I got out of the house for the first time for real today. I've taken Elizabeth to a couple of weight checks/doctor appts, and I've dropped kids off and not really gotten out. But today I packed up and really got out. I hadn't planned to get out with Elizabeth this early but duty calls. It seems impossible to really stay at home as long as I would like.
It all started with a GREAT nights sleep!!! Let me just say that our sweet baby girl slept last night from about 11 PM until 5 AM this morning!!!! Isn't that amazing?!! Even more amazing is that I nursed her at 5 AM, then again at 6 Am, then she slept until 10:30 AM!!!! Totally amazing!! I just hope that all that sleeping doesn't negatively affect my milk supply. I have a tendency to have supply issues.
BTW - sidebar here - I forgot to put this in the 2 week report. Elizabeth nurses about every 2 hours throughout the day. She will occasionally have a 3-4 hour stretch during the day but not often. At night she has been sleeping for about a 4 hour stretch and then she's back up every couple hours. All and all, the nights aren't too bad. Every 2 hours during the day is a little hard with 4 other children, homeschool, and many, many other household responsibilities, but I know it's just a season. I also know that it will pass by in a blink. I'm trying to enjoy every aspect.
Now back to the original post. So I got a good nights sleep. Got up and opened the windows to enjoy a beautiful day. Had a good day of school (thanks Heather for the encouraging email about school). Remained mostly sane and kept my cool almost all day long. And then we all packed up and headed out for dance and Boy Scouts.
I dropped Luke off to Wesley at work so that he would not have to sit through the girl's dance lesson. Then while the girls were at dance, me, Bella Peace, and Elizabeth watched from a back corner of the room. I had Elizabeth in my Moby wrap and kept her well hidden to protect her from a lot of contact and exposure to germs. This was one of my first times to really use my wrap, and I really liked it!! It all went pretty well in my opinion.
After dance all the Minor girls came home to a warm dinner waiting for us in the crock pot. The Minor boys went to Scouts and joined us later.
End report = Good Day!!
The only negative to this report is that just before bedtime, I noticed that Bella Peace wasn't quite herself. She woke up today with a runny nose (a really yucky runny nose), but that was her only symptom. Tonight when I noticed that she was just laying around a lot, I checked on her and discovered that she had a low grade temperature. I hate that apparently she's caught something. I also hate that I had her out tonight not knowing that she was not well. I'm praying that whatever is going on with her doesn't get shared with anyone else!!!
No pictures today, too busy for that. OK, hoping for another good nights sleep and another good day for tomorrow!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
~ 2 Weeks ~
Subtitled: The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty
Here's the Good
Well Baby E (I just absolutely love calling her Baby E) is officially 2 weeks old now. I really can't believe how fast time flies. At two weeks, she is still wearing newborn diapers and mostly all newborn clothes. I estimate her being around 8 lbs. She is a champion nurser and burps like a grown man!!! She has starting spitting up a little in the past couple of days, and I'm pretty sure it's because she over eats! :) She sleeps pretty good too. We are following the same bedtime ritual that we've used with all the others, and are hoping for the same results since they've all been/still are excellent sleepers. We aim for putting her down around 11:00 PM, and we try to get in bed at that same time. She usually wakes up the first time at around 3:00 AM and then again around 5 AM. Lately she ends up staying in the bed with us after that 5 AM feeding. That makes Wesley a little bit crazy, but I just can't help it. I was getting up and nursing her in the living room, but I kept falling asleep and spending the next few hours in the rocking chair. So I just gave in and started nursing her in the bed, and well I fall asleep there too of course!!! We usually get up for good at around 7:30 AM. I nurse her again at around that time and then all the little people get a turn to hold her while we get the day started. She does not like to be swaddled. Swaddling just makes her mad, and she fights her way out. :) We are finally starting to see her eyes. She's starting to be more alert and stay awake for a little while after feedings. This morning she was up for about 1 1/2 hours after her 8 AM feeding. A lot of times she watches us with just one eye which has led to me nick naming her "one eye". :) After a little working with her, we've got her using the "Nuk" pacifier. In the hospital, she was given the "Soothie" paci and she preferred that type at first. However, we did not. It's just a personal preference, but we like the Nuk better and feel like it is better for babies mouth and teeth. So we've now successfully made the switch. Although if we just left her along, she would totally be a finger sucker. We are trying hard to avoid that. :) So she sleeps, nurses, soils A LOT of diapers (we've gone through I think 5 packs in these 2 weeks), and enjoys being held and cuddled by the "minor" crew quite a lot!!! Elizabeth is just a sweet, sweet easy baby, and we all love her to pieces!!!
Now for the Bad
Don't be fooled though! Everything around her is not peaches and cream. Life is awesome, but it's also awesome HARD! I wouldn't trade these days for anything and am so, so, so grateful to have a new baby in my arms, but it's not without a lot of adjustment. My house is a total wreck (yes I know that doesn't really matter, except it does matter to me), homeschool has been hard (I'm learning to like the classical approach more and more since I can read to them or listen to them read while I'm nursing) (Heather I see you smiling, I see you!), we are watching a lot more TV than before, and Bella Peace uses Elizabeth's feedings to create havoc and chaos (BP is going to be the death of me!!). We are in desperate need of a new schedule and routine. Some structure. I feel like I need a paper bag or drugs or a straight jacket every time Wesley walks out the door for work. I'm sure I flash him puppy dog eyes which say, please don't leave me here alone with all these children, with this chaos, with this messy house, with all these school books! I know that I do, because he looks at me as to say I'm sorry I'm leaving you but I really have to go we have to pay for all of this. :) Does anyone else out there know what I'm talking about? It's like this is so totally my dream life, but that doesn't make it easy. I know that there are some who have the total misconception that if you have a big family you must be supermom or you must have it all together. My family and close friends know that's a lie!! I'm not supermom and I don't have it all together. Most days I'm barely hanging on and praying that God's grace and mercy covers over my many mistakes!
And finally, the Pretty
No ugly, only pretty. Pretty pictures. These pictures are all from the past week.
I think Elizabeth is going to like mirrors as much as the other Minor girls. She loves to look at her reflection in the mirror when she's on the changing pad. Vanity, already!!

Big Sister Bella Peace giving Baby E her pacifier. In this picture, I think Elizabeth looks a lot like pictures of my younger brother.

Here's "One Eye" at 2 weeks old

Wide Awake!!

The kiddos have enjoyed several field trips lately. In 4 days, they went on 3 different trips. Last Friday Wesley took them to see Columbus ship replicas, the Nina and the Pinta. The ships are on tour and in our area for a stop. Saturday was free museum day so of course we took advantage of that. And yesterday, they went to a local farm/pumpkin patch. This many field trips is not usual for us. It's just worked out this way lately. I've hated to miss out, but I have to admit that I've enjoyed the time to lay around and cuddle with Elizabeth. Here are some pictures from yesterday's trip.

Is he a country boy or what!?!

Here's the Good
Well Baby E (I just absolutely love calling her Baby E) is officially 2 weeks old now. I really can't believe how fast time flies. At two weeks, she is still wearing newborn diapers and mostly all newborn clothes. I estimate her being around 8 lbs. She is a champion nurser and burps like a grown man!!! She has starting spitting up a little in the past couple of days, and I'm pretty sure it's because she over eats! :) She sleeps pretty good too. We are following the same bedtime ritual that we've used with all the others, and are hoping for the same results since they've all been/still are excellent sleepers. We aim for putting her down around 11:00 PM, and we try to get in bed at that same time. She usually wakes up the first time at around 3:00 AM and then again around 5 AM. Lately she ends up staying in the bed with us after that 5 AM feeding. That makes Wesley a little bit crazy, but I just can't help it. I was getting up and nursing her in the living room, but I kept falling asleep and spending the next few hours in the rocking chair. So I just gave in and started nursing her in the bed, and well I fall asleep there too of course!!! We usually get up for good at around 7:30 AM. I nurse her again at around that time and then all the little people get a turn to hold her while we get the day started. She does not like to be swaddled. Swaddling just makes her mad, and she fights her way out. :) We are finally starting to see her eyes. She's starting to be more alert and stay awake for a little while after feedings. This morning she was up for about 1 1/2 hours after her 8 AM feeding. A lot of times she watches us with just one eye which has led to me nick naming her "one eye". :) After a little working with her, we've got her using the "Nuk" pacifier. In the hospital, she was given the "Soothie" paci and she preferred that type at first. However, we did not. It's just a personal preference, but we like the Nuk better and feel like it is better for babies mouth and teeth. So we've now successfully made the switch. Although if we just left her along, she would totally be a finger sucker. We are trying hard to avoid that. :) So she sleeps, nurses, soils A LOT of diapers (we've gone through I think 5 packs in these 2 weeks), and enjoys being held and cuddled by the "minor" crew quite a lot!!! Elizabeth is just a sweet, sweet easy baby, and we all love her to pieces!!!
Now for the Bad
Don't be fooled though! Everything around her is not peaches and cream. Life is awesome, but it's also awesome HARD! I wouldn't trade these days for anything and am so, so, so grateful to have a new baby in my arms, but it's not without a lot of adjustment. My house is a total wreck (yes I know that doesn't really matter, except it does matter to me), homeschool has been hard (I'm learning to like the classical approach more and more since I can read to them or listen to them read while I'm nursing) (Heather I see you smiling, I see you!), we are watching a lot more TV than before, and Bella Peace uses Elizabeth's feedings to create havoc and chaos (BP is going to be the death of me!!). We are in desperate need of a new schedule and routine. Some structure. I feel like I need a paper bag or drugs or a straight jacket every time Wesley walks out the door for work. I'm sure I flash him puppy dog eyes which say, please don't leave me here alone with all these children, with this chaos, with this messy house, with all these school books! I know that I do, because he looks at me as to say I'm sorry I'm leaving you but I really have to go we have to pay for all of this. :) Does anyone else out there know what I'm talking about? It's like this is so totally my dream life, but that doesn't make it easy. I know that there are some who have the total misconception that if you have a big family you must be supermom or you must have it all together. My family and close friends know that's a lie!! I'm not supermom and I don't have it all together. Most days I'm barely hanging on and praying that God's grace and mercy covers over my many mistakes!
And finally, the Pretty
No ugly, only pretty. Pretty pictures. These pictures are all from the past week.
I think Elizabeth is going to like mirrors as much as the other Minor girls. She loves to look at her reflection in the mirror when she's on the changing pad. Vanity, already!!
Big Sister Bella Peace giving Baby E her pacifier. In this picture, I think Elizabeth looks a lot like pictures of my younger brother.
Here's "One Eye" at 2 weeks old
Wide Awake!!
The kiddos have enjoyed several field trips lately. In 4 days, they went on 3 different trips. Last Friday Wesley took them to see Columbus ship replicas, the Nina and the Pinta. The ships are on tour and in our area for a stop. Saturday was free museum day so of course we took advantage of that. And yesterday, they went to a local farm/pumpkin patch. This many field trips is not usual for us. It's just worked out this way lately. I've hated to miss out, but I have to admit that I've enjoyed the time to lay around and cuddle with Elizabeth. Here are some pictures from yesterday's trip.
Is he a country boy or what!?!
Homeschool Trips,
At this moment...
2 weeks ago, I was very, very close to meeting this sweetie pie!!!!
How did 2 weeks pass so quickly?!
How did 2 weeks pass so quickly?!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Be Still My Heart
Elizabeth ~ Picture by Caroline: carolinejphotography.com
There are more amazing pictures like this one to come!!!

The family minus me and E at a field trip today. Notice anything different about my handsome hubby?

Our "minor" crew!! Smitten. I'm totally smitten with them all!!!
There are more amazing pictures like this one to come!!!

The family minus me and E at a field trip today. Notice anything different about my handsome hubby?
Our "minor" crew!! Smitten. I'm totally smitten with them all!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Her Birth Story
Welcome to the world, Sweet Child of Mine!!
Elizabeth Faith
7lbs 5 ozs ~ 20 inches
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 ~ 12:46 AM
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17
This slideshow is amazing!!! Caroline is amazing!!
website: www.carolinejphotography.com
email: caroline4kids@yahoo.com
She captured every single moment in a total of 565 images. We've condensed the story into this slideshow of 184 images. I encourage you to read the birth story and then watch the slideshow. Absolutely Amazing!! To God Be The Glory!!!
It all began a week and a day ago on Monday, September 13th. I'm always amazed at how good God is to me. On Monday, I woke up determined to make something happen. I took the reigns. Took control. But, threw up a prayer here and there that I would get my way. I was really tired of waiting and really hoping to go in on my own. It's so hard to get up everyday and go about business as usual when you keep thinking that at any minute something could happen or start happening to send you into labor. So on Monday I decided to do something about it. Looking back I regret my attitude, my pride, my desire to control things, etc. However in spite of all of that, God still gave me the desire of my heart. Still. He did it. He allowed it. Him.
I began the day walking in hopes of bringing on serious contractions. It happened. The contractions began. So I came in and began to pack and prepare. The contractions continued. Grew more intense. Grew closer together. Whoo Hoo!!! I was on my way. I did have a moments when I realized that I was really trying too hard to manipulate the situation, and I had to ask myself was it all real or was it in my head. At that point, I sat down for a while to get a grip on the situation and sure enough the contractions continued. So, we finished a few things around the house, packed up the kids, dropped them off to sweet friends, and headed to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital at around 3:30 PM. Still questioning the day, I went in asking my nurse, "is this the real thing." Then a contraction hit, I doubled over and she laughed and said, "Uh, yes this is the real thing." My first nurse was Monica. I loved her to pieces and hated when she went off duty at 7:00 PM. By around 4:00 PM I was in a room, hooked up to the monitors, and was checked for the first time. At that time, I was dilated 4 cm, about 70% effaced, and my contractions varied between about 2-6 minutes apart. Monica assured me there was no going home now. I was there to have a baby!!! The contractions continued to intensify over the next couple hours. They also continued to be between 1-5 minutes apart. Then while they remained consistent in how far apart they were, they seemed to decrease in intensity. That seems to always happen to me. My nurse said it's pretty common for that to happen after someone begins to received fluids. So at that point we began pitocin. I have had pitocin with every delivery so that wasn't a big deal to me. Pitocin helps bring on contractions. So soon after beginning the pitocin, the contractions cranked back up again in intensity and in consistency. At that point, they began coming every 1-2 minutes. Also in an effort to speed things along, my doctor decided to break my water. We all felt like things would move quickly after my water was broke, and it was recommended that if I wanted an epidural I should get it before they broke my water. So at around 7:30 PM I got the epidural and around 8:15 PM Dr. C broke my water. To this point, progress was occurring it was just happening very slowly. My new nurse, Amy had replaced Monica at 7 PM. Monica assured me that I was in good hands, and she was right. Amy was also great! At around 8:30 PM, Amy suggested that the baby might be slightly off center. She suggested laying on my side to help baby get into better position. At around 9:30 PM I was still only about 5-6 cm dilated and 70-80% effaced but at least baby Elizabeth was further down now. Still, I was feeling a tinsy bit frustrated with my progress. Amy was checking me about every 2 hours, so the next time I was checked was around 11:30 PM. Finally, better progress. I was about 7.5 cm dilated. Hooray!!! Amy decided to roll me over to the other side for a while. Almost immediately the contractions intensified. Then based on the monitors and my contractions Amy came back in at 11:55 PM and asked me if I was noticing any pressure. I had began to notice a little bit of pressure. Amy could tell that things were getting close just by watching the monitors. So, cool!! So she checked me again, and I was at 9 cm and 90%!!! Ten minutes later, I told her I was feeling a lot more pressure and I thought I might be ready! She checked me at 12:04 AM and said I was at 10 cm and 100% effaced, ready to push!!! And boy could I feel it!! I was practically begging to push baby out, but no! What, no?!! Yes, no!!! Dr. C was down the road at the other hospital in the middle of delivering another mom!!!! I was in misery waiting on him. I began to ask for my epidural to be cranked up. The pain and pressure was so intense! My nurse Amy also thought I should get some additional medication to help me resist the urge to push. Very quickly the anesthesiologist came in. As he was pushing a needle into my IV line I heard him say, "this ought to do it. It's 4 times the strength of what she had." What????!!!!! I didn't ask for that much!!! Within a few minutes I felt nothing!! I was very fearful that I would have trouble pushing. I mean really I went from thinking I was about to die with pain to laughing as we waited for Dr. C to arrive. Crazy, stuff! Finally, Dr. C arrives and I began to push at 12:36 AM on Tuesday, September 14th. With just a few pushes that I'm not sure how I managed since I felt absolutely nothing, no pain, no pressure, no knowledge of a contraction, Elizabeth Faith was born at 12:46 AM!!! Hallelujah!!!
I love so much that Caroline captured every detail. I love looking at my face when I first got see, touch, feel, hold, Elizabeth for the first time. There's nothing that compares!! I love that that through pictures I can forever relive that moment over and over again. So, awesome!!!
I love that the Lord loves me and is so good to me!! I am in awe of how much He has blessed me. I can hardly believe that He has chosen to give me this life I have. To be a wife to Wesley, a mother of 8 children, 5 of which He has entrusted to me here on this Earth! As I look back other the prayers I posted in the days leading up to Elizabeth's birth, I can see His hand on every one!!! A hymn comes to my mind..."I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me, a sinner condemned, unclean. How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be, How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Savior's love for me!"
A few days ago, I shared with Wesley my regret over my attitude on Monday morning. Wesley quoted from memory this verse:
"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps."
That was freeing to me. We can make our plans all day long, but God is always ultimately in control. I don't really know why I've made so much out of it in the first place, but God has used it to convict and mold me. It has reminded me of how good He is and how undeserving I am. All I can say is, "The Lord is good!! He is good!!"
Elizabeth Faith
7lbs 5 ozs ~ 20 inches
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 ~ 12:46 AM
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17
This slideshow is amazing!!! Caroline is amazing!!
website: www.carolinejphotography.com
email: caroline4kids@yahoo.com
She captured every single moment in a total of 565 images. We've condensed the story into this slideshow of 184 images. I encourage you to read the birth story and then watch the slideshow. Absolutely Amazing!! To God Be The Glory!!!
It all began a week and a day ago on Monday, September 13th. I'm always amazed at how good God is to me. On Monday, I woke up determined to make something happen. I took the reigns. Took control. But, threw up a prayer here and there that I would get my way. I was really tired of waiting and really hoping to go in on my own. It's so hard to get up everyday and go about business as usual when you keep thinking that at any minute something could happen or start happening to send you into labor. So on Monday I decided to do something about it. Looking back I regret my attitude, my pride, my desire to control things, etc. However in spite of all of that, God still gave me the desire of my heart. Still. He did it. He allowed it. Him.
I began the day walking in hopes of bringing on serious contractions. It happened. The contractions began. So I came in and began to pack and prepare. The contractions continued. Grew more intense. Grew closer together. Whoo Hoo!!! I was on my way. I did have a moments when I realized that I was really trying too hard to manipulate the situation, and I had to ask myself was it all real or was it in my head. At that point, I sat down for a while to get a grip on the situation and sure enough the contractions continued. So, we finished a few things around the house, packed up the kids, dropped them off to sweet friends, and headed to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital at around 3:30 PM. Still questioning the day, I went in asking my nurse, "is this the real thing." Then a contraction hit, I doubled over and she laughed and said, "Uh, yes this is the real thing." My first nurse was Monica. I loved her to pieces and hated when she went off duty at 7:00 PM. By around 4:00 PM I was in a room, hooked up to the monitors, and was checked for the first time. At that time, I was dilated 4 cm, about 70% effaced, and my contractions varied between about 2-6 minutes apart. Monica assured me there was no going home now. I was there to have a baby!!! The contractions continued to intensify over the next couple hours. They also continued to be between 1-5 minutes apart. Then while they remained consistent in how far apart they were, they seemed to decrease in intensity. That seems to always happen to me. My nurse said it's pretty common for that to happen after someone begins to received fluids. So at that point we began pitocin. I have had pitocin with every delivery so that wasn't a big deal to me. Pitocin helps bring on contractions. So soon after beginning the pitocin, the contractions cranked back up again in intensity and in consistency. At that point, they began coming every 1-2 minutes. Also in an effort to speed things along, my doctor decided to break my water. We all felt like things would move quickly after my water was broke, and it was recommended that if I wanted an epidural I should get it before they broke my water. So at around 7:30 PM I got the epidural and around 8:15 PM Dr. C broke my water. To this point, progress was occurring it was just happening very slowly. My new nurse, Amy had replaced Monica at 7 PM. Monica assured me that I was in good hands, and she was right. Amy was also great! At around 8:30 PM, Amy suggested that the baby might be slightly off center. She suggested laying on my side to help baby get into better position. At around 9:30 PM I was still only about 5-6 cm dilated and 70-80% effaced but at least baby Elizabeth was further down now. Still, I was feeling a tinsy bit frustrated with my progress. Amy was checking me about every 2 hours, so the next time I was checked was around 11:30 PM. Finally, better progress. I was about 7.5 cm dilated. Hooray!!! Amy decided to roll me over to the other side for a while. Almost immediately the contractions intensified. Then based on the monitors and my contractions Amy came back in at 11:55 PM and asked me if I was noticing any pressure. I had began to notice a little bit of pressure. Amy could tell that things were getting close just by watching the monitors. So, cool!! So she checked me again, and I was at 9 cm and 90%!!! Ten minutes later, I told her I was feeling a lot more pressure and I thought I might be ready! She checked me at 12:04 AM and said I was at 10 cm and 100% effaced, ready to push!!! And boy could I feel it!! I was practically begging to push baby out, but no! What, no?!! Yes, no!!! Dr. C was down the road at the other hospital in the middle of delivering another mom!!!! I was in misery waiting on him. I began to ask for my epidural to be cranked up. The pain and pressure was so intense! My nurse Amy also thought I should get some additional medication to help me resist the urge to push. Very quickly the anesthesiologist came in. As he was pushing a needle into my IV line I heard him say, "this ought to do it. It's 4 times the strength of what she had." What????!!!!! I didn't ask for that much!!! Within a few minutes I felt nothing!! I was very fearful that I would have trouble pushing. I mean really I went from thinking I was about to die with pain to laughing as we waited for Dr. C to arrive. Crazy, stuff! Finally, Dr. C arrives and I began to push at 12:36 AM on Tuesday, September 14th. With just a few pushes that I'm not sure how I managed since I felt absolutely nothing, no pain, no pressure, no knowledge of a contraction, Elizabeth Faith was born at 12:46 AM!!! Hallelujah!!!
I love so much that Caroline captured every detail. I love looking at my face when I first got see, touch, feel, hold, Elizabeth for the first time. There's nothing that compares!! I love that that through pictures I can forever relive that moment over and over again. So, awesome!!!
I love that the Lord loves me and is so good to me!! I am in awe of how much He has blessed me. I can hardly believe that He has chosen to give me this life I have. To be a wife to Wesley, a mother of 8 children, 5 of which He has entrusted to me here on this Earth! As I look back other the prayers I posted in the days leading up to Elizabeth's birth, I can see His hand on every one!!! A hymn comes to my mind..."I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how He could love me, a sinner condemned, unclean. How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be, How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Savior's love for me!"
A few days ago, I shared with Wesley my regret over my attitude on Monday morning. Wesley quoted from memory this verse:
"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps."
That was freeing to me. We can make our plans all day long, but God is always ultimately in control. I don't really know why I've made so much out of it in the first place, but God has used it to convict and mold me. It has reminded me of how good He is and how undeserving I am. All I can say is, "The Lord is good!! He is good!!"
~One Week~
So I'm up nursing sweet baby Elizabeth and I've just watched the clock as it marked her 1 week birthday. How did that happen? One week already?!!! Time is flying by. One week ago my life forever changed yet again. I could not be more in love with this sweet baby girl, her Daddy, and her 4 precious siblings who also love and adore her more than words can say. I'm working on something very special that I hope to put up tomorrow so check back if you can.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Full of Love
Tonight as I go to bed, I feel so full of love. Love for Wesley. Love for our precious new baby girl. Love for my other 4 precious children, Luke, Grace, Mary Ruth, and Bella Peace. Love for my other extended family. Love for my church family and friends. Love for my Creator, Redeemer, Provider, Savior, my God. I'm blessed beyond words. His great love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy for me amazes me. All I can say is, "thank you, Lord. Thank you."
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Adventure Begins
We are home. I'm so very happy to be home, however coming home is always a little bit scary for me. There's no one on the other end of the phone taking my meal order, bringing me fresh linens, or asking if now is a good time to clean my room. Real life. Responsibilities. No "Nurse Call" or "Emergency Call" button!!! Pray for us as we make this transition. BTW, I LOVE this "real life" and all the "responsibilities" and would not trade them for the world!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Nursing, Sleep, and Praise
I've just finished nursing Elizabeth. She is a champion nurser!!! It's going really well. (Warming, TMI coming up.) My nipples always really hurt in the beginning, so I can't wait for that to pass. But otherwise, it really is going great! I think she would nurse 24/7 if I let her. I can't wait for my milk to come in. My nurse just reminded me that I need to significantally increase my fluids. I had forgotten that. How did I forget that?!! I instantly sent Wesley down the hall for more water. Come on, milk!!!
So last night was one of the best nights of sleep I've had in quite a while. I dozed off and on after our last company left about 9:00 PM until around 11:00 when I decided that it was for real bedtime. I nursed Elizabeth and did my official bedtime routine and actually had all lights off by 12:00 midnight. I was up again from about 2-3 AM nursing again. Then, again around 5:00 AM. That doesn't sound like a good nights sleep, but it feels great to me considering what I have been getting lately!!!
Sometime soon I will share more pictures and birth details. For now, I just want to brag on the Lord and say how good He has been to us!! He has answered so many prayers big and little surrounding Elizabeth's birth and delivery. I'm so grateful!!
So last night was one of the best nights of sleep I've had in quite a while. I dozed off and on after our last company left about 9:00 PM until around 11:00 when I decided that it was for real bedtime. I nursed Elizabeth and did my official bedtime routine and actually had all lights off by 12:00 midnight. I was up again from about 2-3 AM nursing again. Then, again around 5:00 AM. That doesn't sound like a good nights sleep, but it feels great to me considering what I have been getting lately!!!
Sometime soon I will share more pictures and birth details. For now, I just want to brag on the Lord and say how good He has been to us!! He has answered so many prayers big and little surrounding Elizabeth's birth and delivery. I'm so grateful!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Here are a couple pictures. Ignore the date. Something happened here tonight that reset the date so all these pictures are stamped wrong. Frustrating! Fortunately this was not the only camera used. We ended up with several people taking pictures, including a professional photographer!!! I should be adding other pictures, other awesome pictures soon!! But it might not be first thing tomorrow. I'm expecting a busy morning with a "minor" reunion first thing in the morning!
Look at those poked out lips! Drama already!!!

BTW, notice the time. I am up late getting settled into a regular room and nursing my new baby girl! I've been averaging about 3 hours a night recently. Tonight is no different as far as sleep is concerned...still no sleep, but tonight it feels so totally worth it!!!
Here are a couple pictures. Ignore the date. Something happened here tonight that reset the date so all these pictures are stamped wrong. Frustrating! Fortunately this was not the only camera used. We ended up with several people taking pictures, including a professional photographer!!! I should be adding other pictures, other awesome pictures soon!! But it might not be first thing tomorrow. I'm expecting a busy morning with a "minor" reunion first thing in the morning!
Look at those poked out lips! Drama already!!!
BTW, notice the time. I am up late getting settled into a regular room and nursing my new baby girl! I've been averaging about 3 hours a night recently. Tonight is no different as far as sleep is concerned...still no sleep, but tonight it feels so totally worth it!!!
She's here!
Elizabeth Faith Minor. 7.5 lbs 20"long. Thank you Lord!
Having to wait for Doctor!
She's at 10 cm and Dr Conrad is at Crestwood delivering. She wants to push but they are making her wait. Pray that he gets here fast or else she's going without him.
Getting close
Cant talk long but she is at 9cm and things are starting to happen fast. Wont be long.
Monday, September 13, 2010
11:30pm Update
She just got checked. She has dialated to 7-8cm and they rolled her over to the other side. Amy, her nurse, suspects that Elizabeth is not exactly lined up the way she needs to be but she is progressing so that's good.
Contractions are every 2 minutes and pretty intense. Jennifer says they are more intense since they rolled her over.
Jennifer and baby are doing good.
Contractions are every 2 minutes and pretty intense. Jennifer says they are more intense since they rolled her over.
Jennifer and baby are doing good.
Nurse just checked Jennifer. She is progressing just slowly. She is at 5-6cm dialated, 70% effaced, and at 0 station. She's doing good, just hanging out and talking. Right now we have 9 people with us. Girls 7, Boys 2. All the moms have now made it to the hospital.
We just talked to the kids to say good night and told them they were most likely not going to get to see their new sister until tomorrow. They are soooo excited and have wanted to be at the hospital right after she was born. I hope they can get some some good sleep tonight.
We just talked to the kids to say good night and told them they were most likely not going to get to see their new sister until tomorrow. They are soooo excited and have wanted to be at the hospital right after she was born. I hope they can get some some good sleep tonight.
What not to do during wife's contraction!
Warning to you guys who have expecting wives or might have one in the future. Do not play Antoine Dodson's interview on you tube during a contraction. This will cause your wife to laugh hard, which will cause the contraction to hurt worse, and you in turn might possibly be accussed of being insensitive. Possibly, just possibly.
Moving on...Dr Conrad came by and said he would like to start a low dose of Pitocin to keep the contractions regular. Some time after 7pm she will get an epidural and then Dr Conrad will come in and break her water. Contractions are about 2-3 minutes apart. Talk with you later.
Moving on...Dr Conrad came by and said he would like to start a low dose of Pitocin to keep the contractions regular. Some time after 7pm she will get an epidural and then Dr Conrad will come in and break her water. Contractions are about 2-3 minutes apart. Talk with you later.
We're at the hospital to stay!
Hey its Wes here. I will be writing for most of this evening on behalf of Jennifer. We have gotten into a room and they are keeping her! She is 4cm dialated and about 70-80% effaced and contractions are between 2 and 6 minutes apart. Dr Conrad is going to come by after his clinic to check on her and probably break her water.
Everything is going great. Jennifer and Elizabeth are doing great. Jennifer's already made friends with her nurse, Monica. She is wonderful and taking great care of Jennifer. No epidural just yet! Im telling Jennifer to do a little walking in the hall way but she's not interested. I'll give you an update a little later. Please pray for Jennifer and Elizabeth that everything goes well.
Everything is going great. Jennifer and Elizabeth are doing great. Jennifer's already made friends with her nurse, Monica. She is wonderful and taking great care of Jennifer. No epidural just yet! Im telling Jennifer to do a little walking in the hall way but she's not interested. I'll give you an update a little later. Please pray for Jennifer and Elizabeth that everything goes well.
Are We Having A Baby Today????
So this morning I got up with an agenda!! I've only slept about 3 hours the past 2 nights. When I did wake this morning, I decided it was time. Wesley was going to be home in the morning, so I took to walking. And I walked hard in our neighborhood!! When I returned back home, sure enough I was having contractions. Very strong contractions. So I decided to keep pushing and start getting ready. My contractions have not stopped all day. They've not always been extremely intense (although much of the time they have been), and they are not extremely predictable. But, I'm still having them and they are getting closer together. So here's my dilemma. If I were to stop moving and lay down and rest, would they stop? It's totally possible. But, I don't want them to stop. I've talked to the my doctor who has given me the green light to come on in to the hospital anytime I get ready. I just don't want to have any regrets. I don't want to look back and feel that I manipulated the situation too much. If I get to the hospital and everything completely stops, it's still very likely that my doctor would won't to go ahead and keep me. So I'm taking a minute to sit down and evaluate the situation. I'm praying that God will make clear to me that this is the right time.
On another note, my countdown prayer request for today is actually not for me or Elizabeth. Today I am praying and asking you to join me in praying for all the people we know for whom childbirth can be bittersweet. There are many in my circle of family and friends who rejoice over a new birth while inwardly suffering from the pain of a loss, miscarriage, or from infertility. You know who you are, please know that I love each of you and I'm praying for you today!! I've been the one who genuinely looked lovingly on a new mother and a newborn baby with great joy while my heart felt like it was breaking into with my own grief over losing my baby. I love you, Dear Friends!! No matter what your situation, God knows. He loves you. And He has a good and perfect plan for you!!
Additional as mentioned before pray for wisdom for me this day!
More to come...
On another note, my countdown prayer request for today is actually not for me or Elizabeth. Today I am praying and asking you to join me in praying for all the people we know for whom childbirth can be bittersweet. There are many in my circle of family and friends who rejoice over a new birth while inwardly suffering from the pain of a loss, miscarriage, or from infertility. You know who you are, please know that I love each of you and I'm praying for you today!! I've been the one who genuinely looked lovingly on a new mother and a newborn baby with great joy while my heart felt like it was breaking into with my own grief over losing my baby. I love you, Dear Friends!! No matter what your situation, God knows. He loves you. And He has a good and perfect plan for you!!
Additional as mentioned before pray for wisdom for me this day!
More to come...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Still Counting, Prayer, and Pictures
If money were no object, I would so totally have professional maternity pictures made. Since money is an object, I'm so glad that I have other options! These are my maternity pictures. Taken today at home in my back yard by amazing amateur photographers. Yes, "photographer-s" as in plural. That's because, Luke took some of these pictures, and then Grace wanted to take some more. Like I said, amazing photographers!! My mother bought Luke, Grace, and Mary Ruth nice real digital cameras for Christmas 2008. I'm so glad that she trusted me when I said they were ready and could accept the responsibility. Giving a kid a delicate adult item like that was a risk, but I felt like we could teach them to use them carefully. It has been one of their favorite gifts ever. They've gotten so much use out of them, and as you can tell they've gotten pretty good at using them. We considered the nearly break proof kid cameras, but I thought they were overpriced and the quality of the pictures was just so very bad. So I suggested getting real cameras at a great price off Ebay. She actually got them for less money than the kids cameras. Like I said earlier it was a risk, but if somehow one got broke tomorrow I would feel like we got our money out of them. (Thanks, Mom! You're the best!!!) OK, sorry for that serious derailment! I love these pictures!! I can't decide which is my favorite!!!
OH, BABY!!! This one makes me remember my prayer about Elizabeth not being too big! My belly looks HUGE!!! Maybe it's the angle?!?!!!
My 2 favorite guys on Earth! Aren't they so handsome!!
A boy and his dog
Now it was Grace's turn. So pretty! We didn't get any pictures with Mary Ruth and Bella Peace. She should have, but they were really enjoying the swing set.
We all enjoyed an awesome morning of worship together as a family at church. It will be my last Sunday for a few weeks. We keep new babies at home for the first several weeks of life for my recovery, to bond, to adjust to nursing, and to avoid germs. I will miss being in church with the family, but I'm looking forward to my time with Elizabeth. Fortunately we can take in sermons on TV. Our church is on TV. The sermon is always one week behind, but that's OK.
Today's sermon was based on Revelation 2 and was about returning to our first love. A very brief summary is, "remember how it was when you first came to know Christ, remember your joy, your zeal, your passion, repent of those things that have come in and distracted you, and return to the Lord." As always it was a very good sermon! I hope to get in a habit of recapping each sermon here on my blog as a way to remind myself and help seal it in my head. You know the idea of hear it, read it, write it, see it, and repeat it. One other thing that I loved about today's sermon tied into a song that we heard by the choir called, "Not Guilty". It had a line that said something like, "I know you. I love you. I died for you." Verse 2 of text today starts with, "I know thy works, and thy labor (there we go again!)..." I love being reminded of the fact that "He knows" and He loves me so much anyway!!! Awesome!
OK, so my countdown prayer today is not very spiritual. It's just a desire of my heart. Please join me in praying that God would allow me to go into labor on my own before I am admitted Wednesday night. I'm not scared or worry and have no reason for this request other than it's just a preference. I want to go in on my own. I'll be perfectly content if that's not what God has planned, but it sure would be "peachy" if we let me have my way on this!!! As always, thanks for praying! I can't wait to introduce Elizabeth on here!!!
Baby # 8,
Cute Kid Stories,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Countdown Prayer, 5 Days or Less!!
Tonight will be short. Here's my countdown prayer:
I'm praying tonight for "EASY". I'm praying for safe, fast, and easy delivery in the hospital. I'm praying that Elizabeth will be an easy baby (like I mentioned last night - calm spirit). I'm praying that nursing will go well and be easy. I'm praying for Elizabeth to be a good eater, sleeper, and yes even "pooper" (may sound strange, but it's hard on babies when they struggle with constipation some of you understand this all too well). And I'm asking for the transition to be easy on all fronts - easy for our family especially the other children to adjust to having a new member and easy to resume school/work/life soon after Elizabeth comes home.
OH, I just can't wait for her to get here!!! Thanks again for checking in and for praying with us!
I'm praying tonight for "EASY". I'm praying for safe, fast, and easy delivery in the hospital. I'm praying that Elizabeth will be an easy baby (like I mentioned last night - calm spirit). I'm praying that nursing will go well and be easy. I'm praying for Elizabeth to be a good eater, sleeper, and yes even "pooper" (may sound strange, but it's hard on babies when they struggle with constipation some of you understand this all too well). And I'm asking for the transition to be easy on all fronts - easy for our family especially the other children to adjust to having a new member and easy to resume school/work/life soon after Elizabeth comes home.
OH, I just can't wait for her to get here!!! Thanks again for checking in and for praying with us!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Prayer Countdown, Lessons, and Fun Family Night
Today I had a couple moments where I felt almost overcome with emotion, both good and not so good. Fear is trying to creep in. Ever since losing my first baby boy, I have these times when I'm pregnant where I imagine and plan out my response should something go wrong again. I don't do it often, and it usually starts rolling around in my head before I realize it. Today that happened. I imagined what I would do, say, how I would respond if something went wrong, if Elizabeth dead during or soon after birth. I found myself trying to decide if I wanted company or if I wanted to be left alone. Things like that. Then my thoughts turned into what if something were to happen to one of my other children. As much as it has hurt/still hurts to have lost three babies, I think losing a child that I have had the pleasure of getting to know would be even harder. Then I started thinking about what if something happened to me. I started thinking about how much I want to live, how much I want to do, how I want to see my children grown, how I want to grow old and share grandchildren with Wesley, how I want to know that all my family members are going to be with me in Heaven one day.
In the Bible, Paul speaks of how being absent from the body is to be in the presence of Jesus and of how to die is to gain. I know that this absolutely must be true, but let I find that I cling to the things in this world. I want to be here. It's interesting, because it seems that everywhere I turn this past week I hear a message on Martha and Mary. As my thoughts were running away in my mind today, they were interrupted by the fact that in this way too I am like Martha. Lately I have been painfully aware of how much of a Martha I have been with my massive to do list. I realized that I find myself clinging to my life here on Earth instead of imagining how awesome eternity in Heaven with Jesus is going to be. Something else that has struck me is how my motives behind the to do list aren't what they should be either. At least with Martha as far as we know, she was toiling, worrying, fussing out of a desire to serve. I find that my labor is more out of my desire to look good for family and friends who will be visiting after Elizabeth is born. I do have some good motives too, but if I'm being honest the real reason is pride. Not such a pretty picture, my Friends!
I'm thankful that because of the recent lessons on Martha and Mary, I'm at least more aware of it. The Holy Spirit is at work, and I clearly recognize His prompting in me to relax and take time to enjoy and appreciate the Lord and the great blessing He has bestowed on me once again!! It's still a struggle, but I'm grateful that He's working on me. I have to add that last Sunday when I walked into church and realized what the sermon was going to be on I thought, "OH, NO!!! I remember also saying in my head to the Lord, "OK, Lord this is a low blow. I don't need this right now. I still have to get this list done!!" I looked at Wesley during the sermon and he looked at me and we both just smiled the biggest smile. We actually had at a "tiff" last week about the to do list. He said pretty much all the same things that Bro. Greg said in the sermon, he just didn't add the scripture references. Ha!
I'm trying harder to enjoy these last days of pregnancy, after all I'm not promised another pregnancy. I'm trying to enjoy the last days of being a family of 6. To enjoy the fact that I have more time to devote to the 4 awesome children I already have. Having a newborn will demand a lot, I need to enjoy these last days. To just enjoy and appreciate my blessings in general. To be grateful. To be content. I need to get over my pride and focus on what really matters.
So I started by mentioning that I had some moments where I was practically overcome with emotion, both good and bad. Now for the good. Although I did have a moment where I let my fears run wild in my head, after the Holy Spirit got my attention I took those thoughts captive. I thanked God that no matter what He has a good and perfect plan for me and each of my family members. I allowed myself to dream of the sweetness of the miracle that I will meet very soon. I asked the Lord to continue to complete the good work that He has began in my life. To grow me. To help me deal with my pride and discontentment. I imagined how much sweeter Heaven will be. I prayed that I would be His servant, that I would glorify Him, that I would be the wife and mother He has called me to be, and that I would not waste so much precious time worrying over things that really don't matter.
Today was good. Busy, but in a good way. The kiddos and I didn't just rush out the door. We had our devotion and prayer time before leaving for the field trip. (BTW, we actually went on 2 super good field trips to the newspaper and the news station!) We typically have a devotion and prayer each day, but today was different b/c of where my heart was as I led them. We came home and spent time napping instead of toiling. Then we had a awesome family night. It wasn't planned. It just sort of happened! Don't you think sometimes those are the best!!!
We received several restaurant gift certificates last year at Christmas time mostly from parents of Wesley's athletes. (Boy am I going to miss that this year now that he's in a different position!) We've had just one left for quite a while. I've been saving if for just the right occasion. So with that and a great coupon I downloaded, tonight was the night to cash in! We enjoyed what I consider could be somewhat of a "last supper" as a family of 6, then we redeemed some free bowling coupons that I've also had all summer long and took the kids bowling for the 1st time ever!! It was so much fun!!! Everyone was all smiles!! I hugged, kissed, and cheered on my hubby and babies all night long! Wesley could have bowled all night. He's pretty good too! Luke did quite well for his fist time. Grace was so funny and awkward. She has a blast trying, but oh my is her name ever fitting. "Grace". Enough said! Poor girl is just like her Mommy!!! Mary Ruth had a blast and smiled all night long! She was kind of in the middle of Luke and Grace in her skill set. Less awkward, but still needed a lot of help. It was so fun to watch and enjoy their reactions! And Bella Peace. There aren't words. She was so keyed up. There is nothing she won't do or try to do. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!! She loved that her feet would slide around so easily. She also demanded to hold and throw her own bowling ball. We of course demanded otherwise! Fun, fun!
Now for my countdown prayer request:
In addition to safety and good health for me and Elizabeth during childbirth and after, I'm praying for the spiritual health of me and Elizabeth. I asking the Lord to continue to grow me into the woman God wants me to be, and that I will allow Him to have His way in me. I want to be a Godly wife and mother. I want to teach the children what really matters - to love God and to love others. I'm praying that Elizabeth will grow to know and love the Lord, and that she will not grow up with a spirit of rebellion or unbelief. I'm praying that she will be a calm, content baby and grow to have a meek and quiet spirit. Thanks again for praying with me!! Now here's some pictures to make you smile! Enjoy!!
Seriously, don't you just love bowling shoes!! So cute!

Daddy showing 'em how it's done! STRIKE!!!

Did I mention, he LOVED it as much as the kiddos did!

Luke getting schooled

Giving it a try...

Oh, yeah! Good thing he takes after his Daddy!

I can't help but smile! Look at her leg!!! I think Wesley may have just saved her from falling. Too bad, she gets her coordination from me!!

Making progress, getting better!

So cute!! Trying so hard to get it just right!!

All smiles!

Oh, my!!!

Her words, "I doed it, myself, Daddy!"

Fun times!! "Can we do this again, sometime? Pleeeeease?!!!"
In the Bible, Paul speaks of how being absent from the body is to be in the presence of Jesus and of how to die is to gain. I know that this absolutely must be true, but let I find that I cling to the things in this world. I want to be here. It's interesting, because it seems that everywhere I turn this past week I hear a message on Martha and Mary. As my thoughts were running away in my mind today, they were interrupted by the fact that in this way too I am like Martha. Lately I have been painfully aware of how much of a Martha I have been with my massive to do list. I realized that I find myself clinging to my life here on Earth instead of imagining how awesome eternity in Heaven with Jesus is going to be. Something else that has struck me is how my motives behind the to do list aren't what they should be either. At least with Martha as far as we know, she was toiling, worrying, fussing out of a desire to serve. I find that my labor is more out of my desire to look good for family and friends who will be visiting after Elizabeth is born. I do have some good motives too, but if I'm being honest the real reason is pride. Not such a pretty picture, my Friends!
I'm thankful that because of the recent lessons on Martha and Mary, I'm at least more aware of it. The Holy Spirit is at work, and I clearly recognize His prompting in me to relax and take time to enjoy and appreciate the Lord and the great blessing He has bestowed on me once again!! It's still a struggle, but I'm grateful that He's working on me. I have to add that last Sunday when I walked into church and realized what the sermon was going to be on I thought, "OH, NO!!! I remember also saying in my head to the Lord, "OK, Lord this is a low blow. I don't need this right now. I still have to get this list done!!" I looked at Wesley during the sermon and he looked at me and we both just smiled the biggest smile. We actually had at a "tiff" last week about the to do list. He said pretty much all the same things that Bro. Greg said in the sermon, he just didn't add the scripture references. Ha!
I'm trying harder to enjoy these last days of pregnancy, after all I'm not promised another pregnancy. I'm trying to enjoy the last days of being a family of 6. To enjoy the fact that I have more time to devote to the 4 awesome children I already have. Having a newborn will demand a lot, I need to enjoy these last days. To just enjoy and appreciate my blessings in general. To be grateful. To be content. I need to get over my pride and focus on what really matters.
So I started by mentioning that I had some moments where I was practically overcome with emotion, both good and bad. Now for the good. Although I did have a moment where I let my fears run wild in my head, after the Holy Spirit got my attention I took those thoughts captive. I thanked God that no matter what He has a good and perfect plan for me and each of my family members. I allowed myself to dream of the sweetness of the miracle that I will meet very soon. I asked the Lord to continue to complete the good work that He has began in my life. To grow me. To help me deal with my pride and discontentment. I imagined how much sweeter Heaven will be. I prayed that I would be His servant, that I would glorify Him, that I would be the wife and mother He has called me to be, and that I would not waste so much precious time worrying over things that really don't matter.
Today was good. Busy, but in a good way. The kiddos and I didn't just rush out the door. We had our devotion and prayer time before leaving for the field trip. (BTW, we actually went on 2 super good field trips to the newspaper and the news station!) We typically have a devotion and prayer each day, but today was different b/c of where my heart was as I led them. We came home and spent time napping instead of toiling. Then we had a awesome family night. It wasn't planned. It just sort of happened! Don't you think sometimes those are the best!!!
We received several restaurant gift certificates last year at Christmas time mostly from parents of Wesley's athletes. (Boy am I going to miss that this year now that he's in a different position!) We've had just one left for quite a while. I've been saving if for just the right occasion. So with that and a great coupon I downloaded, tonight was the night to cash in! We enjoyed what I consider could be somewhat of a "last supper" as a family of 6, then we redeemed some free bowling coupons that I've also had all summer long and took the kids bowling for the 1st time ever!! It was so much fun!!! Everyone was all smiles!! I hugged, kissed, and cheered on my hubby and babies all night long! Wesley could have bowled all night. He's pretty good too! Luke did quite well for his fist time. Grace was so funny and awkward. She has a blast trying, but oh my is her name ever fitting. "Grace". Enough said! Poor girl is just like her Mommy!!! Mary Ruth had a blast and smiled all night long! She was kind of in the middle of Luke and Grace in her skill set. Less awkward, but still needed a lot of help. It was so fun to watch and enjoy their reactions! And Bella Peace. There aren't words. She was so keyed up. There is nothing she won't do or try to do. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!! She loved that her feet would slide around so easily. She also demanded to hold and throw her own bowling ball. We of course demanded otherwise! Fun, fun!
Now for my countdown prayer request:
In addition to safety and good health for me and Elizabeth during childbirth and after, I'm praying for the spiritual health of me and Elizabeth. I asking the Lord to continue to grow me into the woman God wants me to be, and that I will allow Him to have His way in me. I want to be a Godly wife and mother. I want to teach the children what really matters - to love God and to love others. I'm praying that Elizabeth will grow to know and love the Lord, and that she will not grow up with a spirit of rebellion or unbelief. I'm praying that she will be a calm, content baby and grow to have a meek and quiet spirit. Thanks again for praying with me!! Now here's some pictures to make you smile! Enjoy!!
Seriously, don't you just love bowling shoes!! So cute!
Daddy showing 'em how it's done! STRIKE!!!
Did I mention, he LOVED it as much as the kiddos did!
Luke getting schooled
Giving it a try...
Oh, yeah! Good thing he takes after his Daddy!
I can't help but smile! Look at her leg!!! I think Wesley may have just saved her from falling. Too bad, she gets her coordination from me!!
Making progress, getting better!
So cute!! Trying so hard to get it just right!!
All smiles!
Oh, my!!!
Her words, "I doed it, myself, Daddy!"
Fun times!! "Can we do this again, sometime? Pleeeeease?!!!"
We've just got home from a field trip and boy am I wore out!!!! I told the kids on the way home that Mommy absolutely had to get a nap today. I almost never nap in the middle of the day anymore except occasionally on the weekends when Wesley is home. I'm usually just too busy to take a nap, but also I don't like to sleep when I know that the kiddos are awake. We all have about an hour of rest time everyday. During this time usually only Bella Peace sleeps. Luke, Grace, and Mary Ruth do quiet activities in their room on their bed. It's a great time for independent reading, a craft, coloring, etc. Even then, the fact that I know they are awake prevents me from indulging in a nap. Crazy, because I know they would be fine. Today however, I am about to take a nap!! So very exciting!! But first I just wanted to capture the sweetness of the moment. So no one put up a fuss about naptime today. I told them that I had to nap and therefore I really wanted them to nap also. I know they need it too. It's been a busy week, and they've been up past bedtime the last two nights. When we got home, I instructed them to go potty, change clothes if they so desire, and get comfy and snug in their beds. They all did it with no resistance. I can tell when they are really going to sleep or not, and today everyone seems serious. The girls stripped down to a t-shirt and panties (let's face it ladies, isn't that the best!!) and cuddled deep into their covers. Bella Peace was already out from the car ride home and easily transitioned into her bed. When I laid her down, she instantly rolled over into her favorite sleep postion - all curled up on her tummy with her little bottom up in the air. And Luke climbed the later to the top bunk. Ahhhhhhh, it's so sweet to see everyone snug in bed. Naps are the greatest, and we just don't see enough of them these days!! OK, I'm eating up my naptime so that's all for now. I will have my countdown prayer request later today! Go catch a nap, if you can!!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
7 Days of Prayer
I began this day with only 7 days or less until I get to meet my sweet baby girl. Folks, I can't tell you how excited I am. There just aren't words. I know I've been down this road a few times, but each time seems to just get sweeter and sweeter. Maybe after the loss of three babies I have also gained a greater appreciation for the miracle of child birth, the miracle of life. I'm not naive anymore. I lost. I've grieved with friends who have lost. I know things can go wrong. Full term healthy babies can die during childbirth. I'm not trying to be pessimistic or morbid. I just know that it can and does happen. I'm also not living in deep fear, worry, or dread. I have "faith" that God has a good and perfect plan for me, Elizabeth, and our family. And, I'm praying. Praying a lot. In light of this, I'm going to post a specific prayer request each day until Elizabeth is born. I should have started this weeks ago. 7 days is hardly enough!! Please take a second as you read this and join me in praying.
Here's today's prayer:
I'm asking the Lord to protect me and Elizabeth throughout the next few days and during childbirth. I'm asking Him to let Elizabeth be born in perfect health. I'm praying that she will not need any medical assistance or intervention of any kind. I don't want to have to share her with the NICU at all for any reason. Have I mentioned I want her in my arms!!
Thanks for praying with me, my dear sweet Friends!!
Here's today's prayer:
I'm asking the Lord to protect me and Elizabeth throughout the next few days and during childbirth. I'm asking Him to let Elizabeth be born in perfect health. I'm praying that she will not need any medical assistance or intervention of any kind. I don't want to have to share her with the NICU at all for any reason. Have I mentioned I want her in my arms!!
Thanks for praying with me, my dear sweet Friends!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Here's a couple recent pictures. These of me are not so great, but you know I try to keep it real.
This is my 39 week picture from today. My eyes are have shut. That's probably because I can't seem to sleep at night.

I tried for a good picture on Sunday, but between me napping in my clothes and Bella Peace napping on top of me this is what I got. Bella Peace is quite a ham and insisted in being in the picture with me. I look so totally bare foot and pregnant in these. Ahhh, the life of a mommy! Would not trade it for anything!!

Here's some other random cuteness!

Very, very soon I will be posting more cuteness all swaddled up tightly!!
This is my 39 week picture from today. My eyes are have shut. That's probably because I can't seem to sleep at night.
I tried for a good picture on Sunday, but between me napping in my clothes and Bella Peace napping on top of me this is what I got. Bella Peace is quite a ham and insisted in being in the picture with me. I look so totally bare foot and pregnant in these. Ahhh, the life of a mommy! Would not trade it for anything!!
Here's some other random cuteness!
Very, very soon I will be posting more cuteness all swaddled up tightly!!
Baby # 8,
Bella Peace,
Mary Ruth
More Great Coupon Deals
I can't resist doing another coupon post. I'm saving so much playing these coupon games!! I've gone every week for quite a while now and am almost always pleased with how much I able to save. Some weeks are better than others, though. This is a picture of some of this weeks loot. CVS is my favorite, and these "steals" came from there!

This is what I got today:
1 box of Huggies Diapers for Bella Peace (She is potty trained, but still requires a diaper at nap and bedtime.)
1 Johnson and Johnson Baby Lotion (one of the best smells on Earth!)
1 Johnson and Johnson Body Wash
1 pricey men's razer (not so pricey with my coupons)
1 men's saving cream
1 pack sugarless gum
2 boxes Frosted Mini Wheats (yummy!!)
I spent less than $15 out of pocket and got back $11 in Extra Care Bucks for next time. That means my net cost was $4 for all this stuff!!! At the regular CVS prices, this would have all added up to about $62!!! The diapers alone would have cost $15 even at Wal-Mart!! Yes, I love it! I sure hope I can keep it up after Elizabeth is born.
This is what I got today:
1 box of Huggies Diapers for Bella Peace (She is potty trained, but still requires a diaper at nap and bedtime.)
1 Johnson and Johnson Baby Lotion (one of the best smells on Earth!)
1 Johnson and Johnson Body Wash
1 pricey men's razer (not so pricey with my coupons)
1 men's saving cream
1 pack sugarless gum
2 boxes Frosted Mini Wheats (yummy!!)
I spent less than $15 out of pocket and got back $11 in Extra Care Bucks for next time. That means my net cost was $4 for all this stuff!!! At the regular CVS prices, this would have all added up to about $62!!! The diapers alone would have cost $15 even at Wal-Mart!! Yes, I love it! I sure hope I can keep it up after Elizabeth is born.
39 Weeks, 8 Days, and "Prime"!!!
I'm sooooo very excited right now!!! I just got home from my doctor's appointment, and today's appointment was much more encouraging than last weeks. So here's the scoop:
I'm 39 weeks tomorrow! And we've moved up the day that I will be induced if I don't go on my on!! 8 DAYS, my Friends!!! I will FINALLY get to meet, hold, smell, hug, cuddle, and kiss my sweet baby girl in 8 days or less!!!! AND less is totally possible, because I've progressed a little bit more and Dr. C says I'm "prime" to go on my own!!! Of course that doesn't mean that it will happen, but last week we were hardly even considering the notion!
Today I'm 2 cm dilated and about 50-60% effaced. That may not sound like much to some, but for me it's really good. I usually go late, and don't really show much if any progress until at or after my due date!! In fact I do remember that with Bella Peace I was pretty much nothing at my 39 week appointment. Also, you must know that Dr. C is EXTREMELY conservative in every way, including with these kind of numbers. He and I have quite a history. He's checked me before immediately behind a nurse and given me much lower numbers. So, his 2 could really be a 4!! I LOVE this about him though! He's the best doctor, and I would ask for anything to be any different.
Again today, everything looked perfect in every way! Ultrasound is projecting Elizabeth to be around 8 lbs. That's really big for my babies! I'm praying that if that number is true, she's not going to get much bigger in the next 8 days!!!
I'm always concerned when I get this close about whether or not induction is best. I've prayed about this decision with each child. I've also asked the Lord to make the decision clear. I feel really good and at peace with the idea of inducing next week should we get there. First, I feel this is best in light of my concerns about Elizabeth getting too big. After all, I do have gestational diabetes. Secondly, I am still waiting until my due date. Dr. C was willing to go a little earlier if I wanted to. Thirdly, Dr. C will be taking some days off as of next Friday, September 17th. I really desire to be delivered by him especially with my history and circumstances. Based on this, we are going to induce on the last day possible. I would totally love to go on my own and not be induced and will pray about that happening, but I will also walk in with confidence should that not be the case.
So I will be admitted next Wednesday night around 10 PM on Sept 15th and we will start preparing for a delivery on my due date, September 16, 2010!!
I've got so much I want to share but no time left!! Hopefully more later!
I'm 39 weeks tomorrow! And we've moved up the day that I will be induced if I don't go on my on!! 8 DAYS, my Friends!!! I will FINALLY get to meet, hold, smell, hug, cuddle, and kiss my sweet baby girl in 8 days or less!!!! AND less is totally possible, because I've progressed a little bit more and Dr. C says I'm "prime" to go on my own!!! Of course that doesn't mean that it will happen, but last week we were hardly even considering the notion!
Today I'm 2 cm dilated and about 50-60% effaced. That may not sound like much to some, but for me it's really good. I usually go late, and don't really show much if any progress until at or after my due date!! In fact I do remember that with Bella Peace I was pretty much nothing at my 39 week appointment. Also, you must know that Dr. C is EXTREMELY conservative in every way, including with these kind of numbers. He and I have quite a history. He's checked me before immediately behind a nurse and given me much lower numbers. So, his 2 could really be a 4!! I LOVE this about him though! He's the best doctor, and I would ask for anything to be any different.
Again today, everything looked perfect in every way! Ultrasound is projecting Elizabeth to be around 8 lbs. That's really big for my babies! I'm praying that if that number is true, she's not going to get much bigger in the next 8 days!!!
I'm always concerned when I get this close about whether or not induction is best. I've prayed about this decision with each child. I've also asked the Lord to make the decision clear. I feel really good and at peace with the idea of inducing next week should we get there. First, I feel this is best in light of my concerns about Elizabeth getting too big. After all, I do have gestational diabetes. Secondly, I am still waiting until my due date. Dr. C was willing to go a little earlier if I wanted to. Thirdly, Dr. C will be taking some days off as of next Friday, September 17th. I really desire to be delivered by him especially with my history and circumstances. Based on this, we are going to induce on the last day possible. I would totally love to go on my own and not be induced and will pray about that happening, but I will also walk in with confidence should that not be the case.
So I will be admitted next Wednesday night around 10 PM on Sept 15th and we will start preparing for a delivery on my due date, September 16, 2010!!
I've got so much I want to share but no time left!! Hopefully more later!
Friday, September 3, 2010
September 3rd...
...came and went. And I did not have a baby. Oh well, guess my intuitions were wrong this time. I did however get several things done on my "get ready for baby list". I'm hoping to get even more done tomorrow. At the very moment, I'm feeling good about the fact that apparently I have more time to complete that list! :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
38 Weeks, NO, and 19 Days
OK, so tomorrow I'm 38 weeks. The answer to yesterday's question according to my doc is, "NO" labor is most likely not eminent! :( And if I don't go into labor on my own, I will be induced in 19 days on September 20th. My due date is September 16th.
I had an appointment this morning. All is well according to an ultrasound and a non stress test. Elizabeth is looking and measuring great! Great heartbeat, averaging in around 150 bpm. Great movement. Fluid is at a great level. My blood pressure is great. We are praising the Lord for this great report!!
The ultrasound indicates that Elizabeth is head down as she should be. It estimates her weight at 7 lbs 10 ozs. If I do have to wait 19 more days, I'm hoping that number is a little high, and that she doesn't get too big in there while we wait!!
According to my exam, I am just starting to dilate and am less than 1 cm. I'm about 30% effaced, and baby is at about - 3 station. So unless my water breaks, I'm probably not going to have this baby in the very near future. I wish I could remember exactly how this stacks up to my other babies, but I don't remember exact specifics on everyone. I have journaled some with all the kiddos, but I looked last night and I didn't record exam details for everyone. I'm glad that I'm blogging this time, because I will always have these details.
Well if I'm going to be waiting a bit longer, at least I'm feeling great! I did have a period of time yesterday that I did not feel so good, but that was really the first day that I had not felt OK. For the most part I do feel very good. I'm not especially uncomfortable or tired. I have trouble sleeping, but miraculously I manage well on little sleep. I do remember that with some of the other babies, I was feeling pretty miserable at this point.
I'm still holding out hope that we might go a little early. I'm so excited and ready to meet this new little one, but I must remember that a healthy baby and mommy are what matter most!!
Here are a couple of my verses that I like to remember for this time:
Wait of the Lord: be or good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14
and this one:
My times are in thy hand: deliver me... Psalm 31:15
The rest of that verse speaks of being delivered from enemies and persecution, but I like to think of it in terms of childbirth. But even thinking of it as deliverance from my enemies can apply. I need to be delivered from enemies such as discontentment, impatience, my desire to control things, my unbelief and lack of trust in His perfect timing, etc.
Well that's all for now. I forgot to get a picture earlier today, but I'm going to try to remember to get one later on this afternoon. If I get it, I will add it to this post!
I had an appointment this morning. All is well according to an ultrasound and a non stress test. Elizabeth is looking and measuring great! Great heartbeat, averaging in around 150 bpm. Great movement. Fluid is at a great level. My blood pressure is great. We are praising the Lord for this great report!!
The ultrasound indicates that Elizabeth is head down as she should be. It estimates her weight at 7 lbs 10 ozs. If I do have to wait 19 more days, I'm hoping that number is a little high, and that she doesn't get too big in there while we wait!!
According to my exam, I am just starting to dilate and am less than 1 cm. I'm about 30% effaced, and baby is at about - 3 station. So unless my water breaks, I'm probably not going to have this baby in the very near future. I wish I could remember exactly how this stacks up to my other babies, but I don't remember exact specifics on everyone. I have journaled some with all the kiddos, but I looked last night and I didn't record exam details for everyone. I'm glad that I'm blogging this time, because I will always have these details.
Well if I'm going to be waiting a bit longer, at least I'm feeling great! I did have a period of time yesterday that I did not feel so good, but that was really the first day that I had not felt OK. For the most part I do feel very good. I'm not especially uncomfortable or tired. I have trouble sleeping, but miraculously I manage well on little sleep. I do remember that with some of the other babies, I was feeling pretty miserable at this point.
I'm still holding out hope that we might go a little early. I'm so excited and ready to meet this new little one, but I must remember that a healthy baby and mommy are what matter most!!
Here are a couple of my verses that I like to remember for this time:
Wait of the Lord: be or good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14
and this one:
My times are in thy hand: deliver me... Psalm 31:15
The rest of that verse speaks of being delivered from enemies and persecution, but I like to think of it in terms of childbirth. But even thinking of it as deliverance from my enemies can apply. I need to be delivered from enemies such as discontentment, impatience, my desire to control things, my unbelief and lack of trust in His perfect timing, etc.
Well that's all for now. I forgot to get a picture earlier today, but I'm going to try to remember to get one later on this afternoon. If I get it, I will add it to this post!
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