Sweet Anna Love,
You are changing every day. At one month old, you have almost out grown our newborn clothes, but you are still in size one diapers. You've actually had a couple of leaky diapers for the first time this week. And you've had a couple of episodes of spit up. Both things required a wardrobe changes. These situations are most likely due to the fact that you are NURSING ALL THE TIME!! Most of the time we are doing good to get 2 hours between feedings. I'm going to assume that you must be eating more often because you are going through a growth spurt! That would also explain the chubby cheeks that you are developing! At least your full belly means good sleeping happens. You take good naps during the day and are fairly easy to get down for bedtime. We are currently setting an alarm at night to make sure that you down sleep more than 4 hours in between feedings. If we let you, you'll sleep longer, but I'm trying to maintain a good milk supply. Your finger nails still grow SO fast. I have to cut them every week or you will scratch up your face! You still sleep best on your side and still like to be swaddled. You are SO alert and playful when you are awake, and you have more awake periods throughout the day. Your siblings LOVE it when you coo and "talk" and "play" with them. You really seem to enjoy your red, black, and white play mat. You smile often, but I still haven't seen a for sure deliberate smile in response do something we've done or said, but you are SO close. For the most part, you are such a happy baby, but you do have moments when you get upset. Pretty much if you are fussy it's because you are hungry, sleepy, or have a dirty diaper. When any one of these occur, you let us know about it with a very loud and angry cry. I'm pretty sure you cry louder than your big brother or big sisters. Based on what we are seeing from you now, I'm guessing that I did NOT get a meek and quiet girl even though I asked the that. Oh well, we'll keep you!!! :)
Here's some sweet 1 month pics!
Here are some pics of big brother and big sisters enjoying you!!
We all LOVE you to the moon and back!!!
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