Here's Bella Peace trying to imitate her "Bubba"! She is actually pretending to play football!
When he's not playing football, Luke is usually pretending to hunt. He likes to pretend he is Davy Crockett or Daniel Boone. Here's Mary Ruth, decked out in Luke's pretend clothes, also trying to imitate her big brother!
One day I over heard my BIL, Matt talking to Luke about setting a good example for his sisters and cousins, after all he is the oldest grandchild. Matt told Luke that we are always setting some kind of example, it may be good or it may be bad. He reminded Luke that there were a lot of siblings and cousins watching him and taking their cues from him.
I have often thought about that for myself. There are a lot of people watching me everyday too. If I'm moody, they are likely to be moody. If I respond in love, grace, and mercy, it changes everything. Have you ever noticed that when you smile at someone, they usually smile back? Just a little something to think about as you go through your day.
Now just to make you smile, check out Luke's new smile. He lost his 6th tooth today! The bottom two in the middle have already came back. I cannot believe he is old enough to be losing teeth! Isn't he sooo cute!
Remember to be a "good example" today, I know I will be trying to do the same!
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