Bella Peace was getting undressed for a bath. She's just about to step into the tub, but she stops.
Me: "Come on, get in."
Bella Peace: "Mommy, waaaaait. I gotta do somefin furst." She's already undressed at this point, but she plops down on the bathroom rug.
Me: "What is it, Bella."
Bella Peace: "I gotta get the fuzzies out of my toes. Me and Gracie like dat." Then she proceeds to pick all the sock fuzz from between her toes.
Nice. :)

Monday, January 31, 2011
Minor Moments ~ Volume 3
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
He is Good!!
Some days I can get easily discouraged. Some times I feel a bit fragile. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's hormones, after all Elizabeth is just 4 months old. Maybe it's sin, I can easily let myself be discontent. Maybe it's Satan. He always knows exactly how to get me. The wrong doctor might even diagnose me as being bipolar, because I ebb and flow with my ups and downs. I've said before that I'm living my dream, but sometimes it's still hard. I cannot express how much I love my husband and my children. There are not words!! And as crazy as it is, I would gladly, lovingly, willingly accept more children. But being a Mommy is a big responsibility. It's hard. Add homeschool in there, and it's even harder. Rewarding, YES!! But, hard. I think that's were the ups and downs come in. I LOVE my life so much, but sometimes the pressure and responsibility drain me. I feel tired. Then I can easily look around and feel discouraged. I also get scared. Am I teaching them everything they need to know... academically and spiritually. Am I helping to grow them physically by feeding them well. I hear my girlfriends talking about shopping at Earth Fare and sharing their great healthy recipes, and I think about my reality which is that many days I celebrate the fact that I picked up some canned soup really cheap when I was couponing because that's about all I feel like I can pull together for dinner that night.
SO, today. Today I was discouraged in how our school day was going. My mother in love is on her way to my house for a visit. My house is a mess by the way. And then there was a character issue with one of my children today. It was kind of a biggie, and we spent a lot of time working through it, addressing it, dealing with it. In the moment in the back of my mind I was thinking, I don't have time for this. We've got to do math and clean this house for company. But after it was over and I put the kiddos down for a rest period, the Lord reminder me of the fact that teaching them to know and love Him is the absolute most important thing. I have to be reminder of this nearly every day.
Then I started thinking back to a few years ago. When Mary Ruth was born, I had 3 children under 3. I remember feeling stressed on occasion (by on occasion I really mean like all the time!) then too. I remember trying to cook dinner at night and trying to keep all three safely occupied. It seemed that every time I got ready to walk out the door I realized that someone had a dirty diaper. By the time I changed that diaper, someone else would have a dirty diaper. I still have dirty diapers to change, but it's different b/c only one is in diapers and her bum is so little it hardly counts. :) I have more big ones that little ones. I have the older ones to help. It's not me and 3 babies anymore. One of my greatest concerns back then was that I did not play with or interact with my three little ones enough. I can look back now on that and laugh!! What was I thinking? I was with them playing and interacting every single moment. Hahaha!! Our biggest discipline issues then were things like not touching the VCR. Often other moms with older children would warn me to appreciate those days and even those struggles, because the concerns grow bigger as the child grows bigger. I that often I thought, surely they've forgotten. But, now I'm beginning to see that. Now instead of touching the VCR, I have to watch out for attitudes and heart issues. Things that you cannot correct with just a pop on the hand. AND, I am fully aware of the fact that while now these things are big to me now, in a few years I will realize that these were the easy days.
Someone told me one day that these times are easier, because at the end of the day I can put them all to bed and know that they are safe at home in bed. One day I will go to sleep worrying about where they are or what they are doing or if they are safe. I know this is true. Another older, wiser friend said this, "When they are little you lose sleep due to feeding time. When they are children you can lose sleep to sickness, nightmares or a number of things. When they are older you lose sleep to worry or arguments." Again so true. I'm sure more true than I realize right now. Last Sunday, a sweet girlfriend (there's a link right there) of my said, "the days are long, but years are short." Makes me want to cry!!
Well I had all this stuff floating around in my mind and then, then I sat down to check my email. I had an email from a friend that is going through a very difficult situation right now. I also had an update from a friend who currently is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The strength, courage, and grace that she has amidst her circumstances made a huge impact on me. I was overwhelmed by the emotion I felt as I read over these emails and prayer requests.
All of these events have led me to fall before my Lord and thank Him, to praise Him, and ask Him to forgive me for my discontentment. He's blessed me so much. My family and the privilege to serve them is a gift! It is a big responsibility indeed, and He has entrusted me! I pray that the Lord will grant me strength, courage, grace, and wisdom for my daily little struggles. I pray that I would appreciate these days, and not take them for granted. I hope that you are encourage to do the same. Now I must go and teach my children, clean my house (remember my mother-in-love is on her way), wipe bottoms, prepared dinner, occupy little ones...
"The days are long, but the years are short."
SO, today. Today I was discouraged in how our school day was going. My mother in love is on her way to my house for a visit. My house is a mess by the way. And then there was a character issue with one of my children today. It was kind of a biggie, and we spent a lot of time working through it, addressing it, dealing with it. In the moment in the back of my mind I was thinking, I don't have time for this. We've got to do math and clean this house for company. But after it was over and I put the kiddos down for a rest period, the Lord reminder me of the fact that teaching them to know and love Him is the absolute most important thing. I have to be reminder of this nearly every day.
Then I started thinking back to a few years ago. When Mary Ruth was born, I had 3 children under 3. I remember feeling stressed on occasion (by on occasion I really mean like all the time!) then too. I remember trying to cook dinner at night and trying to keep all three safely occupied. It seemed that every time I got ready to walk out the door I realized that someone had a dirty diaper. By the time I changed that diaper, someone else would have a dirty diaper. I still have dirty diapers to change, but it's different b/c only one is in diapers and her bum is so little it hardly counts. :) I have more big ones that little ones. I have the older ones to help. It's not me and 3 babies anymore. One of my greatest concerns back then was that I did not play with or interact with my three little ones enough. I can look back now on that and laugh!! What was I thinking? I was with them playing and interacting every single moment. Hahaha!! Our biggest discipline issues then were things like not touching the VCR. Often other moms with older children would warn me to appreciate those days and even those struggles, because the concerns grow bigger as the child grows bigger. I that often I thought, surely they've forgotten. But, now I'm beginning to see that. Now instead of touching the VCR, I have to watch out for attitudes and heart issues. Things that you cannot correct with just a pop on the hand. AND, I am fully aware of the fact that while now these things are big to me now, in a few years I will realize that these were the easy days.
Someone told me one day that these times are easier, because at the end of the day I can put them all to bed and know that they are safe at home in bed. One day I will go to sleep worrying about where they are or what they are doing or if they are safe. I know this is true. Another older, wiser friend said this, "When they are little you lose sleep due to feeding time. When they are children you can lose sleep to sickness, nightmares or a number of things. When they are older you lose sleep to worry or arguments." Again so true. I'm sure more true than I realize right now. Last Sunday, a sweet girlfriend (there's a link right there) of my said, "the days are long, but years are short." Makes me want to cry!!
Well I had all this stuff floating around in my mind and then, then I sat down to check my email. I had an email from a friend that is going through a very difficult situation right now. I also had an update from a friend who currently is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The strength, courage, and grace that she has amidst her circumstances made a huge impact on me. I was overwhelmed by the emotion I felt as I read over these emails and prayer requests.
All of these events have led me to fall before my Lord and thank Him, to praise Him, and ask Him to forgive me for my discontentment. He's blessed me so much. My family and the privilege to serve them is a gift! It is a big responsibility indeed, and He has entrusted me! I pray that the Lord will grant me strength, courage, grace, and wisdom for my daily little struggles. I pray that I would appreciate these days, and not take them for granted. I hope that you are encourage to do the same. Now I must go and teach my children, clean my house (remember my mother-in-love is on her way), wipe bottoms, prepared dinner, occupy little ones...
"The days are long, but the years are short."
Monday, January 24, 2011
Minor Moments ~ Volume 2 (continued)
At dinner tonight, Grace told her Daddy of her new desire to be a missionary. Luke said, "no way Grace. The enemy might kill you."
Grace: "It would not matter, because I have Jesus in my heart. I would go to Heaven."
Wesley talked to her about how she could be a missionary right now, how we are all called to be missionaries every day where ever we are. We also talked about what Luke said. It was a precious time around the dinner table.
I've definitely sensed the Lord moving in Grace's life lately. She wrote me the best letter ever a couple of days ago. It talked about how she loves the Lord and knows that there is only one God.
Makes me proud. And very, very thankful.
Grace: "It would not matter, because I have Jesus in my heart. I would go to Heaven."
Wesley talked to her about how she could be a missionary right now, how we are all called to be missionaries every day where ever we are. We also talked about what Luke said. It was a precious time around the dinner table.
I've definitely sensed the Lord moving in Grace's life lately. She wrote me the best letter ever a couple of days ago. It talked about how she loves the Lord and knows that there is only one God.
Makes me proud. And very, very thankful.
Minor Moments ~ Volume 2
Grace just told me that she wants to be a missionary all over the world!
All I can say is...
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
3 John 4
All I can say is...
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
3 John 4
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I've started several new post, but lately I seem to get interrupted and can't get them finished. I just finished one that I started several days ago. It's below this one! Hopefully I will get a few others finished tomorrow. Right now, I gotta go to bed! Night, night!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Minor Moments
I'm stealing and modifying this idea from another blog. "Minor Moments" will be a new thing on my blog. It'll be my way of sharing something little like a cute kid story, a toddler mispronunciation, something funny that happened, just some little something without providing the whole background story which I often feel I need to do but which sometimes takes too much time. You'll get the idea.
So here goes...
Minor Moments ~ Volume 1
Grace reviewing a math concept that I would have said she knew firmly...
Me: "Grace will you demonstrate 129"
Grace places 1 one hundred square, 2 tens, 9 ones in the appropriate frames.
Me: "very good, Grace"
Me: "now I would like you to add 2 more ones"
Grace places 2 ones in the ones frame.
Me: "Good. So now how many ones do you have in the ones frame."
Grace: "um, 1,2,3...11. There's 11."
Me: "Oh, so you have 11 ones in the ones place." I'm attempting to help her realize there's some action needed.
Grace: "um, yes"
Me: "So is it OK to leave 11 ones in the one place."
Grace: " No, Mommy."
Me: "Soooo, what do you need to do." Hoping she remembers the concept of renaming.
Grace: "Ummmm....(thinking, thinking)....throw some in the garbage." And she was as serious as a heart attack!!
I'm thinking we better review this concept a little bit more.

Bella Peace puts one of my hooded zip up sweaters on herself. Then she puts the hood on. It looks like a robe on her and is dragging the ground.
Grace: "Oh, Bella Peace you look so 1850s."
Bella Peace (proudly): "Yes I DO!"
Bella Peace is attempting to get into a cabinet. Wesley is blocking the door.
Bella Peace to her Daddy: "Schooch you big one."
Sometimes I'm surprised by the level of maturity Grace shows. Other times I find myself asking, "whose the baby?"

Mary Ruth and Elizabeth. At times, Elizabeth looks just like Mary Ruth. Baby E is getting so big!

Luke and Liz hanging out together right before bedtime. Lizzy LOVES Luke!!

A friend reminded me a couple of days ago that I have a blog. Hopefully this post will suffice until I can actually take some time to organize my thoughts and get something else done!
Hope you enjoyed Volume 1 of Minor Moments!
So here goes...
Minor Moments ~ Volume 1
Grace reviewing a math concept that I would have said she knew firmly...
Me: "Grace will you demonstrate 129"
Grace places 1 one hundred square, 2 tens, 9 ones in the appropriate frames.
Me: "very good, Grace"
Me: "now I would like you to add 2 more ones"
Grace places 2 ones in the ones frame.
Me: "Good. So now how many ones do you have in the ones frame."
Grace: "um, 1,2,3...11. There's 11."
Me: "Oh, so you have 11 ones in the ones place." I'm attempting to help her realize there's some action needed.
Grace: "um, yes"
Me: "So is it OK to leave 11 ones in the one place."
Grace: " No, Mommy."
Me: "Soooo, what do you need to do." Hoping she remembers the concept of renaming.
Grace: "Ummmm....(thinking, thinking)....throw some in the garbage." And she was as serious as a heart attack!!
I'm thinking we better review this concept a little bit more.
Grace: "Oh, Bella Peace you look so 1850s."
Bella Peace (proudly): "Yes I DO!"
Bella Peace to her Daddy: "Schooch you big one."
Mary Ruth and Elizabeth. At times, Elizabeth looks just like Mary Ruth. Baby E is getting so big!
Luke and Liz hanging out together right before bedtime. Lizzy LOVES Luke!!
Hope you enjoyed Volume 1 of Minor Moments!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Laugh 'Til You Cry!! {Snow Memories}
If your bladder is weak, you'd better go to the bathroom first. These are hysterical!!
Good Times!!
Good Times!!
We are having so much fun today!! 8 inches, My Friends!!! This is the most snow my children have ever seen. I've only seen this much one other time in my life. Well at least as far as I can remember.
So here's a few pictures. I'll have much more later.
Pictures from our back door

This is me trying to come back inside. Wesley got me back. I was the one locked out this time. Pay back is never any fun! :)

This is the biggest snowman I've ever been part of making. It was so fun, but a lot of work. Wesley and I almost broke a sweat trying to lift those heavy snowballs. I started out wearing multiple layers, but had to shed a few before it was all done. Those snowballs were packed hard and tight so even though it may not appear that they would be heavy, they were very heavy!!

We built Mr. Snowman at the entrance of our driveway so he can great our guests. You know, should we have any. Hahaha!! We are trying to come up with a good name for him. Any suggestions?
I'll put up some more pictures of us playing in the snow tonight. For now, we are about to go play some more!!
One last thing, even though I'm a big Bama fan and am dressed in my gear in this picture, I will be pulling for Auburn tonight! I don't think I've ever said this before in my life, but here goes...."War Eagle"!! OH, that felt weird!!!
So here's a few pictures. I'll have much more later.
Pictures from our back door
This is me trying to come back inside. Wesley got me back. I was the one locked out this time. Pay back is never any fun! :)
This is the biggest snowman I've ever been part of making. It was so fun, but a lot of work. Wesley and I almost broke a sweat trying to lift those heavy snowballs. I started out wearing multiple layers, but had to shed a few before it was all done. Those snowballs were packed hard and tight so even though it may not appear that they would be heavy, they were very heavy!!
We built Mr. Snowman at the entrance of our driveway so he can great our guests. You know, should we have any. Hahaha!! We are trying to come up with a good name for him. Any suggestions?
I'll put up some more pictures of us playing in the snow tonight. For now, we are about to go play some more!!
One last thing, even though I'm a big Bama fan and am dressed in my gear in this picture, I will be pulling for Auburn tonight! I don't think I've ever said this before in my life, but here goes...."War Eagle"!! OH, that felt weird!!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Locked Out
So we are having a winter storm, it's freezing, and the snow is really coming down. And my hubby decides to go out side in a t-shirt to measure it. What do I do? What else, lock him out, smile, and take pictures of him through the locked door!!!!

Parents don't worry, I let him back in pretty quickly! :)
Parents don't worry, I let him back in pretty quickly! :)
Per doctor's orders, I'm homebound caring for Elizabeth while my family is at church. Think I might do a little reading then maybe a little resting. I hate missing church and hate not being with the fam, but I have to admit laying around reading and resting sounds like a good Sabbath to me!!
**I have 2 new post below.**
**I have 2 new post below.**
Boo Hoo Hoo
He turned 8 this past week. 8!!!!!! That's half way to driving. 10 years 'til gone. He's growing so fast. Getting so tall. I think he looks so old in this picture.

Just yesterday, I remember spending my days laying on the couch with him asleep on my chest. Even in just the past year, he's changed so much. Just check out this post for his birthday last year.
BUT, this is the natural course, and I am so grateful that he is healthy and strong and growing both physically, mentally, and especially spiritually. It's just hard on the Mama!!
**I have another new post from last night below this one.**
Just yesterday, I remember spending my days laying on the couch with him asleep on my chest. Even in just the past year, he's changed so much. Just check out this post for his birthday last year.
BUT, this is the natural course, and I am so grateful that he is healthy and strong and growing both physically, mentally, and especially spiritually. It's just hard on the Mama!!
**I have another new post from last night below this one.**
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Lots of Stuff
Be warned this post will be all over the place, and I'm not going to worry about trying to make it perfect. Here goes..., I'm not a scrapper (for my family who might not be familiar with that term and be tempted to disagree - a "scrapper" is someone who loves to scrapbook), but I think I want to do this one little word thing.
Here are some that I am considering...
Fruitful - this one is Julie's, but I've been so inspired by her lately that I'm tempted to share this one with her.
I like how Julie wrote all hers down. I think I might do that and pray about my "one little word". If you are totally confused all together, you can read about the "one little word" idea here or here.
Sidebar - this is just in case someone out there hasn't figured this out. It took me a while, and I think it's so cool. In a blog when someone refers to someone or says "here" as I did above, you can click on that person's name or the word "here" and go to the site referenced. So in the above paragraph, you can click on "Julie" and go to her blog, or you can click on "here" or "here" and go to those blogs. Hopefully that makes since. I didn't know that for a long time. It's easier to notice with the background is white. Since my background is colored, it's easy to miss that. Anyway, just thought I would share that.
That brings me to another thought. I think I would like to make some major, major changes to my blog. Honestly, I don't know where to start. Here are some of my blog thoughts. I LOVE my current look, but I think that having a white background might be easier to read. I would like to learn how to add videos (but no time to sit don't and figure it out). There are a few other tricks I'm interested in. And, I like it when people use {these} in there blog. What do you even call {these} cute little things. On another note, I hesitate to say this, because I'm not sure I want to open myself up to a lot of opinions, but here goes anyway...I think I might need to make some changes for security reasons. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm serious about safety! My 8 year old is still in a booster seat in our vehicle for crying out loud! Here's the problem. I wish that our last name was not part of our URL address. I know that I'm the one that set it up that way, but now I wish that I had considered the risks. This blog is a window into our lives and is available for the whole world to peek in. I've always been careful to avoid sharing specifics about where we live, but let's face it, as long as our complete names are on it all someone would have to do is look us up. Right? So, while I have concerns about this, changing it seems so very complicated!! I would have to start a whole new blog (I guess), and I fear that I would lose dear readers in the process(not something that should be part of the equation anyway). So, although I said that I wasn't sure if I wanted opinions, I guess I really do want to hear your thoughts. Just be sure to share them kindly and know that it could take me some time to make the changes if I do indeed decide to make them at all.
OK, gotta run very soon, but here's a few other musings. I'm not sure that I'm using the word "musings" right, but I think I am, (notice the commas) and I like it.
I think I use too many commas, and I'm sure that I don't always use them in the right places. Sometimes it's easier to just add a comma and keep going rather than figure out if I'm writing a run on sentence. Now, don't start looking for the commas!! I'm much better at math than grammar.
I'm a little stressed and kind of beating myself up a bit lately, because I fear that I'm failing to document everything. Recently I've not gotten all the pictures I wanted, not recorded all the cute stories I wanted, and can't remember all the cute sayings and mispronunciations. Sickness has definitely been a factor. Time is so flying by, and I know that I won't/can't remember it all and that has me a wee bit stressed.
I got several books for Christmas. AMAZING books!! I am LOVING them!!! I think, no I know, that these books along with more time in The Word are going to so seriously change my life.
Here's the practical one.

This book is AWESOME! I'm learning so many practical home management tips. I really think this book is great for any family not just large families.
I also got the autobiography of George Mueller. I'm a few chapters in, but I can't say enough about that book.
Another one I got was, Elisabeth Elliot's book, "Discpline, the Glad Surrender." I haven't got into it yet, but I admire Elisabeth Elliot so much. I know it's also going to be an awesome book.
Another one that I really want to get to this year that I don't have yet is, "No Other Gods." I've heard so many great things about this book! There are a few others on my read list for this year , but I think I've got my plate full for now.
I know this post was all other the place. I didn't really have the time or the desire to complete organize my thoughts, but I still really want to share a few things.
Final thoughts, I have made a couple new year's resolutions. I really hope to share them sometime, but they all involve my desire to grow in the Lord. I think that 2011 is going to be great. The Lord has brought this verse into my path 3 different times recently: "Thou crownest the year with thy goodness" ~ Psalm 65:11. One of the ways it came my way is in a Christmas card from a friend who wrote, "Wesley and Jennifer, May God crown your year with goodness." What a sweet prayer!! I feel a great stirring in my heart these days. Wesley feels it in his heart too. The Lord is at work. I want to love Him, serve Him, follow Him, honor Him, glorify Him, and praise Him more. I want to fully trust Him, fully surrender to Him, fully rely on Him. I want HIM!! And I want to want Him more than I want a new house or a new vehicle or a new camera or whatever else that's on my mind at any given moment. I want to rest in Him. I'm tired of being so easily distracted. Satan is trying to bring me down with reminders of my fears and failures. But, I know that He who is in me is greater than he that's in the world. OK, awkward ending, but I've really got to go. I'd love to hear your comments, ideas, tips, suggestions, even advice on the blog thing. Thanks for reading!, I'm not a scrapper (for my family who might not be familiar with that term and be tempted to disagree - a "scrapper" is someone who loves to scrapbook), but I think I want to do this one little word thing.
Here are some that I am considering...
Fruitful - this one is Julie's, but I've been so inspired by her lately that I'm tempted to share this one with her.
I like how Julie wrote all hers down. I think I might do that and pray about my "one little word". If you are totally confused all together, you can read about the "one little word" idea here or here.
Sidebar - this is just in case someone out there hasn't figured this out. It took me a while, and I think it's so cool. In a blog when someone refers to someone or says "here" as I did above, you can click on that person's name or the word "here" and go to the site referenced. So in the above paragraph, you can click on "Julie" and go to her blog, or you can click on "here" or "here" and go to those blogs. Hopefully that makes since. I didn't know that for a long time. It's easier to notice with the background is white. Since my background is colored, it's easy to miss that. Anyway, just thought I would share that.
That brings me to another thought. I think I would like to make some major, major changes to my blog. Honestly, I don't know where to start. Here are some of my blog thoughts. I LOVE my current look, but I think that having a white background might be easier to read. I would like to learn how to add videos (but no time to sit don't and figure it out). There are a few other tricks I'm interested in. And, I like it when people use {these} in there blog. What do you even call {these} cute little things. On another note, I hesitate to say this, because I'm not sure I want to open myself up to a lot of opinions, but here goes anyway...I think I might need to make some changes for security reasons. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm serious about safety! My 8 year old is still in a booster seat in our vehicle for crying out loud! Here's the problem. I wish that our last name was not part of our URL address. I know that I'm the one that set it up that way, but now I wish that I had considered the risks. This blog is a window into our lives and is available for the whole world to peek in. I've always been careful to avoid sharing specifics about where we live, but let's face it, as long as our complete names are on it all someone would have to do is look us up. Right? So, while I have concerns about this, changing it seems so very complicated!! I would have to start a whole new blog (I guess), and I fear that I would lose dear readers in the process(not something that should be part of the equation anyway). So, although I said that I wasn't sure if I wanted opinions, I guess I really do want to hear your thoughts. Just be sure to share them kindly and know that it could take me some time to make the changes if I do indeed decide to make them at all.
OK, gotta run very soon, but here's a few other musings. I'm not sure that I'm using the word "musings" right, but I think I am, (notice the commas) and I like it.
I think I use too many commas, and I'm sure that I don't always use them in the right places. Sometimes it's easier to just add a comma and keep going rather than figure out if I'm writing a run on sentence. Now, don't start looking for the commas!! I'm much better at math than grammar.
I'm a little stressed and kind of beating myself up a bit lately, because I fear that I'm failing to document everything. Recently I've not gotten all the pictures I wanted, not recorded all the cute stories I wanted, and can't remember all the cute sayings and mispronunciations. Sickness has definitely been a factor. Time is so flying by, and I know that I won't/can't remember it all and that has me a wee bit stressed.
I got several books for Christmas. AMAZING books!! I am LOVING them!!! I think, no I know, that these books along with more time in The Word are going to so seriously change my life.
Here's the practical one.

This book is AWESOME! I'm learning so many practical home management tips. I really think this book is great for any family not just large families.
I also got the autobiography of George Mueller. I'm a few chapters in, but I can't say enough about that book.
Another one I got was, Elisabeth Elliot's book, "Discpline, the Glad Surrender." I haven't got into it yet, but I admire Elisabeth Elliot so much. I know it's also going to be an awesome book.
Another one that I really want to get to this year that I don't have yet is, "No Other Gods." I've heard so many great things about this book! There are a few others on my read list for this year , but I think I've got my plate full for now.
I know this post was all other the place. I didn't really have the time or the desire to complete organize my thoughts, but I still really want to share a few things.
Final thoughts, I have made a couple new year's resolutions. I really hope to share them sometime, but they all involve my desire to grow in the Lord. I think that 2011 is going to be great. The Lord has brought this verse into my path 3 different times recently: "Thou crownest the year with thy goodness" ~ Psalm 65:11. One of the ways it came my way is in a Christmas card from a friend who wrote, "Wesley and Jennifer, May God crown your year with goodness." What a sweet prayer!! I feel a great stirring in my heart these days. Wesley feels it in his heart too. The Lord is at work. I want to love Him, serve Him, follow Him, honor Him, glorify Him, and praise Him more. I want to fully trust Him, fully surrender to Him, fully rely on Him. I want HIM!! And I want to want Him more than I want a new house or a new vehicle or a new camera or whatever else that's on my mind at any given moment. I want to rest in Him. I'm tired of being so easily distracted. Satan is trying to bring me down with reminders of my fears and failures. But, I know that He who is in me is greater than he that's in the world. OK, awkward ending, but I've really got to go. I'd love to hear your comments, ideas, tips, suggestions, even advice on the blog thing. Thanks for reading!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Very Mini Update
Elizabeth is doing better as is the rest of the family. She is responding very well to the medication. However, it has been recommended that we keep her at home for 3 weeks from the onset of her symptoms which was about a week ago now. So homebound we are!! Thanks for praying!! I'll post more when I can.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Elizabeth Update
I only have a second so this will be the short and quick update. I'll try to post more details when I can. Elizabeth is one sick little baby, but we get to care for her at home. We caught it early and hopefully she will respond well to oral medicine and not require further treatment. She also has secondary ear infections (both ears). Please continue to pray for her and for us.
Please Pray
**Edited** Our doctor's office called and asked us to come this afternoon instead of this morning.
So, remember how we've all been sick, sick, sick. Well Baby E got it. Not good at all! Elizabeth had a rough day yesterday that ended with a trip to the ER, because she was having trouble breathing. Turns out she has RSV. As most of you know, RSV is very serious. We are seeing our pediatrician this morning to find out how to best treat her. Please pray for her to get well soon! I'll update when I can.
So, remember how we've all been sick, sick, sick. Well Baby E got it. Not good at all! Elizabeth had a rough day yesterday that ended with a trip to the ER, because she was having trouble breathing. Turns out she has RSV. As most of you know, RSV is very serious. We are seeing our pediatrician this morning to find out how to best treat her. Please pray for her to get well soon! I'll update when I can.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Since we've been cooped up and sick for days and days and days, we've passed some of the time playing Monopoly. We've kept it going for like a week. It's been very educational for the kids and very fun. Until today. Today people started running out of money. Tears flowed. People folded. Doors slammed. Well one door slammed one time and discipline was issued. And finally a winner emerged.
Congratulations, Mary Ruth!!!
Congratulations, Mary Ruth!!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Really I just wanted to record this historical date. Although there will be a similar date later this year: 11.11.11
Anyway, what a day. Well for me there was never really an official beginning time since I pretty much did not go to bed last night. It's so good that I function well with little sleep. Elizabeth was miserable and could not sleep. She could pretty much only sleep when she was being held upright in my arms. She was/is so stuffy, even if she had been sleeping I think I would not have slept. Since the risk of SIDS (something I've been more concerned this time) is higher when a child is stuffy or congested, even if she had been sleeping on her on I think I would probably have slept with one eye open to watch her chest as she breathed. If all that wasn't enough to add up to a long night, then we had a terrible storm with a lot of thunder and lightening. Wesley got up to go to work at his second job. I may not have mentioned that on the blog before, but he does a part time weekend paper route. The money sure helps our budget so, so much, but I hate for him to have to work so hard and miss sleep. Anyway, he didn't leave until the worst of the storm was over, but still I could not stand the thought of him having to drive in the dark and in the rain. So I stayed awake holding and rocking Baby E and praying for her and for her Daddy. Both Wesley and I took turns taking long naps today so I actually feel pretty rested. I've just finished balancing our checkbook. It's so much easier to do the finances with Quicken. I LOVE it!! Too bad Quicken does not add in money to help the budget when needed. Ha ha! Now I'm off to bed or maybe to watch Elizabeth sleep (she's sleeping in her bouncy seat tonight) and to pray. Happy New Year Day!!
Anyway, what a day. Well for me there was never really an official beginning time since I pretty much did not go to bed last night. It's so good that I function well with little sleep. Elizabeth was miserable and could not sleep. She could pretty much only sleep when she was being held upright in my arms. She was/is so stuffy, even if she had been sleeping I think I would not have slept. Since the risk of SIDS (something I've been more concerned this time) is higher when a child is stuffy or congested, even if she had been sleeping on her on I think I would probably have slept with one eye open to watch her chest as she breathed. If all that wasn't enough to add up to a long night, then we had a terrible storm with a lot of thunder and lightening. Wesley got up to go to work at his second job. I may not have mentioned that on the blog before, but he does a part time weekend paper route. The money sure helps our budget so, so much, but I hate for him to have to work so hard and miss sleep. Anyway, he didn't leave until the worst of the storm was over, but still I could not stand the thought of him having to drive in the dark and in the rain. So I stayed awake holding and rocking Baby E and praying for her and for her Daddy. Both Wesley and I took turns taking long naps today so I actually feel pretty rested. I've just finished balancing our checkbook. It's so much easier to do the finances with Quicken. I LOVE it!! Too bad Quicken does not add in money to help the budget when needed. Ha ha! Now I'm off to bed or maybe to watch Elizabeth sleep (she's sleeping in her bouncy seat tonight) and to pray. Happy New Year Day!!
Longest Post Ever!!
I just realized that my last post was definitely the longest ever!!!! Guess that's why it took me 2 days to finish it! Good thing my purpose for writing it was to record our family memories not to gain readers. :)
So if you're brave and you have a lot of time on your hands, check out the post below.
So if you're brave and you have a lot of time on your hands, check out the post below.
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