Elizabeth is 7 weeks old today!!! She went to vote today. Did you?

She's happy at how well the republicans are doing tonight.

Or maybe she's happy, because she's getting a little time with Daddy!
I love this sweet little sleeper that Elizabeth wore today. It says "Angel" on it. (Thanks, Nana!) She actually slept in it last night and wore it all day today too. And, sleep like an angel she did. Are you ready for this...she slept from 10:00 PM until 6:00 AM!!!! Can I get an AMEN!!!!! It was great!! I contribute it to the fact that a) she's now sleeping in her crib and b) she did not sleep almost any the night before. :(
Let me explain both. First the crib. Last Thursday night we moved her to her crib because she just was not sleeping very well in her bassinet anymore. We think that she has just outgrown it. She sleeps all stretched out and I think that when she stretched and hit the sides it disturbed her sleep. She seems to sleep so much better in her crib. I wasn't planning to move her to her crib this quickly, and it makes me pretty sad. She's growing so fast.
See what I mean about sleeping all stretched out.

(This was her first night to sleep in the crib.)
Now to tell the story about why she did not sleep any Monday night, I have to back up to the weekend. The kiddos and I went to my Mom's aka Grandmother's for the weekend. Wesley had to work and did not get to go with us. We've traveled with Elizabeth once before, and she did great. But that trip was just a day trip and while we were away, she was pretty much held non stop. This time we stayed the weekend. Elizabeth did OK overnight, but not so great during the day. At home she naps very well throughout the day. But for some reason, maybe just that the sights, sounds, and smells were different, she did not sleep almost at all unless she was being held. It didn't seem as though anything was wrong or that anything was bothering her. She was a happy baby and would fall asleep easily without fussing in our arms, but when we laid her down she instantly woke up and cried. Well my Mom made Taco Soup which is one of my very favorite dishes. YUMMMMMMY!! I ate and ate and ate it! It was so very good. I never thought anything about it negatively effecting Elizabeth, and I can't say for sure that it did. We came home late Sunday and everything still seemed fine with Elizabeth. We went through our normal routine and put her to bed around 10:00 PM. I got ready to go to bed around 11:30 PM. I checked on all the kiddos before bed and everyone was sleeping soundly. Baby E was fast asleep in her crib. But soon after around midnight, I heard her crying. I got up and checked on her and tried to pat her back to sleep, but she wasn't having it. I got her up and changed her diaper and tried to get her back to sleep. Nope. Still wasn't having it. I resorted to nursing her again, and finally got her back to sleep. It lasted about 10 minutes. And so it went all.night.long!!!! I was literally up with her all night until Wesley woke and took over at around 5:00 AM. She seemed like something was bothering her. Like maybe she was in pain. Like maybe I had a little too much taco soup. Wesley looked at me on Monday morning and said, "no more taco soup." She napped OK throughout the day yesterday, not her normal self, but not bad. And as I mentioned previously, she slept great last night. Today, she wasn't herself again. I can't figure out what's up today other than the fact it's been a few days since she (TMI warning) pooped. We might have to intervene if she doesn't do something soon.
I did get pictures of my Mom with Elizabeth this time. My Mom will fuss at me for putting them up, but I'm doing it anyway. :) (Love you, Mom!!!)

Maybe the real reason Baby E didn't sleep when we returned home is because she missed Grandmother. Me too, Elizabeth, me too!!

In other news and on a completely different note. We said good-bye to our old van today. We sold it about 15 minutes after we put it for sale! We could not believe how quickly it sold especially since we disclosed all it's problems. We also got what we were asking for it which wasn't much. Just another one of the many changes going on around here recently!!
Here's a few other pictures just for fun.
This is how Luke and Mary Ruth passed the time on the drive to Grandmother's. They took silly pictures of themselves. I LOVE these!!!

And here's Gracie so proud of herself for getting Elizabeth to sleep. Grace is really a great big help!! Don't ask what she's wearing. She had just gotten out of the bath tub and found some unusual sleep attire. :)

There's another new post below this one. Yep, 2 in one night!!