I prepared this post way back in April very near the time that Elizabeth turned 7 months old. I did not have time to add the pictures, so I saved it as a draft planning to come back the next day and add the pictures. Well you know the story, one day turned into like 6 weeks!! Elizabeth turned 7 months on April 14th. She's since turned 8 months and is well on her way to 9 months. I'm working on those updates as well. I've decided to start with the pictures. That's the fun part anyway! If you are looking for all the stats, developments, milestones, and updates please check out that information below the pictures.
**Just FYI I write these milestone posts to Elizabeth, because at 12 months I'm planning to pull these post and make a little 1 year book for Elizabeth. This is what I'm doing instead of a traditional baby book.**
Here are some special pictures of you from 6 - 7 months old.
I LOVE this cute little outfit. Daddy picked it out for you. It says, "My heart belongs to Daddy." I also LOVE how big and blue your eyes are in these pictures below.

I took the picture below with just my old, very old point and shoot digital camera. I think it looks professional. I LOVE it! Even though it's April and the temperature was nice outside, the wind was really blowing so we covered your sweet little ears with this hat. The hat is very sentimental to us. We have pictures of all our "Minor" girls in this hat!

There it is...the look that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!

Look at how smart you are! You already love to lay around and read books!!

You're smiling because you think that big plastic letter E is for Elizabeth, and you are just so thrilled that the toy makers put it there just for you. Go ahead, Sweet Baby, keep thinking that E is there just for you. We will keep the truth to ourselves for now. I mean really, you don't have to know that the E is actually for Evenflo, the toy maker, and also for the plastic toy elephant which is also attached.

And again, with that same mischievous look. Planning and scheming already!

OK, the official milestone pictures are never any good. You must know what I'm up to when I make the monthly milestone card. I think this next one is too funny. Your tummy is so full and round because you've just finished eating. I thought that taking picture of you after your tummy was full would be a good idea, but I think you were ready to just nap instead. Notice that you are still holding your spoon. You had a fit when I try to take it so I decided to let you hold it in hopes of getting a good picture. Still didn't work. I have to admit, I like your style. I wish I could get away with carrying a spoon around with me so that I could be ready to dig in at a moments notice!

Of course this milestone report would not be complete without a picture of you destroying your card!
Now for the original post that was started way back around the time that Elizabeth actually turned 7 months old!
Well if I don't work on this for a minute here and there, I might never get this 7 month update ready. So at rapid speed this time and in no particular order, here I go...
Elizabeth, this is what you are up to at 7 months:
.You are mobile by way of rolling. You roll with purpose and intention! You are also starting to try to lunge forward and pull yourself to get to something you want to get to.
.You are a pretty good eater. You nurse several times per day. You eat about 3 jars of baby food and one serving of oatmeal or cereal per day, and you have 2-4 bottles per day. You also eat Puffs and Mum-Mums. Nursing is NOT going well anymore, but I'm doing all that I can. You don't seem to mind it too much. You like your bottles a lot.
.You are wearing almost all 6-9 months clothes and a size 3 diaper.
.You are not nor have you ever been a spit up baby.
.You went from having LOTS of messy diapers as a newborn to only having one messy diaper per week and now you are back to several a day again.
.You finally sleep so good at night, but naptimes are harder.
.You are totally a Mommy's girl!
.You now have 2 teeth on the bottom in the center.
.I can already tell by your personality that you are going to be a hand full. When the big kids get excited or loud or wild, you follow suit by squealing or giggling.
.Luke claims he's taught you to wrestle, because when he comes close to you you start trying to "get" him. It's true you do.
.You give kisses by grabbing our faces and putting your open mouth to our cheeks. TOO CUTE!
.You "talk" to us more and more. You can say, "Da-da", "Ma-ma", and "Bubba". You are so cute when you jabber. Like a true Minor you like to talk a lot! Most of the time, you are a happy, happy, happy baby!
.You are just starting to sit up on your own! You're doing pretty good, but sometimes you still tumble over and getting back down when you want to get down is not pretty or graceful!
.Things you seem to LOVE these days are Mommy (haha), all the attention you get from friends and family (everyone adores you!!), you pacifier, your bottles, playing with toys, rolling all over the floor, feeding yourself Puffs, books (you like to eat them), paper (again you instantly put it in your mouth), anything you can get in your mouth (are you noticing a trend here), bathes, and being outside just to name a few. Again, you are a happy baby and overall relatively easy for now! But, I've seen your kind. I've got your number.
No matter how much of a handful you turn out to be, you are MY handful and you are such a special part of our family. And we all LOVE and ADORE you So MUCH!! It's true...we all do!!