All is well. We are all healthy and good. Wesley is amazing and wonderful as usual. Luke is all boy, growing like a weed, and now has teeth that look way too big for his head. He's a big eater, and his reading has so taken off. He's doing so great. I'm so proud of my big, big boy. He's such a Daddy's boy, and a great help to his Daddy.
Grace's surgery went really well. She now has an innie belly button. She was Little Miss Personality the day of her surgery, and I think made quite a lasting impression on everyone who met her that day at the hospital. Everyone's so excited about Elizabeth, but I think Grace may be the most excited. She's so maternal. Also her birthday garden is doing so very well. I haven't really posted about that, but plan to.
Mary Ruth is such a great combination of girly girl and tom boy. She's always saying something so cute. I have no idea where she comes up with some of the cute things she does and says. She is a great big sister to Bella Peace who really, really looks up to her "May-Me". That's what Bella Peace calls Mary Ruth.
And speaking of Bella Peace. She's so not a baby anymore. Such a big girl. So independent. Want's to do everything her big brother and sisters do and wants to do it all by her self all the time. She's also obsessed with shoes. She's in to everything and quite a mess but so very cute.
And finally, Elizabeth. She's doing excellent! Still consistently measures great. Moving great. She seems to have made her nest on my right side, and she's always there right under by ribs. She's an active little girl. If the 4-D ultrasound is accurate, she looks just like Mary Ruth. We can't wait to meet her, but I so not ready for her arrival. I've got about 9 weeks, and I need every minute of it. I don't know if it's fear or intuition, but I have a feeling she's going to come early. None of my other children have come early except Bella Peace who was induced a week early because of possible complications, so we shall see.
As for me...well I failed the short sugar test. Took the long one. There was an error so I had to take the long one again. Failed it also. Today I attended a class for women with gestational diabetes and learned so much. I don't necessarily have it, because my numbers were just above the acceptable range, but I'm at least right on the edge and have several risk factors. The class was great and very informative. As of today, I will be testing my blood glucose 4 times a day with a diabetes monitoring kit. It's really not so bad. I'm also on an new diet. I'm feeling OK about it all. The diet is a good diet for anybody and is going to be a healthier new start for us all. My sugar levels were all over the place today, but I'm just getting started on the new diet so I'm expecting to see lots of improvement.
Well there's an update, not so sure it was quick or little, but nevertheless an update. More really soon!
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