

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Just Happened?

So did someone out there start praying for me this afternoon? I have had a miserable couple of days. Last night was BAD! I was convinced I was continually getting worse, not better. Today I woke up feeling much the same...BAD!

I had SOOOOO much I needed to get done at nap time, but nap time was not going well. I can't rock Bella Peace to sleep and carry her to her bed like I normally do, and she did not end up taking a nap. I did rock Elizabeth, but the not so smooth transfer to her crib woke her up. I was feeling a bit discouraged about how my day was turning out, and then it all seemed to change!! Even my attitude changed!! Maybe that's why everything else changed.

I gave Bella Peace books to read on her bed. The big kiddos also had reading time, and I gave Elizabeth a couple toys in her bed. I was able to accomplish almost everything I needed to. Elizabeth drifted off to sleep on her own. AND, I just realized that my ribs are feeling pretty good even though I haven't taken any pain medication since morning!!

Not sure what just happened, but it sure is nice!! So if you've been praying for me, thanks!! Keep it up!!

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