Of course, I'm behind on the updates. I have however been making notes here and there so that I could keep up with sweet Elizabeth's milestones. I also learned how to make collages online. I may have went a little overboard making a few. If you would like to see a picture in more detail, click on it to make it larger. Then hit your back button to return to the blog post.
Dearest Elizabeth,
If I had to chose just one word that best describes your development in the past couple of months, I would say "BIG". I one word not only describes how you are growing physically, but also your personality. You are "BIG" in many, many ways!! You have BIG blue eyes, a BIG bright smile, 2 BIG pearly white teeth on the bottom (no new teeth yet). It seems everything about you gets bigger by the minute.
Look how big you are laying next to Grace!
There's not much new stuff to report. Here are the highlights in your development over the past 2 months:
. You got much better at sitting up on your own, so much so that you can now sit up on your bottom in the tub for bathes. Here's a picture of the first time you sat up on your bottom for your bath. You were a little wobbly, but you had so much fun. I could not get you to look up at the camera at all, because you were having so much fun!
. You also learned to get back down from a sitting position when you were ready to roll again. And, oh boy, do you ever like to roll around. You are quite a busy girl!
. Unfortunately, right at 8 months you and I gave up nursing. You switched to formula by bottle. It's kind of bittersweet, but I feel confident it was the right decision.
. At 8 months you were still in size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes, but you were starting to old grow these. By 9 months we made the switch to a size 4 diaper and either 9-12 or 12 months clothing. You also have quite a few hand-me-down clothes that you can wear that are up to 18 months.
. You are still eating well. You take about 5 six ounce bottles per day, and you eat 3 meals per day. We are adding lots of solid table food to your menu and you are LOVING it! I usually try to give you a mixture of fruit and oatmeal for breakfast. Lunch consist of 1 to 2 jars of baby food. Usually veggies. Also I if we are having something that you can have for lunch, I offer you little bites. The same is true for dinner. You typically have 1 to jars + whatever I can dice up from our dinner. At least one or two of the jars each day are a meat and veggie combination.
You LOVE corn on the cob and any kind of bean.

. You sleep very well at home for both nap time and night time. You are on a very good 2 hour schedule. You are awake for about 2 hours in the morning before being ready to go back down for a nap. After that you will sleep for up to 2 hours. Then once again you are up for about 2 hours followed by another 2 hour nap. It looks something like this: up at around 8 AM, nap from 10-12, nap again from about 2-4, then we push to keep you up the rest of the day. Sometimes if you are going to be up late, we might still take a short afternoon nap. Bedtime varies between 7:30 - 8:30 just depending on what's happening.
. You do not nap as well away from home. You've had trouble with this off and on since you were born. I guess for you, "there's no place like home."
I'm so sure that I've forgot to record some things, but what can I say it's a busy life and Elizabeth, you are very much a part of what keeps me so busy. Hopefully when you are all grown up you will look back on this and appreciate what I did think to record. Here are just a few other favorite pictures over the past 2 months.

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