Right now I just want to share a feel photos that I've taken this week that have made me hApPy!!!
"Minor" kid picture! LOVE these kiddos to death!
We had yearbook pictures made this week. Mary Ruth is a kindergartener this year. How in the world did she get so big so fast?!!! I LOVE this picture of my "Little Middle". It's a long story, but "Little Middle" is one of the many affectionate names we have for Mary Ruth!
Wesley and I group Luke, Grace, and Mary Ruth as the "big ones", and Bella Peace and Elizabeth as the "little ones". Looks like me might have to promote this precious one before too long! Currently Bella Peace likes to put herself into the category that is most advantageous to her in the moment. She's one smart girl!
I made a point this week to try to get some close up pictures of Grace. I really don't want to forget her smile at this age! The missing and newly budding teeth just make for the cutest smile E.V.E.R!!
This week I did not take any individual pics of my bookend kiddos. Guess I'll have to focus on Luke and Elizabeth in the next few days!
Me and My Honey on our date night!! We went to dinner and to see the movie "Courageous". It's a great movie! Heavy, very, very heavy!! But GOOD!! It's better that I did not know going into it how deep and heavy it was going to be. I might not have chosen to see it right now. BUT I am really glad we saw it.
LOVE my Courageous Man!!
Looks like we're both up late! Love the pictures! You're a beautiful lady, & Grace looks so much like you! Glad you enjoyed "Courageous". Michael & I are going to see it Monday & are looking forward to it. I hope you sleep well the rest of your night. Holding you in my thoughts & prayers, dear lady.