

Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Eventful Week and Friends

Well like most, this week has been full.  I'll actually back up to last Saturday and talk for a minute about our family pictures.  Two of the best friends a girl could ask for took time away from their families to help me capture some really great pics of me with mine.  Melody and Rachael are amazing friends. I LOVE you both!  My only regret that day is not putting the camera in Wesley's hand and getting him to take a picture of the 3 of us.  I have almost no pics of me with girlfriends.  Hummmm, why is that?  Oh yeah, were always super busy!

Crazy me!  I just uploaded a whole bunch of pictures to the blog and then remembered I wasn't planning on letting the grandparents see all of those pictures just yet!  So no more sneak peaks unless you are on my friend list on Facebook.  Ha!  I've got sneak peeks up there!

Speaking of friends...Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I've joined others who are listing something they are thankful for each day in the month of November.  As I count my blessings, I can't help but think of all the amazing friends that God has placed in my life!  Like I said, I wish I had more pictures, but what I lack in pictures I make up for in memories.  There's been more than one time in my life that I've prayed for God to give me good friends.  True friends.  Sisters.  He has so abundantly answered that prayer.  God wants us to be in fellowship with each other.  He's in the relationship business.  He desires this for us.  I've also recently prayed that God would help me to be a better friend and to think of others before thinking of myself.  And He's helped me be more aware of what's happening around me too.  By the way, being a friend is the best way to gain friends!  I realized recently that through more than one unfortunate event, I've not seen one of my nearest and dearest since February!!  That's entirely too long!  We usually see each other at least two times a year if not more.  I'm just going to start praying right now that everyone will remain totally healthy so that we can make a trip the first of next year.  Maybe we will get snowed in when we visit!  There's another precious friend that I have not seen or even talked to in much, much longer.  She's someone from my past, and I wasn't always a good friend to her.  I'm hoping to reconnect sometime soon.

So to sum it up so far, picture day with friends on Saturday was great fun on many levels!  After pictures they stayed for dinner!  Family, Friends, and Food...does it get any better than that?  Ha!

Now the rest of our week looked a little like this...

Sunday was Sunday.  It was busy as usual, but good.  We ended up with someone under the weather Sunday night, and I stayed home to once again tend to the sick.  Fortunately it was very short lived, and no one else got it this time.

Then Monday we jumped into a busy school week!  ELECTION WEEK!!  So. Much. To. Learn!  Monday and Tuesday were spent just really digging into to all there is too learn.  I cannot describe to you how much we enjoyed the election process.  Too bad I cannot say the same about the election results.  The kiddos were all about it and were very intense!  Even Bella Peace was coloring her states red and blue until we made her go to bed around 9 PM.  That's getting pretty late for my little 4 year old.  We let Luke, Grace, and Mary Ruth stay up until a winner was declared.  They ended up going to bed around 11 PM.  I truly think they will remember this for the rest of their lives.  I don't remember ever being interested in any presidential elections when I was a kid.  It's so neat to share things like this with them.  I'm enjoying being the mom of big kids!  All I will say about the end result is that I'm not really expecting great things from our President for the next 4 years, but I am expecting God to move in mighty ways!  We are praying for a great revival in our country!

So it seemed like we barely slept and then it was Wednesday.  Many school activities, a couple or was it 3 appointments, Wednesday mission activities, and WHEW it was today!

Today was our school's spelling bee, and I was delighted that Luke and Grace were willing participants!   Mary Ruth was too young to do it this year, but she's waiting for her turn too!  It was more than enough for me that they were willing to participate.  Last year, they did not feel like they were quite ready.  Obviously every mom wants her child to do well, but I truly was most interested in this being a good experience especially since it was the first time for either of them to give it a try.  I just wanted them to participate, do their best, and have fun.  They did all three!  The fact they did well was just icing on the cake!  I should also say that I was not able to practice with them much at all in preparation for today, but they both chose to practice on their own.  Makes my heart swell!

Ugh!  Once again, no pictures!  Just tried to unload pictures and realized that in every picture I took they are either holding their certificates which have their full name on them or they are wearing name tags with their full name.  We avoid names on the internet.  Oh well, you'll just have to imagine.

Tomorrow is Friday.  Maybe we will rest....HA!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow is Election Day!!

My head is full of so many things tonight.  SO much on my mind.  And lots of it is BIG.  Like tomorrow.  I know that every single presidential election in our history has been so important, but I feel like tomorrow is HUGE!!  I have no plans to discuss politics here on the old blog, so I won't go into my thoughts other than to say that I've been a little bit anxious about tomorrow.  And to share something that I copied from one of our pastors.  I shared it on Facebook too, but some of my friends and family are not of Facebook and this is too good to miss:

10 Predictions no matter who wins the election:

The Bible will still have the answers
The Holy Spirit will still move
God will still inhabit the praises of His people
There will still be God-anointed preaching
There will still be singing of praise to our great God
God will continue to pour out blessings upon His people
There will still be room at the cross
Jesus will still love you
Jesus will still save the lost when they humbly come to Him
Prayer will still work!

Awesome reminders!  Thanks for posting this, Bro Greg!  We don't need to be anxious, God will still be ruler of all no matter who wins tomorrow.

On a lighter note, we had family pictures made last Saturday.  I'm planning an entire post about how much fun that was, but until then here's one of my FAVORITES!!


Check back for more soon!!

OK now be sure to VOTE!!!