last Sunday for a few weeks. We keep new babies at home for the first several weeks of life for my recovery, to bond, to adjust to nursing, and to avoid germs. I will miss being in church with the family, but I'm looking forward to my time with Elizabeth. Fortunately we can take in sermons on TV. Our church is on TV. The sermon is always one week behind, but that's OK.
Today's sermon was based on Revelation 2 and was about returning to our first love. A very brief summary is, "remember how it was when you first came to know Christ, remember your joy, your zeal, your passion, repent of those things that have come in and distracted you, and return to the Lord." As always it was a very good sermon! I hope to get in a habit of recapping each sermon here on my blog as a way to remind myself and help seal it in my head. You know the idea of hear it, read it, write it, see it, and repeat it. One other thing that I loved about today's sermon tied into a song that we heard by the choir called, "Not Guilty". It had a line that said something like, "I know you. I love you. I died for you." Verse 2 of text today starts with, "I know thy works, and thy labor (there we go again!)..." I love being reminded of the fact that "He knows" and He loves me so much anyway!!! Awesome!
OK, so my countdown prayer today is not very spiritual. It's just a desire of my heart. Please join me in praying that God would allow me to go into labor on my own before I am admitted Wednesday night. I'm not scared or worry and have no reason for this request other than it's just a preference. I want to go in on my own. I'll be perfectly content if that's not what God has planned, but it sure would be "peachy" if we let me have my way on this!!! As always, thanks for praying! I can't wait to introduce Elizabeth on here!!!
Praying for your requests daily, I just haven't been commenting. Today's request especially! I'm such a big "natural" girl that this one strikes a cord with me. Your pictures are beautiful! I can't wait to see Elizabeth on here either!!!