

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It still hurts...

The kids are napping and I thought I would try to get a couple of things done around the house. I am going to be doing a little shopping tomorrow and decided to evaluate my real needs. I was in my closet and realized my maternity clothes are still hanging in there. Our closet is not very large so I usually pack them up when not in use. I began taking them out, removing the hangers, and folding them. Then I picked up the skirt that I was wearing when I went to the hospital to deliver Joshua. It felt like someone hit me in the stomach. Seeing that skirt reminded me of my pregnant belly that carried Joshua. I wore that skirt the last time I held my Joshua. Then I wore it home from the hospital knowing I would never see him again this side of heaven. I began to scan the other maternity clothes and it seems every item carried with it a memory, a memory that broke my heart all over again. Needless to say, I am feeling rather sad right now. I should be unpacking and hanging newborn clothes right about now. Joshua was due in early November. I know that God has a good plan for all of this, but it still really, really hurts.

Please Lord, redeem all my pain and heartache for your glory.


  1. My husband & I are so sad for you. I'm so sorry. I'm sitting here crying over your loss, wishing I could take it away. You're right, God does have a perfect plan & He will work this to your good, for you are His child. He loves you & is carrying you through this. You & your family are in our prayers.

  2. Jennifer, I have no words to express how I feel. You are in my prayers, Love, Hannah
