We got another good report from the doctor today! Everything looks great!! You can see things starting to take shape in the ultrasound picture above. Very exciting!!
Unfortunately my report of how I'm feeling is not as good for today. I went to bed right after I finished posting last nights update. Initially I had trouble going to sleep, but I wasn't really feeling bad just restless. That is until the clock struck midnight when I woke up miserable, moaning and groaning and completely nauseous. Ugh!! Needless to say, I'm very tired today and hoping to get to bed early tonight. I'm so grateful that Wesley and the kiddos are being so patience and loving to me right now!! My nurse reminded me once again that this is just another indication of a healthy pregnancy, so I'll continue to endure as cheerfully as possible!
I am so glad you got a good report today!! Although sorry you aren't feeling better. I did pray for you this morning. Will keep praying!