Not you. You can stay. I want you to stay. It's sickness that I'm speaking to. I'm exhausted, because sickness once again crashed our party and struck our family again. There have been seasons where we were all healthy and well for an extended period of time with barely a sniffle. Then there are seasons like the one we are currently in. It seems like someone is sick every other day. And it's not just the kiddos. Wesley and I have been sick recently too. Today it's the kiddos again. You know it's been a rough day when one of the things you are most thankful for about the day is that she vommited on me and not the carpet or the furniture. Seriously, I was quite proud of myself for containing it to me and my clothing. It's much easier to change, throw the clothes in the washing machine, and shower than to scrub the carpet and/or furniture. I know that many of you out there relate. So, go away sick season. Go Away!!! I mean, please. Pretty please, go away.
As far as blogging goes I would really like to blog again, but for now it'll have to wait. I've got so much on my heart and mind to write about. Some things serious. Some things just for fun. Stories to tell. Memories to record. Great photos to share. Maybe one day I will again, but tonight I've got yucky laundry to tend to.
BTW, the "she" that got sick on me today was Bella Peace. She's very sick, and she's not alone. Others are under the weather also. I might be making a trip to the doctor with some of them tomorrow, and I won't be making a trip to church tomorrow night with anyone. As a matter of fact, the Thursday Christmas Party is in jeordary too. :(
OK, enought of that. So that we can all turn our frowns upside down, I leave you with this...

...a reminder that there are way more well days than sick days. And, I love this bunch regardless!!! (Notice Baby E's hair. It stand up higher than the bow!! Too cute!!)

The End.
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