

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Miracle

I want to start by saying, this blog is my source of therapy right now. I am writing this mostly for myself. Hopefully God can and will use it in other ways. In the past, I have found it very helpful to journal as I have walk through hard times. You see, I know all the "stuff" in my head that I need to know, but sometimes it's hard to feel it in my heart. Writing what's in my head, thinking about what I know to be truth, helps me to remember that truth, and it seems to help get it into my heart. I hope that makes some sense. Now, onto "the miracle"...

...in my last post, I said that each time I woke up last night I prayed that God would let our baby live. Shortly after writing that, as I continued to pray, God spoke to me. What He said was, "Your baby will live!" I was filled with peace, because I knew that He was right. No matter what the results of the doctor's visit, our baby would live - either in heaven or on earth. A couple hours later we learned our baby had been born into heaven sometime between 9:30 AM yesterday and 9:30 AM today. This was not as we had hoped or planned, but we find comfort in knowing it was our Father's perfect plan. And, this is our miracle. Our baby is alive right now in heaven!

The miracle doesn't stop there. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." Because of the free gift of salvation available to all who believe, we will see this baby again. In 2 Samuel 12:23, David says of the child he has lost, "I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." Tonight I am thankful for the promise of eternal life, the promise of a reunion with children I never knew outside my womb, but love so dearly.

We don't know why this has happened, but we know God has a good plan for our lives. We know He loves us. We know that He will use it for our benefit, and for His glory. We know these truths, but it doesn't take away the pain.

We know that so many are praying for us and we greatly appreciate all your prayers. We will go into the hospital late Monday night and will be induced early Tuesday morning. Please pray for a successful and easy labor and delivery. Pray that genetic testing done on the baby will provide us with answers that will help guide our future decisions. Pray for God to heal our broken hearts. We know that He is able.



  1. Jennifer and Wes, I am so sorry. I weep with you and my heart aches for your great loss. I am praying for you, that Jesus wraps His loving arms around you and comforts you. I'm so sorry. I love you guys, Laura

  2. Jennifer,

    Your strength amazes me. I am so sorry.

    Dawn O.
